This is the peak British specimen, you may not like it, but this is what peak Britishness looks like

This is the peak British specimen, you may not like it, but this is what peak Britishness looks like.

I thought GBR was being dissolved now. Will she be ripped apart as well?

Karen is best

Karen is shit.

t. Delusional fenian

Kareis is averege.

Scotland's surely one foot out the door at least

Tbh the SNP only gets votes to keep the Tories out.

The UK's retarded voting system lends itself to tactical voting very well.

fuck off Sup Forums

Why is Karen shit?

But anglos are black haired. Blonde anglos are viking rapebabies.

Karen should be worshipped as a deity, she's literally a god of moe. Karen is NOT for any discussion that is lacking CGDCT as the main theme. If you want to talk about Britishness then simply go outside and play leapfrog in the trenches.


I like karen. But i don't like anglos.


Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole UK and Europe.

why are her eyes all black?

nip genes

>no hijab

You fags like to forget that Karen is a hapa

Alice is the real Brit here

Jeremy Corbyn will make anime real.



Why is Karen so shit?!
She ruined the entire show!

Her teeth are not nearly decayed enough.

Source: bonger

Alice best girl
Karen a shit, a SHIT

Literally this. Karen worst girl. Loud and annoying!

She looks perfidious.

>no stiff upper lip

Bet Karen and Alice have bad teeth.


Is she, dare I say, quintessentially British?

I'm British and she's way too enthusiastic and full of life to fit in here, she'd be ostracized and probably put into an insane asylum.

Don't worry, living in Britain would quickly crush her spirits and make her as cynical as the rest of us

I fixed your brit.

>No niqab
Is she a slut or something?

You mean hijab right?

Why are brits so silly?

Now I need a doujin where karen slowly becomes as depressed as everyone else living in Britain

>north germans are all black haired lmao

What would you prefer?

>Anime for the many not the few
>Strong and Stable anime

No guns, we gotta kill each other somehow

I wish British girls were this cute.

I've never watched this show but this is the chick that's always on jk rankings right? What's up with that?

She is the best girl prototype.