She is too dumb to know she is.
i have lost all respect for tree of logic she´s dense af
Who is this?
She's really fucking hot.
Fucking leafs.
Phone home
Is this satire?
Not gonna lie. I would tap that.
>be 13
> Be bullied for liking Trump
> be living in the most cucked country on God's green earth.
> Be going to school for autistic kids
> One day the teacher is talking about the American civil war
> dumb nigger kid starts talking about how he's gonna go back in time and kill every Confederate he sees
> Tell him to shut up
> I go to the bathroom and when I come back, my desk is covered in sticky notes calling me a dumb bitch.
> Laugh it off and tell the kid to go fuck himself
>Kid throws hand sanitizer in my eyes and sucker punches me
> I pick up a nearby algebra book on my desk and throw it directly at his face
> Kid starts crying
>The teacher called the cops on me and I am arrested for assault
> I get sent to mental health hospital at McMaster
Mfw I broke the kids jaw with a book.
I stopped following her after awhile it was nice to see another black person with "similar" views but more and more her ignorance appeared.
She got into some twitter war with Someblackguy (who I also don't watch anymore).
And started to go on these weird tangents about stupid shit.
She's conservative black but like most conservative blacks they're weird as fuck and fickle.
Based leafboy!
I just want to see how bad her boob job is.
>black woman opposed groups of people who hate blacks
Whoa real fucking shocking! Blacks aren't like whites who blindly back groups that want them dead. Do you retards really expect blacks to back your day of the rope bullshit?
Is funna go civ nat and shit, nigger finally figured out we just ain’t that into her.
Harness that rage.
In 10 years, you'll have an outlet for it soon.
Sup Forums BTFO
Saying the Alt-Right are racists or white supremacists is like people who say republicans are racists or white supremacists.
It's not true.
Yeah, most racists and hate groups are Alt-Right and Republican but that doesn't mean they all are.
I didn't watch the whole thing. Does she address the JQ?
whats the point of voting right wing if they arent going to stop soft ethnic cleansing of white people? its not the 20th century any more and right wing economics are becoming more and more laughably irrelevant every day, and will be completely defunct once automation comes into full swing
if they aren't protecting your culture or heritage what exactly are they doing that benifits you directly?
Your not in the alt right if you are not racist, stop subverting the message faggot shill
Based pasta
dat big brain niqqa
Lol Marxshit
Normally I'd call you a faggot and report you for being underage but I'm not going to do that because you did absolutely nothing wrong and your teacher should be necked for having you arrested instead of the nigger since the nigger was the first one to attack.
what a stupid thing to say that because white degenerate culture has begun copying the behavior of blacks (twerking) this PROVES they are the same.
So what is she wrong about? Sure, you could nitpick about the hazy "alt-right" term, but I'm not really sure she's all that wrong about anything she's said till the half-point of the video. Well, I think she's wrong about equating "chimping out" with calling random blacks gorillas, apes, and chimpanzees.
ever single thing she says is wrong, willfully ignorant or just plain dumb. sad.
The alt rights goals are too unrealistic and also fucking stupid. The US is in terminal decline, just come back to Europe or Austtralia/NZ..
How is "ever single thing she says ... wrong, willfully ignorant or just plain dumb"? I'm guessing you can't actually back up that claim with any kind of coherent argument, but I'm open to be persuaded otherwise.
I also don't know why anyone would change their opinion of Tree of Logic based on this video. I don't agree with her 100% given she twists some things a little to fit her narrative, but overall I don't think she's that far off the mark. My main disagreement would be with the use of the "alt-right" term because it's generally applied to smear disparate groups of people not all of whom are anything like the shirtless shit-for-brains Nazi LARPers seen in the clips.
If you're not racist you're not alt-right, stop cucking
>change their opinion of Tree of Logic
dumb e-celeb whores all need to die, dis bitch need to die painfully
she simply takes citations out of contexts or ignores that fx David whateverkike's interview style is so simply that the only rational path is to not do what he demands (like condemn Hitler to jump though is hoops)
Bippidy bappidy time to fappidy
Well I can chime in here.
Cant obviously go through the whole video here, but lets take the "Spencer didnt disavow hitler" meme.
The very act of requesting a disavowal is the same as "Did you stop beating your wife?
It's a gotcha question, and it's disingenuous, why should HE have to disavow Hitler?
Secondly, that's not a search for truth question. A journalist may well ask the real question "Is there any policies you have that are similar to Hitler?"
That would be a genuine approach to truth discovery
im fappidy to dis
Tree used to be cool when she was defending race realism.
Too bad she sold out. This video is cringey to watch.
When it comes to the JQ, Tree doesn't see the bigger picture.
When you start giving her facts on Jewish influence she starts chimping out.
It's a real shame she's now become a Shabbas Goy.
She can see that Muslims are anti-black and try to use blacks to get their propaganda pushed but can't see the Jews manipulating them as well?
Yeah I'm glad I stopped watching her shit.
Someone give me a heads up when nudes get leaked though.
Wanna see the coconuts unleashed.
alt right call people race baiters?
Honestly dont know what the fuck these people are expecting. I guess Uncle Rukus is the only acceptable black
really makes you think