Literally what is the point of this shit?
Flowing somen
cancerous thread started by a streaming youtube fucktard. of course.
>find a topic related image with Google and post it
Consider suicide.
you might as well say every gag in this show is pointless.
i remember i had a few people that i recommended this show to and none of them thought it was funny in the slightest. i guess its just a very different type of humour that doesnt click with everyone.
>thinking everything in life needs a point
i read that as flowing semen
The whole thing just feels like a clusterfuck of overreactions.
>find a topic related image with Google
>not having a screenshot or going to take a screenshot off a release
fuck off retard
I also did recommend this animu to a friend
who then recommended to his other friend
but that friend of him didn't like the show simply because of the animation style and theme which that friend of him
finds it old and not to her taste
Is this how Reddit is like?
Dumb streamposter
How the fuck did Nichijou not catch on and get popular but the LOL SO RANDUMB XD Lucky Star did?
Lucky star had cute girls
reddit is white people
but I'm not
It is a clusterfuck of overreactions, that's the point of the anime. That and the SoL side to it.
I don't know man, I guess some people just like shitty series.
pretty much sums up ribbon girl's thoughts
you talkin shit bout my waifu?
Watch more anime newfag
I can't understand absurdity humor le thread
What does that have to do with anything!?
>there are people who don't like Nichijou
>there are people who unironically like Nichijou
>there are people who like
> he couldnt tell this by lack of sales and no S2
>not enjoying refreshing ice-cold noodles during summer heat
I think frozen refugee semen or corn syrup slush might be more suitable for you