Every day I come home from work and my stupid trap always has this dumb look on his face. What do I do?
Every day I come home from work and my stupid trap always has this dumb look on his face. What do I do?
If it's a male and it's that skinny, why does it have such large breasts? Is it trying to become a tranny? Gross.
Jerk his cute little cock off
Actually participate in the War. Unless you are living with a master.
please dont bully
g a y
Command spell ordering him not to do any gay things with you.
Lick his thighs in a show of dominance.
Command spell ordering him to do gay things with you
Astolfo is my husbando
If you summon Astolfo, you may as well not even bother. Clearly either there's something wrong with you or the Throne just plain hates you.
Punch him in the face until he stops being a degenerate.
Punch you in the face until you stop being a retard
is he drawn by asanagi?
>Be a Master who has the chance to obtain the Holy Grail and wish for humanities true heart's desire to come true.
>Instead of summoning a powerful Servant you summon Astolfo
For what purpose would anyone do this.
Maybe his true hearts desire was to fuck Astolfo huh? What then fag
What if the throne just wants you to fuck some sweet, tight, trap butt?
If it wanted that it would have sent you D'Eon or Rama. In this case the Throne just wants to fuck you over.
>true heart's desire
You said it yourself.
hes not even that good in game, definitely the weaker rider
Astolfo is cuter, so I want to fuck him. Though I wouldn't object to the other two either.
okay lad I hope your death will be swift and painless then.
he can solo goetia
This drawing looks like it was made by Asanagi, so presumably something gruesome and involving spine snappage
>grow to fear and hate women but yearn for that idealized image of love
>through the power of magic and knowledge, aim for the holy grail that can fulfill your heart's desire
>it gives you some shitty useless trap character that makes uguu~ daisukidayo!~ faces and tries to sleep with you at night
>no way to win that crap, you know you're going to lose
>and you know you will never find that love you sought, the special person that cared for you so much they'd do anything, the one whom you will be ready to die for to protect
There is only suffering in this world, isn't it?
Don't forget Enkidu
It's fine, he's my wife so I can have sex as much as I want.
Every day I come home from work and my stupid face always has this dumb trap on it. What do I do?
Fuck him in the butt until he goes away.
It's only gay if the balls touch.
Mana Transfer.
yeah until the the other masters figure out that you're a loser who pulled a trash Servant and decide to kill you first.
Don't underestimate that spear of no legs and the book of no magic.
Tickle him!
>>Be a Master who has the chance to obtain the Holy Grail
you already fucked up
you shouldnt participate in HGW's - no one ever wins
I'm no threat to them, I just want to fuck my boywife
The book would be seriously overpowered if it wasn't paired with a Servant who is basically afflicted with Retarded A+
they still need him to die for their wish
and besides - how many masters/servants will give a shit
Ask for a re-roll.
>I'm no threat to them,
That's exactly why you'll die first.
What if he never goes away?
Well, I'm just going to have to defeat them all and wish to fuck traps forever then.
No chance of that ever happening