Even Scott Adams is saying its a nothingburger. What gives?
Well, fuck.
You're a fucking retard, OP. Qanon said "tick tock" and for us to buy chainlink, "for there's a storm a brewin'".
Storm's coming up, Ani. I feel it in my bones.
Do you think she lets Scott put his wrinkly shriveled pee pee in her hole?
It doesn't really matter, if it's big the entire left wing media will ignore it or lie.
If it's nothing they will laugh at it
Sounds like sarcasm.
He cums on her overly-madeup face daily famalam
and Dilbertman has been wrong before, we'll have to wait and see
Yes and then he says “you have been... persuaded.”
When was Dilbertman wrong?
He's a Netanyahu fanboy Zionist faggot Dilbert man can hang with the rest
> implying Q isn't a larp
Nothing will come of this, no one's going to jail.
You can screen cap this, because not one fucking thing is going to happen. Just some news and then back to "muh Russia collusion"
I don't see how he can claim credit for his speculation being correct on the basis of other's speculation.
Why do people think q is authentic?
Because newfags first LARP. They'll believe anything
because they're fucking stupid. also newfags from The_donald.
The deep state is deep.
Until Hillary and her ilk is in prison to prove me otherwise, Q is just a fucking larp.
There is so much evidence against her, yet not one fucking thing has been done. People are in prison for doing a lot fucking less.
I'm tired of this.
Babby's first LARP
id fug her shitter
If it turns out to be nothing then he can say "see, I know what I'm talking about".
If it turns out to be huge then he can say "wow, I'm glad I was wrong huh" and no one remembers his prediction anyway.
Scott Adams is a genius when it comes to bullshitting his way into relevance. He's only really interested in selling his books.
He was being sarcastic you autistic motherfucker, jesus fucking christ can nobody on this board pick up hints anymore
No fucking shit. What kind of a fucking retard would fall for that shit?
>"this will be the next watergate"
>literally nothing happens
Sup Forums on fucking suicide watch
Awesome then quickly release it since it is nothing.
Funny how the Twitter algorithms have pushed
#ReleaseTheMemo from the trending list and attached it to Trump.
They haven't even released it yet shariablue, calm down
Scott Adams doesn't have a security clearance.
Why do people think people claiming to think q is authentic are authentic?
He's right. It will be the ambiguous one, though.
Boomers have basically no discernment whatsoever. The result of a lifetime of moral and mental complacency.
Oh did he read the memo and determined everything copacetic now?
FUCK off Dilbert
Adams is one of the most vain and narcisistic losers in the trump camp, holy shit
No shit, sherlock, everyone and their mothers could've guessed that. The extent he will go to push this "IM A MASTER PREDICTOR" persona is absolutely ludicrous
((( nothing burg )))
its a slide thread, get back to the memos, put herbs in the options
if its true I don't think anyone would even care, obama is very well liked unlike putin
You realize that the entire point of it is to not release it, right? Nunes wrote it and all these dudes can now go around on the press circuit crying about how bad it is, and and long as it doesn't come out they can keep talking about how bad it is.
If it was as bad as they say it is then they'd leak it first thing.
Anyone who says this should be shot on sight. No exceptions.
Especially since he predicted :
1- A landslide victory for Trump
2 - A victory for Hillary (when the media-storm was at its higest)
3 - A landslide again for Trump (when we saw signs that the polls were rigged)
Result: A small victory for Trump, the only outcome that Adams didn't predict.
Didnt Mattis mention the storm today?
Oh it is bad. You do not understand how corrupted our MSM is. This memo is bad as it will reveal third parties guided by top politicians were using government resources to spy on Trump.
Hey, you progressives fight for justice and the American way. What is there to hide? Us conservatives have no compass for truth, so I figured you guys would want the memo exposed.
306 to 232 is a landslide victory
>dilbertman is good at linguistics nothing more
He flip flopped during the election down the stretch like 3 times.
It will be a "nothing burger" because it won't be reported on
no he didnt, he predicted trump would win the entire time, check your facts
The fact that you think that shows how right he is about how easy it is to manipulate people. He made pro-Trump blog posts that ended with "... But I support Hillary because if I don't I'll be attacked."
Where was the memo
Who wants the memo
What is the memo
Tick Tock
Drink more Ovaltine
His argument basically boils down to the idea that, even if it is released, its contents are likely ambiguous enough that people will read into it what they want to read into based on their preexisting political allegiances.
