So in college my fucking liberal faggot professor admitted to halogroups and mitochondrial differences between populations but in the same breath said “but that doesn’t constitute a race, biological race doesn’t exist.”
How the fuck does that makes sense?! Why do they just keep moving the goal posts? I feel like the more I argue this the more they derflect and try to put me in a position where I’m being “racist”. How do you guys argue with these brainwashed retards? Is there even any point?!
Professor STILL denying biological existence of race
Other urls found in this thread:
Who /R1A/ Aryan master race here
you should've yelled into the lecture hall "what about sickle cell anemia"
>How do you guys argue with these brainwashed retards?
you use them to present shitty counterpoints then expunge to the spectator
Fucking tired of these college professors brain washing kids
They go from elementry school, to middle school, to high school, to college, to teaching at a college.
Teachers have never spent life outside of a fucking school but yet they try and tell kids how the world is.
What a fucking joke.
with race the fastest way to get to the point is talk about Native people.
>so you don't believe native americans should have their own land?
>Injuns on the east coast are R1 too
AYO HOL UP, so you're saying that the Solutreans thing was true?
>Europeans down in Chad
Ask about melanocortin in class
>Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?
>shittiest subrace of European
>master race
use the words ethnicity or ethnic group.
"human race"
I want to punch faggots when they say this.
tell him, then why are niggeers black and jews jew-nosed nigger?
People, generally speaking, don't care about the truth. At all. They care about social status and being comfy. They will immediately disregard the truth the second it comes in conflict with their comfort. Ask yourself- why would these people care about the truth in the first place?
Your problem is that you're engaging with people with the assumption that these people actually want to know what the truth is. They don't. They are borg, and they want to convert you into one of them. That's their job.
Its been said before, but most people really are NPC's. They gave up their willingness to be an actual human in their early teens.
If you're actually talking with someone who you think might care about reality, you need to talk to them about basic philosophical questions- how do we know what the truth is? What's moral and what isn't? Why? Getting people to talk about stuff concerning Kant, Hume, Heidigger, that'll be the only way for most. If you talk to people and they glaze over at these topics they're gone. No use in wasting time over them.
>master race
More like nigger race.
Thanks user, this was a good response. It just pisses me off that this horseshit is tought with authority.
He also said science was “Eurocentric”. So fuck him. As opposed to what doing a voodo bone dance and rattling a stick to access divine knowledge?! Lol fucking kill me dude...
Yea, I'm sure its rough. Its rough for me and I don't even have to encounter it on a daily basis.
If you want to read/listen to a smart guy who debunks all of this modern crap really well, just so you know its the world going insane and not you, I recommend He reads all of these globalist's books and breaks down all the different logical fallacies present in them. I listened to one podcast of his today about globalist rat Bertrand Russell. Not all of his stuff his free though.
Chin up, OP!
So you come into universities and expect them to not be left wing? Hint, i'd shut the fuck up if i were you. If you dont shut up, or make too much noise, you're most likely going to get expelled for expousing racist views.
Hint, academia has been subverted by the left for decades now. Dont expect to change anything. Just shut up, regurgirate, get a degree and get out.
And they don't bother critiquing their own views and theories, it's just a big academia echo chamber. Any prof willing to question narratives and inject a little healthy doubt and skepticism into the equation gets fucking shouted down. So if students aren't willing to learn on their own, or don't realize that they are being given but one side of the argument as though it were the only, they just become brainless zombie leftists like their profs.
They always say it's payback for colonialism, while simultaneously denying their entire ideology revolves around revenge.
Why are you posting Haplogroups when talking about race? Are you retarded you dumb nigger?
When Sup Forums talks about "hiding your power level" it's not a meme. Unless you're rich like Richard Spencer, then holding these political opinions will very likely have serious consequences on you, your job, your income, your life, and possibly your family as well.
Dont do it.
Enlighten us sensei.
> R1b in chad
I could link a wiki page or anything like that, but haplogroups have got nothing to do with race.
When will you stop living in your fantasy bubbles?
t. the eternal kike
We can't really stop having the face we have.
Nice argument, I'm not a kike and actually a defender of truth and a warrior of justice but I guess when irrelevant numbers are everything you have to "prove" your race the truth must hurt.
Never tag me again you stupid mulatto.
And what does the haplogroup have to do with the face you have?
Do you people even understand the basics of genetics or are you completely clueless?
Just show him pictures of subspecies of animal that are very similar looking.
