Battle shonen trash about growing up and working hard

>battle shonen trash about growing up and working hard
>haremshit that never goes anywhere or explores the depths and complexities of real relationships
>no good romance anime
>no good mecha or giant robo anime
>keep seeing the same tired cliches, tropes, and otaku pandering over and over and over again
How do I like anime again, Sup Forums?

Ask Frank. He'll be here any minute.

You grew out of anime. Read some decent mango and abandon this shit board. It's time to leave

Well, Sup Forumsnon, there's two possibilities

>Crippling depression
>Extreme masochism

or learn to identify shit shows beforehand

Nice image

Watch more moeshit


>mad at truth

ask /mal/

Nobody forces you to watch bad anime.

One of the good things about Sup Forums is that it's extremely easy to spot and report outsiders.

Seasonal anime is almost always garbage. There's only one or two noteworthy shows a year, and that's being optimistic. If you haven't already, go back and watch the classics. The old shit that people still care about. Or, maybe you'll find you're into the real artsy shows no one likes.

I've been posting here since '06 or '07, kid.

nothing personnel

Nobody is forcing you
If you dont enjoy it anymore just leave

>everyone who doesn't enjoy eating shit is an outsider
Spotted the newfag

We /normalfag/ now?

Fuck off and kill yourself, faggot.

Without mods to clean shit up there is no way to distance ourselves from it.

You're suffering from burnout. I had that for about 3 months. Take a break, OP.

Nobody's going to stop you from having shit taste. Just stop pretending you're better because of it.

We are better than you, just accept it and fuck off already. There's nothing you can do about it retard,

>no mention of SoL
>no mention of fantasy/adventure
>no mention of regular sci-fi (non-mecha)
>no mention of sports anime
>no mention of comedies
>no mention of dramas
Yeah but I'm sure you've truly exhausted the list of all good anime OP. Whatever, just stop watching anime, no great loss.

Not even that guy.

Sorry that we're all not 16 years old and watching anime for the first time or some 32 year old burnout whose taste hasn't matured at all since he was 15.

>guys I only watch harems and battle shounen I'm a real hardcore anime fan!

>3 months
I had one for 3 years

I don't give a shit who you are I'm telling you to accept it. There is nothing you can do about it.

you think this thinking shit spawned from Twitter? are you functionally retarded or just so out of touch with the internet you just spew shit from your mouth on a day to day basis

>OP points out how stagnate anime has been getting over the years
>Sup Forums immediately lashes out and demands the stagnation to continue

I don't even want to "fix" anime, I just want them to stop being such bitch-ass betas. Fuck, Tsugumomo has been my favorite series this year just because they go so much further sexually than other animes do.

It's no surprise that Sup Forums is considered the worst board on Sup Forums.

>OP points out how stagnate anime has been getting over the years
Sure fire way of telling a person has no clue what they are talking about. I'll even demonstrate it: tell me at what point anime began to stagnate. Name the year. Or at best a range of 3 years where the decline happened. Do it, so you can show everybody how stupid you are.

Well, good for you then. Enjoy eating shit.
But I'm going to complain about it whether you like it or not, this place wasn't made to be a circlejerk.

Sup Forums is for shitposting and waifu wars
If you want decent discussions go to MAL and reddit

The things I mentioned all have the same userbase. If something is used on one, it's used on all the others too, regardless of which one it spawned on.

Kill yourself with your retarded, low quality threads.

Watch older anime.

There was a huge decline in all media due to financial crisis

>facebook and twitter nigger emote meme

Why is this allowed on Sup Forums?

Ironically enough, slice of life and harem shit are the only genres which have been in anyway decent this decade.

Watch Sangatsu OP

It was 3 points.

>The popularity of Haruhi Suzumiya
>The popularity of Lucky Star
>The popularity of Love Hina

Those combined have cause a copy cat syndrome that hasn't changed in the last 15-20 years.

If your goal is to out me as some "nostalgiafag", too bad. Any anime before 2004 is objectively shit thanks to lack of technology.

All the bullshit and normalfaggotry aside I do feel like I dont enjoy anime that much anymore. Might be time for a break

Nice OP image you got there, faggot. Let me in on the fun you fucking whore.