#FusionCollusion 21st Party edition

The ENTIRE SYSTEM of FISA-702 surveillance and data collection was weaponized against a political campaign. The DOJ and FBI used the FISA Court to gain access to Trump data, and simultaneously justify earlier FISA “queries” by their contractor, Fusion GPS. FISA-702 queries were used to gather information on the Trump campaign which later became FBI counterintelligence surveillance on the officials therein.


The hashtag we're posting is #FusionCollusion

If you don't see an /fcg/ up, make one:

Other urls found in this thread:


stop making these threads.

Stop living then we'll see

No. Bump. MAGA

You;re right. We should all just stop making these threads, and not make these threads anymore. These threads obviously have you upset, and we don't want that.

You do realize this is starting to make the mainstream news now, I guess even they can't ignore it forever.

Thanks for the bump. Bump.

The whole point was to make the normie take it and bear it. Guess we're making progress


i have been away for 4 weeks without internet, what is this about?

This bread is nice
Thanks op

The ENTIRE SYSTEM of FISA-702 surveillance and data collection was weaponized against a political campaign. The DOJ and FBI used the FISA Court to gain access to Trump data, and simultaneously justify earlier FISA “queries” by their contractor, Fusion GPS. FISA-702 queries were used to gather information on the Trump campaign which later became FBI counterintelligence surveillance on the officials therein.


Lead story on CNN Politics right now...

these breads just turned 21. that calls for a black tie Hope Hicks to celebrate

I called my senators and my representative to encourage the release of the memo un-redacted.

first senator's operator: "which memo?"
(I explained the doj/fbi collusion memo)
she made a note of my call

second senator's operator: "thank you for your support, i'll pass it along."

representative's operator: "rep user has read the memo and fully supports it's release."
me: "we want it un-redacted - no page after page of black blocks"
operator: "i'll make a note and pass it to him. - thank you for the call."

So what now? I mean what are the odds anything is actually going to happen? I care about my country deeply and it seems the people who do the most wrong always get away with it.

Is that the floozie who accused Trump?

You're free to browse bbc, we wuz, sexbot threads any time, cock cleaner. There are 10 up every minute

>Is that the floozie who accused Trump?
No, that's the floozie who denied it when CNN reported it.

it's becoming more a reality by the hour, the more talk the less the happening is going to happen

Ah so many fake tits you can't tell now a days

That's her. Media kvetching because nobody gives a shit about their latest "scoop" lol

Yeah. Irrefutable proof she's right, I hope leftists will not see it or Trump is finished



its going to happen. Gaetz was saying possibly by tonight, other people are saying Trump wants to get the funding issued figured out and let the dems squirm until monday.

Boi... you trolling so hard. Kek

ippo ippo de


Doing god's work

This is what i figured. Let the govt shutdown story play out so the release of the memo is the one and only story to cover when it drops.

If they have no breasts they're thots

From a group of people who are suppose to be "sexually liberal" and complained about how Clinton's Lewinsky scandal shouldn't matter - true hypocrisy.

Good user
I wonder if #fusioncollusion should replace the shadow banned hashtag

You can catch a gimps of side boob

I just hope something comes of this if what you say is true. It will be nice to be on the right side of history.

We're on the twitter just not used by everyone

Here have a bump
Shareblue eat shit

Can anyone give me a quick rundown of this transcript? It was dropped yesterday, but the thread died quickly with all the other chaos going on.

>founder of fusion gps says fusion gps is awesome
>throws out some unsourced money laundering claim because he just doesn't believe trump is that rich
>its not going to matter because they are going to #releasethememo
>#FusionCollusion gets exposed


the greatest thing is happening right now is the

>linking to (((wittes)))
hi shareblue. tick fucking tock, faggot.

>calling me shariablue for asking for more information on a CONGRESSIONAL TRANSCRIPT
what the fuck is Wittes?

meant for

thanks...and was wondering

New Clinton emails, and Uranium One info


Oh, some brookings institute faggot. Guess i was more curious about the contents of the transcript instead of who could be pushing it...

