Chris chan beats pol
Chris chan BTFO of Sup Forums
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Why does he still have a christmas tree up?
what a sack of shit!
I'm still amazed he's alive. CWC needed to be put down 10 years ago this is just to much.
Every time we get beat we come out like Diamonds!
jesus chandler got fat
literally who
also sage
How is he not dead yet? I assumed he would contract a disease or been murdered.
Sure he's easy to mock but I fucking love the Chan. My favorite autist. Hasn't been the same since Bob went to cut down the internet in heaven
Some people can't handle the pressure. Not shitlords though. They're like diamonds. They shine under pressure.
Ironically, this is the most masculine Chris has ever looked.
CWC is a legend.
This is why abortion should be legal
I can’t even look at him without feeling nauseous after seeing his masturbation vid
This is the face of antifa, nazis gtfo
Unrestrained Autism
Because he's a special kind of slow.
>Can't pull apart a tree that is meant to be pulled apart and resorts to cutting it
Oh how the mighty have fallen
Does he actually have heterochromia or is just being stupid?
welcome to the internet!
He is even mastering fighting techniques of old cheerokean indians.
I'm running scared.
The answer is exactly what you are thinking.
its a slide thread, get back to the memos, put herbs in the options
He has always been crazy but I feel like he has recently reached some new level where it isn't even funny anymore, it's just typical unhinged rambling now.
didnt he cut his dick off?
he lost his mind a long time ago
He's not an e-celeb. He's a legend of the internet. He's one of Sup Forums's greatest and most depressing trolls.
the average liberal
I remember the good old days of chris' antics on the internet. I'm not laughing anymore. Now he just makes me sad and melancholic.
I don't know. I think him joining antifa is pretty fucking hilarious.
2:40, he's part of Antifa.
This keeps getting better and better.
That's is kind of funny but ever since Bob died things have slowly gotten too real. And the pictures of Chris' """""""""""""""""""""vagina""""""""""""""""""""" are pure concentrated nightmares.
Same here user, it's funny but also depressing. I think I know why that is.
Chris Chan mirrors the culture of the West. The worse he is the worse we are.
He used to be innocent but our current culture has twisted his heart and mind into more of a monsters than that of a child's. Corrupt instead of innocent.
>And the pictures of Chris' """""""""""""""""""""vagina""""""""""""""""""""" are pure concentrated nightmares.
You're just jealous because Chris grew a vagina using sound waves from a youtube video!
I'm just surprised he and Barb have held out this long. I expected them to be in a trailer by now.
The new leader of antifa
Hmm, she's kinda in a catatonic state similar to the God Emperor in 40k...
Except that she is being manipulated by Chaos whispering in her her.
Also sorta like Wormtongue in LOTR.
yeah no, I'm not even opening this damn video.
I'm gonna press hide on top of that. fuck yall.
please man dont kill me
>Kids these days think CWC is an eceleb/slide thread
Fuck me, anyone who says this entire website hasnt been taken over by redditor newfaggots is blind or mentally retardes
Lurk for 1000 years.
he was reading a script..
antifa are really the lowest of the low resorting to using mentally challenged people to spread their message
Chris-chan huh? I've almost forgotten this faggot is still alive.
Some of us classics are still here
The chan forever part of us
Classic Chris was the funniest fuck to pick on of all time
I wonder how tight she is.
>tfw not fucking tight Chris Chan lumber jack stump.
>implying you wouldn't
how would you expect some redditfag to understand our history and culture? Should've told him to go back to his cancer site and be done with it.
In the comments of one of Chris' earlier videos, somebody said that he's showing early signs of a stroke. We can't lose Chris he's an absolute legend.
So beautiful
I can one up that
Damn pewdiepie got fat
How the fuck is this thing still going? I remember thinking this shit was bad years ago, now it's just depressing.
>our current culture has twisted his heart and mind
and dick
Those nazis better get the fuck outta equestria or Chris is gonna pummel em with a mangled christmas tree.
lurk moar newfag
>being this new
back to thedonald with u fag
>Chris Chan
fucking reddit cancer
>Chris grew a vagina using sound waves from a youtube video!
Sounds like something he would do
He is the new leader.
Us communists can use his e celeb status to kick off the revolution comrades!
Glory to Chris-chan!
Nice one lad, I should replay it at some point in the future.
Back to CWC, why the fuck does he still have his medallion?
And how does he manage to stay financially afloat, weren't they taking the tugboat away?
>I'm gonna kick you all out of Equestria!
But /mlpol/ already rules Equestria. Trimming a fake Christmas tree will never stop us.
Sup Forums rules everything
>CWC joins Antifa
Holy shit. This is amazing. I've been out of chris chan story for a minute. To think 12 years ago I thought him shoving a home made sonic/pokemon hybrid character's jewerly up his ass would be his peak. Now he's joining co-opted commie violence groups. Did he get trolled into this or was this part of his own undoing?
Why aren't more people talking about this?!
If retards had a king. He's a literal untermensch and should be put down so his parents could have tried again.
CWC is actually low-key alpha. He can do basically anything he wants and there's never any repercussions, and to the top it he's doing it all on your tax dollars.
>Chris Chan BTFO anything but his own dick
It's funny how his attempts to look female actually gives him the perfect look to play a drunk thug in some movie
I've been a Christorian for over a decade and this shit just gets better. Does CWC think that virtue signaling to this shit will get this creature laid?
Johnny Depp needs to play him in the upcoming biopic.
I have mine up year round. Christmas is comfy. It's refreshing on a hot summer day to step into a winter wonderland.
Fucking kek, no kidding. I really don't even think these people give a damn about nazis. They just want to say they do so all their liberal friends can see how non racist they are. Liberalism is a fucking cult.
>chris chan
Unironically Who?
also a tranny capable of anything on the mental scale.
>What is mentally ill
>implying its anything other than self fetishing man child.
>caring about the 0.00001% of the people in the world
Wow its like fucking nothing
Its almost like Sup Forums is full time gay and non white
>that fucking beard shadow
It wasn't even trying to pass ether.
>still in man clothes
>still frowns like a man and hyas man hobbies
totally conviced me of nothing.
enjoy being a chronic masturbater in the mirror and killing your self at 35.
Someones just jealous that they will never reach this purity of autism
This is the only competitor that has come close
what the fuck is wrong with him?
Autism or Shit parenting. Take your pick.
He was the thirstiest of virgins. He'd do anything for a single ounce of vagina
Goddamn Russians and underage Donald niggers not knowing about BASED Chris-Chan.
you want more?
newfag detected
Here's the story in a nutshell
those things become time bombs if you leave them up long enough