JoJo Part 4

>inb4 show ends too quickly

He isn't a vampire or somebody with connected destiny to the Joeastars.

It's because he was old and senile during that time.

Shitty writing.

You going to punch a camera with your broken old man hands?

He forgot


What about when he made a map from sand in SC?

Bites the dust arc starting way too soon

he didnt come to moriah to use it against red hot chili pepper, ?

no he came to morioh because he got lost on the way to the grocery store

>wind guy
>has all sorts of wind techniques
>fire guy
>various fire techniques
>light guy
>creates metal blades from his arms

Explain this Jojofags

Hand. His other hand is a robo hand.

you mean earth, dum-dum. It's Earth Wind and Fire.

So? He was able to find an oil drum with it. And Angelo. And the reason he was in Morioh was to find Akira.

Because he was pretending to be retarded at the time and couldn't break character.

"Metal" blades reflect light from their many chainsaw-like tiny claws

Because last time he tried to get a photo of anything, he just got Angelo. And now Angelo is inside a rock. He's just gonna get pictures of a fucking rock no matter how hard he tried to photograph Kira.

Part 4 is bad.

if I had to say, Yoshihiro intefered with Hermit Purple's ability. His Stand power is domain over pictures where he's in, I'm pretty sure he'd show up (at least if the picture showed the Kira estate, back before Kira became Kosaku) if Joseph took a picture searching for Kira with Hermit Purple.

You got on a boat to Morioh on your way the grocery store?

No joke, you just blew my fucking mind.

>why didn't they use Yuya to track down Kira?

Don't think too hard about it.

Stop asking this dumb question.
He's old, all of his abilities have degraded with age and lack of practice. He tried to find Josuke at the beginning of DiU and instead, he got a spooky cloud face. You really think a Hermit Purple of that quality would be able to find Kira? It'd probably show Stray Cat.

Every problem in DiU could have been easily solved if Joseph wasn't such a lazy shitter.

A lot SC is the same, if he had kept up with his Hamon training he would have easily remained in top-tier condition with tons of insane Hamon abilities.
Joseph at his peak could have solo'd his way to Egypt.

Like I said he got lost

Araki forgot.

He was gonna use hermit purple on telephone poles to find RHCP