Text version of story


should this stay alive?

Can we start #schumershutdown
Keep the heat on em
Make those people own their mess

Why should it? Obviously Trump doesn't have a problem with it.

What is it like to have such low reading comprehension? But seriously, I really hope Trump knows what he's doing and has our best interests in mind with the FISA reauthorization. I would veto 702 every time and in any form. It was just a tool waited to be abused that was repeatedly used in a whole variety of types of abuse.


>What is it like to have such low reading comprehension?
>But seriously, I really hope Trump knows what he's doing and has our best interests in mind with the FISA reauthorization.

You insulted me, and then immediately turned around and agreed with me for what you insulted me for. What have I read wrong? This is a plain jane reauthorization bill. No more, no less. And I agree with you, of course this shits going to be abuse, not if, but when.

Seriously anons. Just a 1-mute call with your congressperson secretary.
enter your zip here to get number house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
>>say, Hi I live in (Congresspersons name) district and I want them to release the memo to the public. It's very important to me. Thank you.
>>hang up
There ya go. simple, easy, quick.pic related

Trump did get rid of the 702(17) about queries which is what they used to spy on him, but I agree, its just waiting for the next king nigger to come along and add the (17) about queries back into law.

not until you see the truth MAGA

Make sure then you're not electing another king nigger.

It's a skill like any other, user. You'll get there and I'll help.

>This is NOT the same FISA law
>NOT the same FISA law
>NOT the same

You see, Trump is clarifying a potentially confusing issue. His statement is meant to indicate that he did not approve a simple reauthorization of a previous bill. The FISA reauthorization is, if you will bear with me, "NOT the same" as the previous FISA law. NOT the same. You could also call it "different." Different.

>I really hope Trump knows what he's doing
>hope Trump knows what he's doing
>hope...know what he's doing

This is a common idiom that means something like, "I am concerned the actor's results of their actions may be different from their intentions." Far from agreeing with your misunderstanding, I was sharing my concern that even with the realities of the change, there is still potential for abuse.

Also, I was being a dick. Grow that skin thick, newfag, or lurk moar.


Same with faxing Congress. You don't need to use a valid phone number but it will require a valid email address for verification.

Send a Fax to your Congressional Representative

Send a Fax to your Senators

When Ahmed from Pakistan is fucking a 6 year old and want to share his feelings with Mohamhead from Minnesota, who's also fucking a 6 year old but is Murican citizen now, this is how you get them.

A bullet in Ohr head and a handfull of others and no one would dare to do abuse for politicians for 20 years to come

There's stuff in there the Dems don't want out. But I don't think it is this bombshell watergate-level scandal. Because if it was the Republicans get it out or at least leak it somehow.

She's full of gas alright.
>checked for quints

Nice get

no, they are going to force the democrats on the committee to unanimously vote against it again and then when whatever is in there is revealed they are going to look like the are complicit in covering up corruption, which of course they are.
The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2018..

They've already voted against it once. Why bother making them vote again? Furthermore, if it was really as bad as you say, Dems would start to flee the sinking ship before it even came out.

Also they have the advantage of an overwhelmingly sympathetic media that will spin anything into something that hurts Republicans.

I guess cbts was not a larp after all. I wish I could call to

How do you leak a document that you are only allowed to view in a SCIF room and aren't allowed to make copies of? Even if they tried to memorize it, it's classified and they're Congressmen. Plus, any errors in the memorized copy would be decried as propaganda/fascist revolution attempt by the press.
The previous vote was simply to allow all Representatives to be able to view it in a SCIF room. The second vote would be to declassify it for public release. The Democratic strategy here is to claim it's total hokum manufactured by Nunes in a transparent attempt to undermine the completely legitimate Russia collusion narrative and the involiable reputation of the FBI.
Absolutely false. I believe the French word is "haram."

>this is how you get them.