>57% of the votes is not a landslide
People like her don't go to jail. We have had 200 years of history to know this. No matter the scandal.
Can you read? He said it’s no kill shot.
Doesn’t mean it’s not important. None of us, including him, know what’s in it.
The only people who do know, compare it to watergate.
>do not release the memo user
>its nothing user dont even worry about it
S a g e d
>a 4 page memo won't bring down the entire democrat party
>i'm a genius persuasion master, buy my book
Scott Adams is truly a master.
there is no "memo". it's a fabricated document. the Trump administration knows they're fucked w/r/t Mueller and they're going to use this non-existent memo to justify their refusal to acknowledge Mueller and his justice.
>"The memo said this was all made up by SHILLARY KILLTON!!!!"
reporter: "Can you provide us with a copy of the memo?"
I tried telling you retards yesterday that the memo is a giant boomer larp and a nothing burger.
Reminder: I will be posting screen caps next Friday to remind you that you fell for anothet boomer larp.
So tired of newfags who don't understand that it's never happening
She posted a few pictures from their Europe trip that weren't touched up, and her skin is TERRIBLE. Looks like she uses bacon as a pillow. She's got a nice body, but she's not as pretty as most of her pictures make her look.
literally wrong
Guys, font fall for it. This is not the real Q.
This isn't a hard call to make. If it was a kill shot rather than them calling for it's release they would be calling for specific prosecutions.
>falling for LARPs
kill yourself you fucking retard
or did I mean font?
Who else makes typos?
Present proves past.
"It will happen when three genders become one"
Godspeed anons.
Check 'em
I have no idea what this memo is, and I don't particularly care, but why don't these people who tweet #releasethememo, and have seen it, release it themselves?
watergate didnt happen overnight
When are burgers going to wake up? Ever?? Are you even dumber than I thought??
because they're not above confidentiality laws, like democrats are
1+1 is 3
>Clintons Arkanciding their enemies left, right and center for decades
>WikiLeaks proves Clinton and her friends are a bunch of murderous satanic pedophiles
yup, easy guys. relax. gotta give it some more time. These things take a while.
yfw this memo gets released legally without leaks
yfw it's the bomb
libs btfo
This is the latest ones for those interested.
they have to let it be put to a vote, so it can go on the record that the dems wanted to hide it
drudge not covering it usually a sign that it's not necessarily important or he's doubting it will be released.
The problem is that the Congressmen that are beating the drum on tweeter are all very much pro-trump (great guys btw).
but that doesn't really tell us anything, it's more likely that it just confirms our suspicions that Obama abused the FISA program to spy on the Trump campaign all the while he was involved, quite substantially, in Hillary's campaign, not to mention the DNC.
It actually does more good for Paul Ryan NOT to release this and let it build up steam, especially if there is indeed some laws that were potentially broken. It's all going to come out in due course.
>unironic Qposting
I have the memo. It's an order for $65k in pizza and hotdogs.
It's classified you retarded nigger
because hannity is a RNC puppet
the more they hype shit and let it fall flat, the less people will push Trump to seek justice against these corrupt politicians ( man who are republican) because they will think it wont go anywhere
Jidf on damage control. There is no memo goyim, nothing goink on here.
Kek. Hoping this shithole goes down with the swamp drain.
Q is real. Very real. “Q is LARP” campaign designed to slow momentum for truth and disclosure. It’s going down faggots. Nothing can stop this tidal wave. It is written.
Fucking this. Scott Adams has no idea what's in the memo. It's one thing to correctly guess the outcome of a presidential election, but it's entirely another for a layperson to say what is or isn't in a classified document.
I think he's wrong about this one.
They can't do that because it would reveal specific information in a classified memo, fucking retard.
Except he never predicted shit.
Just weird autistic interpretations.
Lets see what today provides, it will be nothing, but you faggots won't learn.
it's literally boomers
Don't worry guys. I've already read the memo and it's literally nothing.
Scott's uncut member is 18 cm flaccid and he refers to it as "Hogbert".
Dilbert was the biggest charlatan during the election, all of his talk was wannabe hypnotist-tier bullshit, the only true thing he said was Trump would win.
You think?
You seriously don't know he's CIA?
but are there digits?