Do you guys feel this is the best thing for african americans? Or is there a better alternative?
Do you guys feel this is the best thing for african americans? Or is there a better alternative?
the nigger flag is overlaid onto the wrong continent
This is absolutely true
The US allready built them a Country in Africa where they could go back, Lyberia
just take a look how well it worked out once blacks took over
fuck you, you cancerous faggot soyboy
Gene therapy.
>Djibouti Shooty
i wish a nigga would
Good for us. I don’t give a shit what’s good for them.
Kara Boga, us BLACKS will go to Africa and build an army to BTFO wh*Te cracKKKas
“Black Panther” movie is just advertising to make them want to go back to Wakanda. Then just wait until they see where they actually bought plane tickets to go.
Good. They can go home.
NO ONE is going to stop them from going home.
Go. Go home. And stay there.
Yup. they aren't safe in America. they get shot by the police every time.
Title: Why some African Americans are moving to Africa
Source: Al-Jazeera
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Previous threads: | >I can't say what's happening in America today is any worse than what's been happening at any other time.
"You might not have electricity, but you won't get killed by the police either."
Make your fucking move, I'll pre-warn my 3 sons
By the time it takes you animals to be anywhere near proficient at warfare we will be centuries ahead of your in terms technology and weapons....
whatever happens your going to fucking lose...enjoy!
Complete bullshit when whites are killed more by cops than blacks even though they commit a gorillian more crimes, but whatever gets them out of here
Lol nigga we wuz kangs n sheit
Don't care, it's the best thing for whites though
Jordan Paterson said it right an hour ago, come to oue countrys and play the game like we have learned to otherwise we are not playing by your rules..
And i would add if we have to play by your rules werte going to be kicking your fucking nog arses all the way back to the beginning of your evolution so you can try another route through into the modern world...not waiting and paying for you to catch up for ever
4500 an hour 54 thousand a day with19million a year black births and your not worth shit even in your native lands
Why are you killing unharmed black people?
No one would care, let them go.
But in a decade, Africa will start asking for more aid from the US... so...
We will end up having to feed them and clothe them either way, but better to have their everyday niggershines an ocean away.
Do it. I double dog dare them the nigs to return to their shithole praised country.
Oh no just google'd blaxit these fuckers want to go to NZ
Sure. But it will never happens.
Nigger are stupid but they are smart enough to realize that all their welfare comes from white taxpayers. Even niggers know they can't survive without whitey, and they hate it.
Well, I wish them the best of the luck and that manage to adapt.
I mean New Zeland.
And Japan and indonesia too.
lmao they would want to go back after 3 days
Spoiled little brats
I would pay double my current taxes if it meant all the niggers were shipped back to africa and all the spics sent back to south america.
What's with black people thinking they are begin kept captive like slaves?