Why rock music is disappearing Sup Forums?
Why rock music is disappearing Sup Forums?
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That looks more like metal to me.
gangsta rap is better
disregard pic.
I fucking knew it was you, Samuel.
Google Kalergi plan. That's your answer. Music executives intentionally erasing rock music from the radio is part of a larger effort to erase white culture.
It isnt. There's just an abundance of rap music because it's cheap and easy to make.
no you didnt
>Music executives intentionally erasing rock music from the radio is part of a larger effort to erase white culture.
now you went a little bit further. that's for the global muslim-invasion plans isnt it
Playing guitar takes skill, and it's obvious in a live concert when someone can't play very well.
Makes it harder to pick out Pretty Minority #563 and make them the new frontperson of your focus-group crafted diversity band when they also have to have musical skill. It's much easier to find a pretty face and make the music on computers, and then lie to the world that Mambo Sambo or whatever his name is made it.
Because everything has already been done and young men today are so soyed out and cucked they listen to rap to try to gain acceptance from blacks and they are too retarded to learn to play instrument. They rather "spit" rhymes over backing tracks that any retard could make on a casio keyboard from the early 90s
But rock music was invented by blacks...
Because it speaks the white mans mind. Nobody wants to hear the white mans mind. Nobody wants to hear his struggles. They want to hear about fat asses and weed and zanaz and patrone and being a fuckboy billionaire fake gangster bullshitting about a struggle you love to glamorize.
It really isn't in a lot of Spanish speaking countries. The guitar was historically a Spanish instrument, it was only fleetingly popular with English speaking countries in the grand scheme of things.
There is a thriving prog rock scene in Eastern Europe tho, check out Special Providence for a good example.
also this, piracy killed studio production
All that could be done has already been done in rock, it's a dead genre like jazz, classical, and metal
Instant gratification.
Today's "musicians" are the same type of kids who plague this board. They hav little or now attention span, no concept of hard word ending in reward. They want everything handed to them NOW.
Entitled, that's what they are.
Musos are the same. It is easier to get rich quick, easier to be an instant star if you just produce your "music" with a few keystrokes on a PC.
It's only going to get worse.
This is culture in decline/decay
I'm not quite sure if the plans specifically entail Muslims as much as they do simply non-whites invading the white-dominated Western world.
What they want is a one world government. The biggest threats to this are in North America and Europe. If they can erase the culture of these places they can erase these places' sense of national identity. With no sense of national identity the people of these places will then be much more amendable to the idea of a one world government.
That being said, you are rightfully afraid of Islam. You should read the Koran and the Sunnah of Muhammad if you have not. That'll be a real eye opener for you.
I'm trying to record an album 2bh but it's coming along slowly
islam vs judaism?
Incorrect. It was a fusion of country/hillbilly music and R&B. The first rock song is arguably Move It On Over by Hank Williams, which was retooled into Rock Around The Clock. R&B was black, but was initially influenced by traditional Celtic music via the Irish as well.
Rock and Metal is masculine someting the millennials lack because of soy based deits.
Because there hasn't been a good guitarist come on the scene in 20 years
Because our liberal music industry continues to suck nigger dick and is determined to erase white culture. We need an alternative to the music industry, as we do with Hollywood. Meanwhile - DO NOT BUY ANY MUSIC.
Gotta look in the right places.
The celts were black too how do you explain the celtics basketball team?
Was never that into Rock. It is true that in the radio only electro, pop and nigger music is played. I hear metal and classic so yeah I don't know.
that's post rock, nothing but the smoking embers of what once was
>all good music is dead
Musically, rock is kind of an explored genre. Outside of hipster shit you are not going to get anything good.
Check out Kiko Loureiro.
I should add that the other dimension to flooding the West with immigrants is that immigrants overwhelmingly vote liberal. It's the liberals who want to institute the one world government, so what they're doing is simultaneously flooding the west with non-whites while, through the media and Hollywood, demonizing white people in the news and in pop culture and pushing the narrative that conservative politics are the politics of bigoted, racist white people. The goal here is to create a permament majority of liberal voters who hate white people and associate white people with conservative politics. If they can succeed at this, they'll have a permanent voting majority loyal to them who will gladly vote for a one world government.