Race is how we define groups of genetic/phenotype expression. Denying race is just prioritising your political ideology over the truth because you fear the consequences. The ebil Nazi meme is drummed into these people so they shut down when the programming is challenged even with a plain to see truth.
this. had to fake being priviliged and write about my white guilt to get an A in my minority literature class
>warrior of justice
>defender of truth
sounds a bit libtarded to me, right schlomo?
>race doesn't exist
mulatto means mix between two races, czechmate kike
The left is playing the super technicalities game.
Just as Bill Nye said there is one race of humanity [currently], he is correct by its very specific scientific meaning of the word.
There is no more other races of human walking about other than Homo Sapiens.
However, the proper terminology for sub units within that race do exist. Unfortunately everyone on here never uses it, thus were all still incompetent on the subject as we keep using the terminology created by Marxists in the 1930's.
Yea, revealing your power level to anybody in public life is a great advice.
Never talk to people ever again you stupid mongoloid.
There is no way to scientifically define different races. Races are a social construct based around biological differences. We can still use a scientific approach to study the differences between different socially defined races
Fuck off faggot mountain Jew.
If you're in college at this point in history doing a meme degree you should be doing your best to redpill people and to get expelled.
you're probably a shill but fuck it
>races are a social construct
the dog analogy, we need a way to classify differences between humans and the muh ethnicities meme is the (((modern and politically correct))) to say sub races, a race is a group of people who share genes that give them similar physical characteristics if you say race is a social construct, why are humans all different, If it was really true that race was false we'd all look the same because we'd all share the same genes
Keep recommending self destructive behaviour you dumb insular ape.
This was already done 100 years ago, and it's completely finished.
It's called "physical anthropology". If you spent your time reading books and works which have been already made you wouldn't need to rely on stupid memes to talk about race.
>genetic differences don’t imply racial subgroups
>somehow that translates into a social construct
Wew pants on head retarded
Then why does the professor live in a majority white community that is regulated by white politicians and white cops? Surely he should make up for the unfair treatment of the darkies by teaching them in their communities? Right? All these "no such thing as race" people sure live their lives like there is something more than skin color to it all. In fact, the white Liberal who walks their talk on racial integration is all but a Unicorn. Ask the professor why he lives around so many armed whites if they are really so evil and violent. Why do his words and actions not square up?
The haplogroups can have very fascinating implications.
And why not just type out what implications they have and what makes them meaningful for a racial classification?
Stop being a bullshitter.
It's purely a semantics thing. What you'd call "race", they call haplogroups but those two words have the same meaning scientifically.
They just want to avoid using the word "race" in this context because they think it's "divisive" or some shit.
tl;dr: kikes kiking it up.
The social construct buzzphrase is just a meme the left drilled into people.
Analysis of that argument shows that by 'social construct' they mean the definitions and boundaries are decided by humans therefore it's not real.
It's an utterly retarded argument that was given a scientific sounding veneer and warm fuzzy feeling, we are the world connotations yet many 'professors' in the joke of western academia actually endorse it.
How do you live while being so retarded? Sickle cell doesn't only happen in black people, it just happens in certain groups that lived in malaria prone areas because it is effective at weakening malaria.
Why the fuck are you blabbering? STFU , if you have a point, make it, stop talking so much while saying nothing.
Like a fucking kike.
Haplogroups are not "scientific speech" for race
Because it's chad's haplogroup, I1 is for virgins
There needs to be a biological subgroup to better treat people medically. Founder effect has left some groups (central africa and russian jews) with health issues and calling them black or white is a disservice to their health.
Keep recommending cucked behaviour you slimy alpine kike
All him what word he uses to define groups of humans who have loved together for 10k years and share halpogroups
they're all brainlets who trust blindly in everything they're told by (((academics))) on talmud vision
>like a fucking kike
ironic, schlomo aplenstein
Make an argument against my point then.
Passive aggressive neutral faggot.
As if you gain anything from "red pilling" people in fucking college/high school /anywhere LMFAO
You play along, and then force feed them the red pill when you are in a position of power. And to get into a position of power you need to learn to STFU at the right time.
Argentinians are not white and you are wrong, bye bye
I1 master race
>muh not white
divide and conquer, this confirms you're a kike
>but that doesn’t constitute a race, biological race doesn’t exist
He's right. Race is defined as "A population distinguished by having a unique karyotypes, i.e., different chromosome numbers (ploidy), or different chromosome structure." No human population fits that criteria, while humans have distinctive physiological differences they aren't divergent enough to be considered different races let alone different subspecies as some people on Sup Forums exist.
Race as we know it is an entirely arbitrary line, it is why the US government can define anyone of European, Middle Eastern, or North African descent as white while the British call Arabs "Asians," and Sup Forums is divided as to whether Greeks, Sicilians, Slavs, Finns, or Hungarians are white.
