Little Witch Academia

Was the failure and end of her dreams the reason she lost her yay? Is she the same as Diana?

Other urls found in this thread:

She got too caught up in the money.
She abandoned her duty to uncover the words and instead went around performing quasi stripper shows and trying to get kids to buy her collectible cards and plushy dolls.

Needless to say the Shiny Rod told her to fuck off and went back into the woods to find a better chosen one.

She has more yay than Diana. I want to laze around the house in common clothes with her, too lethargic to even have sex properly.

we'd better get a backround episode about her

So do they reproduce asexually or what?

Seems like the american dream right there

damn fucking right my man

yuri magic

>The Shiny Rod went to search for a better chosen one
>She picked Akko

Oh the irony


Did Chariot & Croix ever use the Rod for sexual purposes?



>Diana's genes are so perfect that they just clone themselves

Magic babies.

How do you even know what gender Shiny Rod is? Are you assuming Shiny Rod's gender?

>The Cavendish are obsesed with linage purity
>The usually marry between cousins
>Diana's mom died young because a genetic disease
>They are all incest prone


1) I'm Akko!
2) Cute!
3) Not smelly!
4) Chariot!
5) Diana!

The reason she lost her yay is that she's wearing glasses. Everyone knows glasses are the number one yay killer because of how their absolutely massive shittiness cancels out yay.


I want to lobotomize Daryl!

So Croix is full of yay now?

sounds about accurate for European nobility

>Not smelly!
Akko smells like must sweat and dried piss!

Diana will probably die young as well.

Give it time. It has to build back up again.

[ ] Budding
[ ] Binary Fission
[ ] Some mitosis variant
[ ] Magiclone
[ ] They're actually like annelids and can reproduce sexually with either/both sexes

>hates baths
>runs around in school uniform all day
>unaffected by lack of hot water
>only 3 sets of clothes
>likely lost all non-chariot luggage in the leyline
So this is a STINKY smells like...

Nah, they're like aphids.

Cute! Akko is cute!!

Does she even change clothes?

Akko is petite!

Hey, stop bullying my wife, okay?

>Ursula is starting to see Akko less and less
>Eventually Akko stops visiting her

>"No Cavendish."

LWA TV was a mistake.

Time to counter this suicidal post with cute Ursula Akko pics.

I bet they don't teach this at LN

>Ursula suicide
That won't happen until she inevitably reveals herself as Chariot and sacrifices herself saving Akko.


Everything is gonna be fine when Akko revives the 6th word. She's gonna express her immense gratitude in a sexual way, and restore every last drop of Ursula's yay.

What is Borislava's family like?
Are they all pure like her?


So whens the wedding? Whos getting invited?

Akko's gonna marry all her little bitches and Ursula too.

>That feeling of resignation when you realise you're going to marry that idiot

What is her fate?

Both wrong, correct answer is . She's LWA's equivalent of Coach and Kamina.

So Akko's openly on a quest to activate a magic that has the power to change the world. Why isn't this getting more attention from the magical community?

>must sweat
Are you confusing "musty" and "musk"? You don't use "must" like that.

For someone who is obsessed with body odor, you sure suck at describing it. And Akko having a dislike of baths is not confirmation that she doesn't bathe, let alone that she stinks.

Stop posting this shit every fucking thread.

Deathfags are delusional

So, we're clearly getting the 5th Word in episode 20.

That leaves 5 episodes.
I'm gonna bet 2 episodes to get the 6th word, then a longer final 3 episode event where
>First episode is setup for 7th word
>Second episode Akko gets the 7th word but then Croix steals her YAY
>Final episode everyone comes together to give Akko back her YAY and Akko shoves her YAY so hard down Croix's throat that she gives up her mad ambitions.

Not really, only few people know about it.

Because no one knows. Diana had to get a book that was literally locked away to figure it out.

but she isn't. She doesn't seem to making an effort to keep it secret, but she's not blabbing about it to everybody either.

And Diana figured out what she was doing by herself.

I forgot to add the y to must. I can always go back to shoehorn posting every thread if you really want me to that bad.

Ursula, Lotte, Sucy, Diana and Croix know, no one else is confirmed to be in the know yet.

Chariot will grow old with Croix because they cant find anyone else.

You could just not post the same thing every thread, whatever that thing may be.

This is a discussion board. Discuss things. It's not a "gotta make sure everyone knows I'm the X-guy" board.

Well Amanda knows, and I'm pretty sure the rest of her team knows too.


Which witch is for brainfucking?

Akko is too dumb to use computers anyways.

Amanda's team is basically part of Akko's extended team now

Oh yeah, them too. I suppose it could be more widely known, but most important witches probably don't hold any credibility in it.
I mean, it's Akko.

She's one of the few muggleborns and she took to Croix' gadgets straight away, so I doubt it.

I want a 2 cour Chariot spinoff.

Too long. Some OVAs would be nice though.

Diana's wife is cute! CUTE!

And she's not smelly!



Marrying the chosen one doesn't seem like a bad deal.

If anything she should be happy

Yeah, but she's a hopeless idiot. It's going to take getting used to.

I'm betting one episode for the 6th word. It's got something to do with gratefulness - so it'll probably be unlocked in an Akko+Ursula episode.

I don't think they will awaken the Word in 20. At least if the tower from the vision is actually where the Cavendish ritual will take place.

21: 5th Word
23: 6th Word
25: 7th Word

I don't think Croix needs the 7th Word awakened for her evil plot. They will awaken the final Word to stop her evil plot instead.

She managed to ride the most difficult broom in the world and her magic always pulls through when it counts.
She definitely has potential.

I think Croix will give them the last word after her plan fucks something up.

That seems important enough for 2 episode though. Specially if Croix starts making some real move around the same time.

>21: 5th Word
More like
>20: 5th Word
The 5th word is connected to the Cavendish subplot, and that's wrapping up next ep. Judging by the title, 21 is gonna show what happened between Chariot and Croix (as well as showcase how the Diana-Akko dynamic has changed after 20).

A two cour show with Cheerios be too long.

My take

20: 5th word
22: 6th word
24: 7th word

I don't think the 7th word is gonna come out in the last episode. I think it will be more bout unlocking the Triskellion itself.

Did I miss an interview or something? Why is everyone referring to Akko as Diana's wife?

We have no title for episode 21. Why can't people stop spreading this shit? I literally check Netflix Japan every single morning and night; if we get the titles I'll post the fucking screencap.

Because yurifags.

Because the thread is filled with yurifags.

the 6th word will feature the shotas from enchanted parade and the form will be bucket of water

I'm pretty sure the 6th word is the broom, user.

>"Two girls and a star not shining"
That was the ep 21 title circulating in the threads few weeks ago. Those same leaks were right about 19's title (Cavendish), but wrong about 20.

oh, well then this thing was wrong

Akko's VA samefagging.

Episode 19 title has been on Netflix for weeks, though.

I believe one of them has a crush on Diana.

>more Diana next week
Oh God this is so boring

If the tower is the place where the Cavendish ritual takes place maybe we will have more lore, though.

Doujin someday

How did the Cavendish earn money before the aunt started selling off the estate, anyways?

>No Croix or Ursula next week

But Ursula likes Diana.

Also, heroin.

the last word will be about love, and Chariot never loved a man.

Go, Andrew!