Kaguya special

better quality pic

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I got my younger sister to read this manga. Maybe I should have her skip this chapter.

Is /ourguy/ embracing flat chests too?


Don't lewd the Kaguyas.

Translation when?

I'll have the full chapter tomorrow at the latest, but the thread will probably be Thursday with the regular chapter since pic related takes top priority.

Thanks Jag.

I think he is actually skipping Kaguya's part.


I need context of this page

President and Ishigami are reading a porno but imagining Kaguya and Fujiwara.

Good man, good man.

How can this takes priority over fujiwaras fujiwaras

I thought the boys were pure.

No one is pure in this manga.

Because given what I've seen of the new chapter so far, the thread will be absolutely glorious to behold.

Can tehy top having the inmouto drinking the MC semen ?

I'll give you a hint.
It's three letters long.

Is it senpai

Wat was the title of this again ? i alwasy forget it, just like the manga with the botan girl, which is also very good.

Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou.

>Kimi wa Midara na Boku no Joou.

Thank you

holy shit

Korean scans: wasabisyrup.com/archives/jKY1QYCEjkk

Oh, looks pretty short. Any spoiler on the actual next chapter?

>marathon the manga
>love how it doesn't add cheap stuff like blatant fanservice
>suddenly this happens

>chapter full of lewd.
>Ishigami is the best part of it.

This is just an extra chapter, we get normal chapter this week as well

>doesnt have fan service

how are you missing the sex eyes and subject the walking fanservice?

Aka's confirmed that he has a forehead fetish. Every time he draws Kaguya's forehead a little bit bigger he thinks of it as fanservice.

It's not up yet.

Did you skip the ill kaguya chapter or the ramen closet incident chapter, ?

This swinsuits with spats are becoming a fetish of mine

>just one panel of Hayasaka

Is it just me, or has Aka been drawing Kaguya to be prettier lately?

At least she's on the cover more than the preview last week hinted.

Kaguya has always been pretty.

I could have sworn I saw this had ended. A new magazine?


Her forehead was nerfed.

Fujiwara has the best fujis.

Do you remember on what day you remember seeing it ending?

It was an April fools

Kill Kaguya
Fuck Fujiwara
Marry Hayasaka

>not wanting to cum on the 16,777,216head


Fuck me. 2 and 1/2 month delay and pissed at a mediocre ending, they got me good.

>introducing plot.jpg

Is this manga running again or something?

Hayasaka's Hayasakas are actually of decent size


The best thing is that the chapter was real, the only thing changed was the 'KAGUYA END'. When people asked Jag about it he was like "Sorry guys, even I can't draw a whole chapter".

Haystacker is Haystacked.


>c.10 by Psylocke Scans (445d ago)
FUUUUCK! I read that shit since 2012.

>hay stacks

I can only ever see Kuzu no Honkai when I see that artstyle.

I love that series way too much.

Everyone is dangerously lewd.

That's just Kaguya being jealous because she's a typical black haired permaflat.

>not pure as snow

She may well have padded herself when she was appearing in disguise.


What a shitty fetish

Time to end my existance

>Muh shaved pussy

I liked shaved puss when I was 12. And then I actually acquired taste.

I'll fight you

Disgusting. I bet you like unshaved armpits as well.

It can be cute when the girl's really insecure about it.

fuck i actually thought we had early kaguya
this manga is a fucking drug and I have taken actual drugs

Nah, I'm just into shaved vampires

Is this Rito's new role after TLR finished?

It would have been if it didn't get axed

Probably the one time I'm willing to die with a ship
It's literally called "Darkness", Aka's just having some fun outside of the main story.
Maybe he even reads Midara and decided this was the best way to celebrate

Boton will win goddammit

We die together.

Kill me now. If there's someone who should provide the lewds, is Hayasaka.


Who else'll go down with this ship, and won't put their hands up and surrender?


I won't touch another series by that guy if Botan loses.

Botan will win and bring order to the world

She not only doesn't provide the lewds, she produces pointless beams of light to get in the way of Kaguya and Subject F's lewdness.

Shes protecting her misstress purity and novelty

>caring about Kaguya lewdness

Kaguya is justice.

Shouldn't the beams result from reflecting off of Kaguya's forehead?

I fucking hope so.



>giant pointy black dick


Do the entire thing please



Are you a faggot?

We knew this anyway, didn't we? It was clearly broadcasted in the last chapter, though I can understand forgetting that.

Will this girl ever find happiness?