On a semi-related note I am surprised that south/central Asia is still primarily R1 haplogroup, I would have figured that the Turkish migrations would have had a greater genetic impact on the region.
Well, D haplogroup it's found primarily in ainus and that weird cluster of mongolia.
Tell him he is deflecting with an ad hom. He has to make his point without using derogatory terms to counter your argument. Don't let him try and base his fight in emotion. Call him out on it when he does.
I literally mentioned nothing that is mentioned on your meme pic.
Do you even understand what you are typing?
Or are you one of those south americans that understand 5% and make up the rest in their minds?
Race is not "arbitrary". It's the product of a long line of repeated sexual selection (evolution).
Genetic measurements will never be able to measure this, it's just not proven yet.
And what does that have to do with their race?
You get phenotypical determinations and certain particular genetic qualities, for example A and B groups have adaptation to high altitude as they were the original andean.
While deep south natives don't have it, as they evolved in the steppes.
??? You arej ust talking bullshit again.
You wrote: Ainus have some cluster blablabla
And? How do you know that this specific part of their DNA (that is different) is responsbile for their race?
You don't know that. Haplogroups don't give information about RACE, they give a limited idea about ANCESTRY and ADMIXTURE
If someone accepts even a small red pill then you gain a lot. Stop with the neutral Switzerland defeatism.
Coating the red pills with sugar by framing them in a leftist style is what to do in college/work. You won't get ostracized if you say things in the right way. Ceding ground to commies in institutions and workplaces just leads to more brainwashed leftys. If people see there is dissent, they feel more comfortable to speak up too.
>genetic differences don’t imply racial subgroups
They don't because the lines are blurred to the point of uselessness.
>Lets use haplogroups
Now only men have a race (I guess women are all raceless or assume the race of their father) and race can only be identified through genetic testing. If a white man has a son with a black woman his son is white.
>Lets use physical features
What features and where do we draw the line between different features? When does a "tanned white" become an Arab or North African? Are we giving Africans four or so different races, because in terms of facial structure and hair texture East, West, and South are far more different than Europeans and Arabs.
NO you don't gain anything. You can never control other people, you can't influence them and you can't make them do or accept things that they don't believe at their core.
People who don't understand this, are by default NEEDY, because they constantly think of themselves as some sort of saviour or guru etc.
Truth is, nobody cares about your opinion or what you think, if you know something that others don't , and it gives you an ADVANTAGE, people will see it in your RESULTS.
If you get RESULTS, people will come to you and want to get redpilled by you.
Ask him how forensic police manage themselves to identifying murder victims from nothing but decaying skeletons, giving race, sex and age.
This user gets it.
>t. Self proclaimed saviour/guru
>can’t tell physical differences
You need glasses
no man, just mention that skull circumference and IQ have an r correlation of .94 and that there are over 30 muscular and skeletal differences in the craniums of different races
also mention that separate species can breed and create fertile offspring
Doesn't mean I need to let you get away with being wrong and acting like a kike who doesn't even understand the basics and can't answer simple questions.
Skindeep difference.
You haven't even asked me a question you schizophrenic cave dweller. You've been writing masturbatory, fart huffing, self aggrandizing bollocks by the truckload but no questions came my way.
Jump off the Matterhorn troglodyte.
swissbro is 100% in the right you know...
You gave people the advice to red pill others and risk their whole career for literally nothing.
Why are you still typing in this thread? Kill yourself you literal loser.
>what are skeletal makeups
I am convinced you are a woman.
No man can be this catty and self centered.
Just did, makeup. So a midget can't run as fast as a non midget. Other then that, unless we are talking Olympics, it makes no difference.
I'm convinced you are literally nowhere in your life and you want other anons to not reach anything or any higher place where they could actually make a difference.
You are stupid anyhow, and you have to be a kid, to not understand the value of STFUing at the right time and play the long con.
Either a kid or very very stupid. Throwing around words to make yourself sound sophisticated isn't helping that impression btw.
So what race are Arabs? What race are Greeks? Armenians? Pakistanis? Dravidians? Nigerians? Ethiopians? Bushmen? Pygmys? Iranians? Nigerians? Tunisians?
Back to the shekel vault Rothschild.
You will not replace us.
You will not silence us.
Race dosen't exist
How the fuck did Austronesian reach Madagascar??
> R1a
> master race
you listed ETHNICITIES, which consist of different races
Why would anybody want to silence you, you are literally flagging yourself for removal from any prospective good/better/more influential future.
