Fuck you, kids, I got mine! Grand-kids? Maybe I'll buy them some BOOTSTRAPS!
Fuck you, kids, I got mine! Grand-kids? Maybe I'll buy them some BOOTSTRAPS!
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Come on, I know you people hate the boomers.
>Come on, I know you people hate the boomers.
its what retards do
>work half my life to give all my shit to my kids
Nah mate, my kids can suffer as I did.
You're not wrong but boomerhating is hate I can better spend on spics and international hyenas.
I don't blame them, X would do the same to them.
]]]boomers[[[ has destroyed this society
>suffering at any point in their self-indulgent, spoiled-rotten lives
I love my grandparents. #notallboomers
my aunt and her cuck actually sold Us their house to buy a shitty loft in the City. Their two daughters can starve while i and my father have gotten our 3rd house for dirt cheap now
I guess i am the joo now ?
>Child ends up being a liberal piece of shit
>get no inheritance
>child ends up being a a smart right wing child
>get the inheritance
The ultimate choice they have to make in their life.
>child ends up with boomer parents
>no inheritance
I hope they all burn in hell. I know if i am lucky enough to have a family the only thing that will matter is leaving them something when i die. Blood and soil, a legacy. Boomer women are the most petty and greedy people on earth and their husbands emasculated and brain dead. Worst generation to ever live. They ostrasize their own children and ruin the world they inherited for future generations, they respect no traditions and lost the meaning of western family values. They will reap what they soe when real old age hits and they realize they didnt think it through very well because everyone hates them including the non white care takers in world turned brown. At least when they shoved their own parents into homes and neglected them the care was decent.
My parents are both great hardworking people who encouraged me to become self sustaining early in life, I don't hate them.
Story-time :
>Paternal Grandpa hit the streets, start working as a technician for Shell (he didn't have a technical diploma, of course; it was that time alright)
>Works really hard at the refinery, usually go around to help the other branches when he has time
>Sends his kids in the countryside at his brother's house so that they won't live like spoiled city brats; go and visit them every week-ends
>Suddenly, first petroleum shock hits
>refinery shuts down
>Grandpa is forced to work in a shitty factory for miserable salary
>Continue to provide for his mother (who lived until she was 86, way after he started getting pension checks), wife and kids (whom are growing up and coming back to the city for studies)
>Grandpa continue to works in shitty factory until he decides to retire at sixty-five
>Now does volunteer work at the local Saint-Vincent-De-Paul while still giving us money on our birthdays
Grandpa always talk about hos good his times were, but he also knows he and his boomer friends fucked it up (he did "hit the bricks" when he was fifty-ish and the fact that it took such a long time to find such a shitty job really put him off). He also really hate Haitians, because they're literal human garbage.
Mine also encouraged me to become self sustaining early in life. That's a fancy way of saying criminal child neglect.
The majority of boomers are garbage. Once they start using social security and we have to pay for end of life care we're fucked.
I would not leave anything to the current generation either.
They are shit bags.
>The majority of boomers are garbage.
So is your shit generation.
>mum dies
>Dad, little bro, me for 4 years
>dad is an engineer, but he has to work part-time because my little bro is only 10
>I delay uni for 2 years to help out with mortgage etc.
>Dad meets woman 7 years older than me, marries her after 5 minutes
>I'm happy for him, he was miserable and drinking a lot. He goes back to work. His wife is also earning.
>I go to uni
>struggle financially, even take on full-time jobs temporarily at times and get mates to get lecture notes for me. Can't get student loan because parental income is too high.
>ask Dad for help twice in 3 years so I can avoid eviction. He says wife says they can't afford it. They have new cars every year.
>bro goes to uni. Goes through same shit. I help him financially (am also engineer now)
>couple of years later, Dad's step bastard goes to uni. He gets £50/week from Dad.
>two years later, bro splits from gf. I'm living in Dubai. Bro is ruined, emotionally and financially. I give him money. He asks Dad if he can stay with him for a few months while he gets his head right. Dad says best not. Step bastard still lives at home.
>I cut ties with him. Bro eventually follows suit.
>fast forward
>Dad's wife realises she can do better than old fart in his 60's, leaves him. He's ruined.
>get tearful call from Dad telling me how stupid he's been
>you can think about that when you're dying alone, Dad. Bye.
I've no idea how that generation turned into such narcissistic pricks but my bro and I didn't. We were closer to my silent gen grandfather than our Dad was though.
May the history books spit on their memory.
What do you think the history books are going to say about you shits?
How the fuck does anyone even moderately redpilled not hate the Boomers? We're living in the Boomer world. This is the cultural quagmire the 60s flower children left us upon assuming all the positions of power and authority in society in the 90s/00s. It's no coincidence that we entered the sewer at the same time as they came of age. They are the most indoctrinated, parasitic, smug fucks of a generation that ever existed.
And I love how they shit on Millennials like me, calling us "snowflakes," when all that "I'm a special snowflake"/"muh individualism"/"muh revolution" stuff existed in the sixties, and now the BOOMER college professors are just turning that all on hyperdrive now that they run the show.
sounds like my loaded grandfather he has 100s of millions I don't expect a dime from him .
