>be me
>pipefitter w/ over 10,000hrs experience
>haven't worked in trade since summer
>send 5-10 resumes a day min
>resorted to applying to general labor construction jobs
>still no job
>TFWs have steady incomes
Where is this booming economy I've been hearing about?
I literally worked more through The Great Recession
Canadas Economy is 'Booming'
Sometimes you have to go the extra mile, user.
I'm hiring. Now put on this wig, dress and heels and we'll talk.
That's actually really fucking weired dude. In the U.S. you'd get q job same day with that experience
Almost every tradesperson I know who is working has accepted a job for less per hour than they were making ten years ago
Too many fucking immigrants.
>government imports millions of foreigners
>parasites require billions in welfare spending
>government borrows said billions
>(((GDP increases))), (((booming economy)))
>Trudeau offers to take all the Mexicans the US doesn't want
>Canada is absolutely flooded with construction workers that will work for cheap
>Leaf can't get a job and doesn't understand what happened
Apply in the US, or in the Middle east. Canada was just a barn fire.
I know that feeling bro. I am a 11 year experience diesel mech with additional experience in metal work, milling, fitting and turning, welding, spray painting + panel beating and I cant even get a part time job to feed me whilst I continue searching for proper work.
That's really strange, I thought housing prices in canada were shooting up. Wouldn't that mean there would be more construction? Pipefitters are in high demand in my city.
Is being South Africa just the worst fucking thing in the world or what?
What they really mean is "its booming for the immigrants"
This. It's all fabricated bullshit that makes only the government cronies and their donors money while fucking actual Canadians over.
We need a restart button via coup d'état!
It's pointless even fucking trying at this point. I have less than $80 in my bank account and its already the 19th.
Come work the oilsands. Job boards are full of postings
have any links for me?
stay safe brother
I'm making another thread about how Canadians can work in the US
Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
Stop being a tard, it's not that bad here yet.
Fuck off rabbi. It's bad. Every small town in AB is overrun with flips and niggers. It's a total disaster.
I live in a shithole were it's "booming" people are miserably depressed and hate it here and the great mining past time is doing shitloads of coke and speed.
This town will never grow despite old people cheering how will be growing in population pretty soon kek
its "booming" in the sense that theres a bunch of new shitty mcdonalds jobs that some of the migrants are working while others live off welfare
Toronto is literally the most multi-cultural city in the world.
You guys aren't suffering enough...send in the refugees
>live next to a nice suburb in etown
>the shopping areas in the suburb have 1 white person for every 10 or 15 non whites
yes, not so bad, right
come to michigan, my buddy works on some pipeline in Pickney and operates dozers and gets 96k/yr, I can only imagine what you'd make, lots of trade jobs opening up
You were retarded enough to choose a "profession" that could be done by a machine. That's why.
I was wondering when you automation retards were gonna shit up the thread
You're not the only one. Lots of union guys are having to take shitwork, and some places are losing all union work because they're shipping in illegals or using the welfare scam.
Last place I worked it was about 80% welfare guys. One day in, one day out. All of them and probably some of the others too, on some kind of heavy painkillers and other shit. Dangerous working like that.
Check suncor and cnrl website daily they always hiring fort hills project up and running
Toronto and Ontario itself are to blame for much ofbthw problemsncanada has. Fuck Toronto fuck Ontario
Fuck you Canada I cant wait for the day that China will finally annex you and make all the white canadians into slaves.
Why do faggots always have to abuse the welfare system. Why can't people learn that actions have consequences. All this greed is only going to fuck over people who actually need the welfare or other services.
North Dakota is calling you. I know it's bad but not like Ontario is perfect either.
In Vancouver you can watch it happen in real time.
you have to shake the managers hand haven't you heard?
Also canada should be separated into BC, the north, praries, maritimes, Quebec, Ontario. This country is a sham.
"Good" doesn't mean better user. I've been unemployed for 5 years but I'm getting more "bites" now than I ever have.
>Leaf migrates to US
>Gets paid more than in CAN
>Votes for Trump
>better doesn't mean good
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Are you in Ontario? Theres little to no real industry left here user. The libs taxed and scared off everyone, and then raised energy prices just to keep them away. We're so fucked. At this point the only way out is to accelerate this degeneracy and hope for a pop.
Truth. I’m in the same position with engineering. Literally making more doing site labour than what I graduated and am experienced to do. Trudeau can’t fuck off soon enough.
>Falling for the trades may may
deserved it
how you /onguardforthee guys holding up?
i see your sub got removed fom the worldnews pulldown menu and you are having meltdowns. doesn't look good for you.