You can't be that stupid to not understand this, if you were silent you would be MORE DANGEROUS AND A BIGGER THREAT for the jews.
Skin color does not equal race
The same way people reached Hawaii and Easter island, they took boats. I'm surprised you don't fine the R1b (ie. western European) haplogroups in the middle of Africa.
>you listed ETHNICITIES, which consist of different races
I listed largely homogenous populations. If you want individuals just look at the first picture of an individual from each group when you look it up on wikipedia.
Many people are realizing that "race" dosen't exist and are using terms like "sub-species" but even that is debatable
The populations are no longer separated by geography or any other force. Since the invention of the wheel made it practical for humans to travel relatively long distances, we have been interbreeding enthusiastically. The invention of full-rigged sailing ships exacerbated that by greatly expanding the distances we can travel in our quest to homogenize the gene pool. Finally, industrial transportation technology (railroads, gigantic engine-driven ships, automobiles, and now airplanes) has completely broken down all barriers to interbreeding.
As a result, there are no populations of Homo sapiens that come even halfway close to satisfying the definition of a subspecies. I'm a dog breeder and I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that by the standards we use to identify our dog breeds, all human beings would be called "mongrels."
he's right though that uniparental haplogroups don't make a race in a sensible way
anyway, the whole matter in academic setting is endless dialectic babble around definitions, it's embarrassing to even engage at such level
if you really want to step down to such levels, you may want to simply discuss the topic pointing out whether or not there is(or should be) any difference in the way "race" is intended for dogs and humans and whether or not the same definition can really lead to different outcomes for the two mammals in discussion
I am fairly sure there are plenty of mammals aside from dogs that show less morphological variation than humans yet are classified into different races
arabs and armenians are semites
>said nigerians twice
>not a brainlet
nigerians,ethiopians,dravidians,pygmies and tunisians are negroids
pakis,iranians and bushmen are mongoloids
greeks are caucasoids
>denies the existance of race
>consist of different races
IQ, facial features, resistance to X climate and as this user said skeletal makeups
Race is a lie, we all came from the same spacemonkey's nutsack
No you did not. Might as well show this graph to prove that race exist
Those aren't races. Polynesian is not a race. Again, what that paper is talking about is population genetics. That is not the same thing as race. Also, just take a look at figure C.
If you think this is proving races I'd suggest sitting in on a genetics course. It might help you understand the paper and other peer reviewed studies if you want to read up on the subject.
Hybrid warfare is the way.
People going for influential positions must fly under the radar.
We also need people actively pushing the overton window in public discourse, these people have to be prepared to be blacklisted, the more that do it though, the less people will care about being blacklisted because there will be large networks of others to help you.
>master race
>you listed ETHNICITIES, which consist of different races
Could you please tell me the fucking difference between a 100 iq arab man and a 100 iq danish man.
How is the difference not just skin-deep? And maybe such small difference in bone structure that you have to be an expert to tell the difference.
Nope lol genetic differences in geographical locations or skulls do not equal to "race" race is not genetically real
Races may exist in humans in a cultural sense, but biological concepts of race are needed to access their reality in a non-species-specific manner and to see if cultural categories correspond to biological categories within humans. Modern biological concepts of race can be implemented objectively with molecular genetic data through hypothesis-testing. Genetic data sets are used to see if biological races exist in humans and in our closest evolutionary relative, the chimpanzee. Using the two most commonly used biological concepts of race, chimpanzees are indeed subdivided into races but humans are not. Adaptive traits, such as skin color, have frequently been used to define races in humans, but such adaptive traits reflect the underlying environmental factor to which they are adaptive and not overall genetic differentiation, and different adaptive traits define discordant groups. There are no objective criteria for choosing one adaptive trait over another to define race. As a consequence, adaptive traits do not define races in humans.
No population is "homogenous" (IF SEXUAL SELECTION HAPPENED) not even the Japanese or the Chinese. The only ones that are are 1. very SMALL in numbers (pygmys) , and VERY RESOURE RESTRICTED (abos)
That you think that, just shows the lack of physical anthropological education.
So to answer your question, just as it would have been answered in 1935 , 1945,1955 up to 1980 (when haplogroups were "introduced") :
1. Arabs: mainly arabid - gracile mediterranid, but also big parts of armenoid, ethiopid (various mixtures)
2. Greeks: gracile-mediterranid / atlanto-mediterranid / reduced cromagnoid (farmertypes) / taurid (dinarid+reduced cromagnoid) / and dinarids in mountaineous areas
3. Pakistanis: Armenoid+Iranid / Iranid / North-indide / gracile-indide (less so)
4. Dravidians : indo-melanid (largely)