>Pffftt why on earth would I want to give my offspring a leg up on their competition?!
Boomers are incomprehensible.
fORGIVE YOUR FATHER Luke, He made a mistake.
Because I realize that they were no unique and anyone else in their position would act exactly the same.
You millennials are so full of yourselves that you actually believe you would have behaved in a "superior" way.
Boomers actually dindu nuffin.
It all boils down to mother fuckers that think they are owed shit and are buttblasted because it is not being taken away from "old people".
There is nothing at all redpilled about thinking your youth amounts to squat.
And this, friends, is why I wiped my grandfather's ass while he was dying but won't do the same for my Boomer parents.
Your father is a shit head who deserves to be alone.
If your offspring is some cross dressing nigger loving sack of trash....
Don't forgive your father. One does not need to forgive to continue living.
>choosing pussy over aiding your children
absolutely disgusting.
Jews and their pet Boomers will pay dearly when the race war starts.
>They will not gibs me dat so I hate them.
The entire mentality is nigger tier.
why cant you get a job
*outsources all jobs*
*destroys the lives of future generations*
look him in the eye and give them a handshake
*collects SSI*
And if they're not?
You get point kid..
Can someone redpill me on boomers? why are they so bad?
"The generation that finally banned boomer nostalgia music from being played every Christmas in every store beat the odds and survived long enough to reproduce."
I don't HAVE any kids!
HAHA! Suck it whippersnappers!
Now get back to work so you can send me my Social Security checks!
Senior living communities is the new hot thing. An okay one runs $2,000 a month in rent. My mom mentioned how she thought $3,000 a month didn't seem exorbitant.
Just read the post, people are mad at what boomers have and what they don't.
They are mad because boomers will not give them stuff.
This is all coming from people who claim to be on the right end of the political persuasion.
Senior being 55+
My dad is dead broke, my mom plans to sell her house and leave me nothing. They wonder why I don't talk to them and why I am going to leave them to die in the streets when the housing market crashes, the banks fall, government collapses and the euro itself will be worth nothing. It's lpaying like with like. They threw me in the public school system, I was practically raised by wolves from my perspective. No empathy from them, no empathy for them. They had their chance to apologize for all the wrongs they did me but they are too busy screaming me down when I state facts, like pensions being a ponzi scheme and the need for saving money for the collapse. Guess who will be comfortable and who will have to hunt rats in their 70's?
>boomer nostalgia music
Oh is that what that is?
Stop pretending like that hellhole represents America of all places
If you take into account rent costs in most major cities along with the amenities involved it is not exorbitant.
I am already paying $1600 a month in rent now..
You let the Jews pass the 1965 immigration act
You stopped McCarthy from rooting out these commie kikes
You let the kikes get a monopoly on all media
You didn't raise a finger to stop them
Most of you faggots will be dead before the war starts
You are about to lost a bunch of faggot excuses for shirking your personal responsibility to maintain civilization
Your with us or against us old man
You've committed GENERATIONAL THEFT against all the young people of society. Can't talk about SS and Medicare reform, leading to hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities, because le sacred Baby Boomer vote. I don't even have health insurance and you fat fucks are strutting around with your Super-Duper-Deluxe-Premium-Mega-Ultimate-Platinum Medicare plan. Your generation embraced the sexual revolution for easy sex, normalized divorce, and led to the decline of the nuclear family as an institution, which 90% of you grew up in and received. You're just handing off the country to us in such worse condition than what you grew up in, and you're surprised Millennials feel owed something, that we feel we were stolen from? Because we were. Oh, but it's just a coincidence that everything went to shit upon you assuming the positions of power and becoming the ruling class, right?
How many Christmas songs get played that weren't made when boomers were children?
Christmas songs were made before their childhood and since, but you wouldn't know it from what gets played in department stores.
Pfft I am not even a boomer.
Also you are playing the same kind of games leftists play.
Are you responsible for the war in iraq?
Are you responsible for the move towards globalization?
Based off your petty childish mindset you are.
Ok, so you have found a few exceptions to the selfish generation then? Did they actively fight the growth of government power then? Or did they just take care of their own?
This how they fight racism, Sup Forums. And antisemiticism.
>end of life care
Clickety clack, one in the back. Still 89 cents too expensive.
>The entire mentality is nigger tier.
No, they made life almost impossible for me. My grandparents supported, encouraged and disciplined me. My parents beat me, starved me and sold the family farm out from under me. They can go fuck themselves, just like you.
I did not do jack shit, yes taxation is theft.
Just read your leftist shit, you are envious of what others have and are made that you don't have it.
I inherited a vast amount. In fact, if I was to add it up and post it here none of you would believe me. And rightfully so, it's a ridiculous amount of capital.
That said, my parents weren't boomers. A quick Google puts them in the top end of the "Silent Generation" bracket. It's certainly more of an American thing.
We created Rock and Roll.
Our OWN music.
You lame GenMillenials couldn't even come up with your own friggin MUSIC!
You're all still listening to OURS!
Go get your OWN DAMN MUSIC!
Stop listening to a genre that belongs to your GRANDPARENTS! LOSERS!