What the fuck was that
Periphery is the absolute soyboy piece of shit """metal""" that emerged in the last 10 years
kys poser faggot
Because good music are for men and only macacos reproduce.
Was never into "mainstream" rock so that might explain its absence and obscurity.
Not true. You sound like a boomer.
wanna make a collab album? what do y plau
Any better suggestions? Or do you have a thing for soyboys?
There's way more objectionable content in the texts of Islam than there is in the texts of Judaism, although Judaism does have some fucked up shit in it, such as halakhah.com
>A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition
As for which religion's followers are more dangerous? That's debatable.
A video.
>There is a thriving prog rock scene in Eastern Europe tho,
This. Also Autralia is experiencing a prog rock boom. US's classic hard rock Greta Van Fleet is gaining traction.
this isnt gud enuff 4 u? youtube.com
ai limão
he's good, ye, but I think he means someone truly groundbreaking
and as others here pointed out, rock's been explored over the years
Because non-whites consider it to be "white music".
Fuck yeah, Behemoth. It's because people have been convinced that black culture is superior or even worthy....I say as I'm listening to Mr. Bond...
Nothing wrong with a bitta Mac demarco
It's not.
2017 was a fucking amazing year for metal/hardcore all the genres inbetween.
I honestly struggle to keep up listening to all the good music being released.
This is a silly argument. Apart from the quality of sound increasing, rap and pop sound no different than it did in the 90's.
>hurr durr it's an anti-white plot
Except one of the most commercially successful genres of music in America is Country. The whitest genre there is.
If you're looking for a reason, how about the fact that rock musicians are up their own ass?
Rock music has to be edgy and serious and emotional now. Back when arena rock was at its biggest, every band was goofy as hell, the way rappers are willing to look goofy now. Normies gravitate towards light-hearted things.
Another reason is that rock musicians are the slowest to adapt any new technology, which also puts them at a great disadvantage. Look at how successful Radiohead have been. It has at least a little to do with their willingness to innovate.
Self-hating whites consider it to be "white music" too, and thus "not cool."
Because it's too difficult to learn an instrument, and you just cannot play it alone.
Good, I am glad it is not "cool".
Let it be underground.
>Except one of the most commercially successful genres of music in America is Country.
If the music executives thought they could replace country music with hip-hop, they would. They can't. They know they can't, they know this is impossible, so they choose to make money off of country instead.
Hip hop and electronic music are easier to make using an algorithm. Not to say you can't make rock using an algorithm, but actually performing it and having it sound natural is a LOT more difficult.
Pretty much this
Rock music has blues roots, and blues music is black
Music is just a Jewish distraction...stupid kids base their whole ideology on what Jaymz Hatfield said was cool..
Because no one is buying music anymore and rock isn't getting (((funded))) unlike rap and autotune pop so it can't survive.
There's fucking bands all around.
with their drums a and their electric guitars.
noisy motherfuckers
>rock music
>Nergal in pic
It's an empty expression nowadays.
Only rock musicians care about rock.
Rock was aggressive and dangerous and controversial, and that's why it was relevant. It's none of those things now. Now, it's just pop, that *sounds* kinda like rock used to sound.
Musical Genius of our time
Kek what a bunch of manlets
Every original rock and roll band was black. It completely ruins the argument people make ITT that playing guitar is too hard for blacks and that's why rap is being pushed.
Niggers are very musical and rock is not much more complicated to write than rap.
This isn't a black vs white issue. It's a normie vs musician issue.
The only music genre that can be in any way considered 'white' is classical. Everything else is degenerate shit invented by niggers and jews.
What about traditional folk genres?
Because God is dead, killed by death
also, folks saying "gotta dig" or "gotta look in the right places" are missing the point
There is no modern equivalent to any great rock group of the past
There is no Zeppelin, no Ramones, no Nirvana, etc. None of it has MASS relevance. It's just a little thing to enjoy now. It isn't a cultural movement or statement or identity. It's just another 'thing'
There is no such thing as black or white music.
