
Got it as a birthday gift from my best friend. What should I expect?

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>What should I expect?
He wants something in return. If you don't give him anything for his birthday, he might demand sexual favors. You better be careful.

Sadness. Laughter. Feelings. Punpun.

Expect to have a short contemplation on the state of your life after every volume OP. And that's a good friend.

Damn, I'm a neet with diagnosed depression. I guess he is really a good friend than.
Hope I won't kill myself after finishing it since it sounds sad af from your words.

It's not a very happy story at all to be honest, but the feelings it stirs up will stay with you. A fantastic manga.

Also amazing art.

Triangles.Someone post that image.

Ridiculously overrated tragedyporn drivel

your friend is a jerk

lots of fun

I mean...that last volume was.

Just a pretentious series.

Perfect if you wanna talk to others otakus and pretend or look "mature" since you are not like them and dont read popular shit like generic shonens or sissy shoujos. If you are old or have already passed that stage, the series does not even serve to pass time.

oh woah, your firend must be a [spoiller] really nice person. [/spoiler]
Btw you're in for a treat: stunning drawings and emotional overload.


i can't spell. nice.

remember reading that when my undiagnosed depression was at its peak, wanted to truly do this at the end, also spoilers I guess? anime face.smug

I think that is why He/She gave you exactly this manga .... kind of sadistic imo when you get near the half of this whole feelz train

He expect you to read them, not going around asking for opinions before touching them

Expect to really empathize with it until post chapter 100. Then Punpun's motivations and feelings just stop making sense.

protip: lurk more and ctrl+s

Well this is a manga that starts kind of cute at first to end into a ...... I think forewarning into what you are stepping into is good .... specially if you are the suicidal kind


Any cheerful manga or anime? There's no point in reading depressing stuff when you are depressed. It's also easier and better to appreciate when you read it after overcoming this stuff Who am I kidding, like my life will get better...

Boku no pico.


Read it, I think it will have a better impact and most people actually want to improve their live after reading it than some happy feelings shit stuff, it really depends if you can connect with the characters, for some people is the "hey my live is bad, but is not this level of fucked up yet. so there is hope", I will assume this will be your case because I doubt you wouldnt have necked yourself already if you actually live a life like Punpun's

I read NHK like three years ago, it really motivated me to start working. Really hated my job though and can't bring myself to finish my university.

what is your career mate? cos if its some liberal art type of career, not so much point in continue, dunno your country but that shit doesnt work usually anyway .... not like Im the one to talk about giving advice on university

it's weird. really weird, mostly as it continues. who knows, it could be a euphemism for life


An author so desperate to make realistic characters,every single one of them is psychotic and disgusting.

>realistic characters
Yeah, no really, but seriously can you be still be sane after some of the stuff had to deal while being in the Japanese society? you know the real batshit one, not the anime/manga kind

I was working in logistics, as data analyst.
Started quite interesting, good tasks, good wage. Than executives saw that I can do my job good, but not exactly an leading type and put more and more work on me, with more and more hours. I couldn't take vacations because "you are in the middle of our project user!". Living for three years like this, returning home tired to do even mundane tasks like bathing, I quit and decided to spend some time trying to find something that fits me.
During work I started to study offsite, studying marketing for soft- and hardware. Just once you live alone, parents far away and no friends, fall into depression once it's insanely hard to put yourself together.

I'm 25 now, and I'm afraid that even if I finish with 26 I will be too old for job market, so for now I have no idea if my decision to quit was so wise and didn't fuck my whole life.

Yo hold up, there's an English box set out?

no, its the German localisation, i have the same at at home

Well, imho that is one of the reasons why I think if you can work on you own and deal with your own schedule and stuff you should do it but then again I have no idea what the job market in your country is like and what the pros or cons of work for a company or be on your own will be like, you are still relative young imo though and if you have some past job experience it is good if you want to be in the working for someone else route

Now if you have the capital and willingness you can try work something in your own .... dunno what is the stuff you want to work on though

We're only on omnibus five I think for the English release user, I must admit though the German box set looks really good.

You are young user, if you didn't feel right at your job than quitting it was right, it's easier to do at your age than in 30s, where you would just noose yourself realising there's no possibilities for you left.

I would really recommend anybody in some kind of existenional crisis to read this manga. It's not Sartre, Camus or Dostoevsky, but I would say it really gives a honest and cold look on life and impact of your decisions in it. It's depressing, but it really makes you value and think about your life. Which in itself is an important thing to do.

Boring hipster bullshit.

Some PunPun

>200 dollars for a birthday present
Must be nice yo be rich.

Tragedy porn that's about as deep as a puddle and twice as unpleasant. The author is so desperate to make you feel something that he creates revolting characters for the sole purpose of emotionally manipulating the audience. It's incredibly pretentious, and thinks it's a lot more affecting than it really is.

That said, if your dear friend bought it for you, you should go ahead and read it instead of worrying about what Sup Forums users think. Maybe you'll enjoy it more than I did.

What manga do you think that's more realistic and less pretentious than Punpun?
Just curious.

2 more volumes until its all out in english.

I never said the characters in Punpun were strictly unrealistic, I said they were repulsive in order to get a rise out of the audience, rather than being interesting in their own merits. Everyone was a miserable wretch all the time, and the story wallows in it while expecting the reader to come along for the ride without becoming annoyed or exhausted.

At least in something like Evangelion where the characters are equally as miserable, the show is conveying some sort of message beyond "these people are tragic, it's time for you to cry now".

I suppose I just have very little patience for the whole attitude behind punpun.