>No empathy from them, no empathy for them.
>boo hoo I am owed the labor of others and they did not hand it to me, boo hoo life is unfair
None of that is the fault of millenials (although we are a shit generation too).
The millenials don't even like rock and roll.
back in my day
But everything in everything from the past the fault of boomers.
Nice logic.
They had everything at the right time. If I had been born into the middle classes and had reached management age in the 1980s and 1990s, you can absolutely guarantee that I would spaff it all on river cruises and trips to the Cayman Islands like all the other professionals of that time.
On the outside looking in, it seems like a no brainer. They avoided all the bad things in life and had it on easy mode. Live it up a bit.
>>boo hoo I am owed the labor of others and they did not hand it to me, boo hoo life is unfair
Boo hoo, I worked that land for 30 years and they sold it to buy a trailer for my stepsister. I'm not bitter, I'm hostile.
Almost entirely this but by reading your post I realized generational warfare is just another one of ((their strategies)).
Also neocon/neoliberal muh Megan Kelly and Bill O'Reilly but please give me Medicare boomers will receive karma in the next life.
>take millions of years of ancestral evolution and throw all the prosperity given to and achieved by your lineage in the trash by and wasting it on yourself and leaving your children nothing
Boomers aren’t even leftists, they don’t have any principles beyond selfishness and self destructive hedonism
I have a finite amount of hate that I have to spend on Muslims and Jews. Its not like I have an extra hate million lying around.
They were the first generation sold communism. Print money, get infinite loans in return for growing the government 200000 times its functional size and push off the costs on unborn generations of children they themselves didn't have in many cases. Old people spouting leftist nonsense deserve to die alone in their own shit.
Life is not fair.
Film at 11.
If a trailer is all that was bought the land was not worth much to being with.
funny thing is, it all boils down to the (((them))) wanting to subvert the concept of the sovereignty as set out by the treaty of Westphalia.
apparently, globalisation and R2P isn't enougn.
CIA niggers detected
They weren't Communists at all. What are you talking about?
They were Thatcherite, Reagan types. Big cars, with big engines up front, and useless gadgetry. Boomers homes are full to the brim with Bose gear and other gimmicks. It's the Range Rover generation. Excess, wife swapping parties, three holidays a year, type of people.
Some of them might have been leftists for five minutes at university but the second they finished with that degree in English and walked into a banking job they fucked that off and developed a taste for five star hotels and black forest gateau. I quite like them, really, or at least understand why they didn't want to eat boiled vegetables and grey meat like their parents did. Or work in an asbestos factory for 50p a week.
We speak out against immorality and injustice every day AND IT IS WORKING. My conscience is clear, you are just here to make excuses and feel better about yourself because you didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Well, appeasement is surrendering so go be a petulant manchild somewhere else, we're too busy actually changing things.
Most boomers inherited capital and most boomers parents weren't boomers. What was your point again?
LOL read this shit..
Yeah, you have a responsibility to raise kids you have and provide for them, you goddamn retard. The kids are not there by choice and they can't leave.
Wealth is generational. It grows more and more every generation by the hard work and love of each parent. When Boomers eat all of the generational wealth for themselves,they are damning not just their children, but many following generations to squalor.
Boomers are the richest generation in the history of time, and they will be the last white generation that will ever be so rich because of what they did.
Dude, read the creature from jekyll island
You stole rock from blacks boomer.
>Yeah, you have a responsibility to raise kids you have and provide for them,
Oh do you?
I mean you guys are so happy to embrace moral relativism and everything I figured you would have bailed on that stuff.
I don't have to read anything to know that those people weren't Communist in the slightest. They were the worst of the opposite.
Worse, boomers created massive debt and a system to enslave the young to pay off THEIR DEBT
None of what you wrote is actually true.
Your generation invented moral relativism. More of my generation are actually turning to Christ, while your generation was the first ones to turn from Christ. You wanted to be "free" and "independent".
Bullshit, you cannot steal music leaf.
>I mean you guys are so happy to embrace moral relativism
That wealth is generational? It used to be true...
>be boomer
>sell away my country and fuck my kid's future just so I can go on another vacation
damn boomers
Your argument is compelling.
99% of people are not.
Stop defending them. This is the reason that 50% of new businesses are started by the children of immigrants.
>Your generation invented moral relativism
I am from the 1600s?
Then why did the government grow so much and was McCarthyism a thing? Watch these sometime
So I'm a leftist now because I point out that I'm being held a "credit card" run up twenty trillion dollars, with two-hundred trillion in unfunded liabilities? Because I point out that I have no health insurance because I'm an independent contractor and it's all a rip-off, while you're spending thirty years in retirement, with the job market deluged for your kids? I don't see how you can spin that as leftist, and I'm not asking for any handouts. I'm just pointing out that objectively, you were an utter disaster as a generation, both in regard to the culture and the economy, across the board.
Yeah I guess that's not good but you sound like a commie faggot trying to draw some divide between generations. We've all been fooled by the same people
No argument is needed.
This. The Boomer generation was the worst to deface this planet.
Oh, excuse me. You are the first generation that swallowed it whole.