But this is 100% a non-whites vs whites issue because again non-whites consider rock white.
Other than Hendrix theres no good black musicians
> Listening to music for guitar solos
How is 1969 grandpa?
Roots of genres aside, most people in the Western world associate rock music with white culture today.
Because it's White, and therefore Non-Diverse.
Every culture has their own folk music but I don't think we should consider them in a discussion about commercial music.
If you mean American folk, then that's equally black and white.
>rap and pop sound no different than it did in the 90's.
No, it changed a lot.
YOUR a dumb fuck niggers didn't invent peanut butter and they sure as hell didn't invent jazz or the blues more like they tried to mimic what they saw whites doing...
> i'm 12 and dont listen to rap, or CRAP as i call it, im sophisticated and i listen to pink floyd and hendrix and yes. Yes i'm born in the wrong generation :(
I don't see the difference. All that crap is just studio beats and whining about being cucked. It's worse than rap really, all the country guys at work hate that shit. It's not white.
>Fuck TayTay
This is pretty white though.
>Why rock music is disappearing Sup Forums?
Because its not metal enough
Nu-males only like homossexual pop or nigger rap
This, honestly rock is just a tired genre, it had it's day and now it's over. Not an anti-white plot. Indie and alt rock and fusion etc is doing fine.
The erasure of whites is happening in the country industry - the new country coming out is fucking garbage, and degenerate, a far cry from the country of the past. They know rural and suburban whites are the last hold out of the new world order. So they're trying to destroy them.
Also this highlights another angle.
Little kid faggots think age has something to do with it and consider rock to be "dad" or old etc..
Youth have never been smart.
I don't listen to any new music. I find 1999-2009 music nostalgic. 2010 was when I stopped listening to new music.
Yeah let's listen to what this asiatic mongoloid has to say about white culture and music
>>everybody ITT
what kind of (technological?) innovation you think would push a rock band today?
what if they make controversial rock, like rock with lgbt lyrics and against moral values?
Not really disappearing anywhere in here, in fact a lot of metal bands doing better than ever.
Because it became popular mostly due to the lifestyle surrounding it, i.e. sex drugs rock n roll. You had geniuses like Bowie, but he didn't become famous for being a genius, he became famous for enacting a faggot character and appealing to teenage girls. Later on he got established as a genius, but if it weren't for that initial beatlemania-like hype he wouldn't be able to do the stuff he later did. It only goes to show that the industry will only open you doors if you pay the degeneracy price. Hopefully the internet changes it, but it's still early to tell and labels still have quite strict control over content(remember they're just part of larger multinational conglomerates). Rock as we knew it probably won't come back though. Take the opportunity to enjoy the few timeless bands that were promoted as rock, e.g. the Cure. I'm not including that fag Nergal though. And don't expect rock as you knew it to come back, unless you like that regurgitated shit being thrown around these days.
>t. musician
It changed a little. The instrumentals are a little more creative. There are more sounds available. Some of the gimmicks are different. It's still the same formula though. There's been very little substantial innovation in those genres. You could easily argue that rock music has come a longer way in the same period of time. I was just arguing that the amount of innovation has nothing to do with commercial success.
Rap is cancerous nigger shit
e ai, anão, toca o quê?
Because of the Internet in the democratization of the spreading of music the music labels don't have the control to force feed you a nirvana or Guns N' Roses now...
>what if they make controversial rock, like rock with lgbt lyrics and against moral values?
ahem... youtube.com
Hendrix was a dumb nigger I'm so sick of this meme...
>what if they make controversial rock, like rock with lgbt lyrics and against moral values?
This is not controversial at all today. Conservatism is the new counter culture. Conservative lyrics, today, would be controversial.
that's what lyrics metal does today and its not popular...
How about ditching guitar amps as a start?
Mac Demarco said he's been recording all of his current stuff through Direct Input (Plugging guitar into computer.) There are endless new guitar sounds out there if people are willing to risk it.
t. amerimutt subhuman mongrel