Get whom? Ahmed? Why would I want my Government wasting resources tracking criminals in countries they cant prosecute? The person from Minnesota? Why would I want my Government to have the power to spy on citizens without a warrant? Furthermore, US Citizens are supposed to remain unmasked, so how does this help us?


Bump, it looks like Loretta and Comey are in some trouble, the teflon coating of the higher ups seems to be in tact though.


Fresh off the presses:
There may be something going down today. According to Sexton, the Demos are going to suffer today for their ignorance.


Check out @BuckSexton’s Tweet: twitter.com/BuckSexton/status/954417975699869699?s=09

Bump stocks for freedom

or not.


I called my Congressman and they played dumb, like they don't know what's going on and never heard of this.

They probably only watch MSNBC and NPR.

TRUMP ATTORNEY: We Are Hearing the FISA Abuse ‘Went Further Than Just Spying on Trump’s Campaign’

>An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow said on his broadcast Jay Live Friday that he is hearing the FISA abuse went deeper and further than just spying on Trump’s presidential campaign.



You think they stick to something

I called NPR to chew them out for covering the Trump / Stripper tabloid instead of this, and they also played dumb.

I swing by Sup Forums everyone once in a while to see what whitey's up to in his alternate dimension

Y'all are still going on about Fusion? That died in literally two days.

I guess this is your new pizzagate.

What did she mean by this?

Oh boy ... your grammar and logical thinking is sure spot on

Doesn't surprise me in the least. More than two dozen media outlets, 6 of them major ones, were covering the story this morning. But oh no, not me, I wouldn't know anything about this "bigger than Watergate" stuff, because I'm a journalist and I'm with her!


word choice is called diction

Oh didn't you hear? Fusion testimony proves Trump was laundering money for Russians. Hundreds of millions for that golf course in Scotland. Billionaires don't have that kind of cash, not a credible idea in the least. Drumpf is finished now. Impeachment any day, my gomrad!

>500 years later

cump of bocaine

Gonna have to set up crisis management centers to manage all of the Dem sperg-outs when the truth is revealed and sinks in.

Release the memo! If not, then leak it! Fight fire with fire!

i like this thread

>Anons. Just a 1-mute call with your congressperson secretary.
enter your zip here to get number house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
>say, Hi I live in (Congresspersons name) district and I want them to release the FISA COURT ABUSE MEMO to the public. It is a matter of vital importance and the public deserves to know the truth. Thank you.
>>hang up
There ya go. simple, easy, quick.pic related

It's starting. The rats are starting to flee. This guy use to work for Mueller, and he's turning on Fusion GPS

CNN Analyst: ‘Wouldn’t Trust’ Fusion GPS Founder ‘As Far As I Could Throw Him’

Honestly, I think they'll riot. Look at what they did when Trump was legally elected. They'll buy the Democrat's assertion that Nunes just made shit up and their Russia collusion stuff is true gold(en showers).

I put the odds on California declaring independence as a result of Strzok being indicted 1000 to 1. Taking all bets.

Thanks Ben.

That might work for "analysts" but it's already too late for the networks. They'll, as they love to say, double down. They spent too much time criticizing Nunes, calling him a Trump operative, implying his visit to a White House SCIF room last March was treasonous, implying his underwear is made of tin-foil, etc. Maybe they will be okay if their audience has the attention span of a pigeon, but I generally believe people are smarter than we let on.

his whole theory on why he doesmt think Trump is a billionaire just proves Glenn Simpson doesmt understand the first thing about business. the value.of the gold courses trump owns isnt in people playing rounds of golf, it's in the actual land. The guy is a certified retard and I hope we bring back the electric chair to fry that sanctimonious fuck

Compare the two. You know that those claiming it's a Russian conspiracy are going to fail

Washington Times

FISA abuse memo, #ReleaseTheMemo campaign send Congress, Wikileaks and Twitter into a tailspin

The Rolling Stone

Release the Memo: What's the Conspiracy Behind the Right-Wing Meme?
