JoJo Thread

Waiting for more spoilers

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Phantom_Blood_(film)#Gallery

Nah - honestly the color scans are updating so fast that i could honestly see the color scans ending in August but most likely September.


I highly doubt the anime will be released before the color scans finish

Is Parte Five spanish?
we should start this meme that part 5 takes place in spain

He's got a grape thing like Sugar Mountain

I believe I've found a reference that no one has pointed out yet

Jorge Joestar takes place in spain IIRC.
that's why it's "Jorge" instead of "George"

Haha that sounds super funny!!
Could this be the birth of an epic new jojo meme?

I first got into JoJo through All-Star Battle.
Then I bought Eyes of Heaven.
Now I've just finished watching Season 1 of the anime.

And what?

Have the RAWs for 30-33 been uploaded yet? I really want to check them out.

If you didn't get into Jojo through Heritage for the Future and the 90s OVA you're a falsie

I'm sorry that you couldn't experience the series before being spoiled to death


If you didn't get into JoJo through the manga before HftF and the OVAs you're a filthy Amerifat poser

Actually I'm still enjoying it even though I'm spoiled on a lot of it.

Looks like Speed King's got a new friend with that lower-half.

If you didn't get into JoJo through Part 1 first then you're a filthy casual.

I didn't say you weren't enjoying it, but if you weren't spoiled on the whole series you'd enjoy it a lot more.
Happy to know you're enjoying it regardless!

If you didn't get into JoJo you're gay.

Katawa Shoujo but with the retard stands when.

If you didn't get into Jojo via touhou, you're a closet gay,

But we got into JoJo and we're still incredibly gay.

>If you didn't get into Jojo via touhou, you're a closet gay
Patrician man right here.

Where's the new chapter? Has anything been released yet or is the op pic fake?

Sometimes the Japanese suck at punny names.

>Not getting into jojo by reverse searching a jojoke pic posted on Sup Forums

all of you

Everyone has already read the new chapter

I liked Touhou way before JoJo but I didn't get into JoJo because of it, does it count?

Nope - there are a couple of scans of the chapter

All we got so far is OP's image, this, and the plant guy talking about Yasuho's hair




Where's the fucking beans?!

His stand been named yet?

Beanman would be proud.

We all don't know.

Green Rosetta

What did he mean by this?

The danbooru notes explaining all the puns is extensive to the point of an art.

You are chill my friend
I'm glad the cross-overs are still coming for the newer parts.
>tfw no crossover of your fave touhou with jojo though.
>tfw want to draw it but the only connection is a colour and it'd be weird.

He grew to like Josuke over time

>they didn't get into JoJo through the ZA WARUDO meme
Lmaoing at your lives

It'll be some terrible fruit pun.

>not Green Manalishi
C'mon, Araki canonically listens to Fleetwood Mac, we've never seen Zappa referenced once. Sad as that is, I think he's too obscure for Araki

Casts from different series don't fit perfectly with each other, so you'll see, for example, that DIO can be drawn with both Remilia and Sakuya or even Flandre. Some people draw crossover fanart of two characters who have absolutely nothing in common, so associating two characters because of their color isn't too far-fetched imo. What's your favorite 2hu?

>They didn't get into JoJo by stumbling upon a gay doujin

>Tfw you expected JoJo crossover art the moment Clownpiece's design got shown
>The nips didn't disappoint.
Fun times.

What's your favourite obscure JoJo thing?
Mine is the different vampire costume that Dio has in the Phantom Blood film.

I just hope it wasn't garbage like Jotaro x Kakyoin, Jonathan x Dio or Joseph x Caesar.

>Thursday, actually. We have the full raws, working on it today.

He knew Josuke was being mind raped by Daiya but decided to blame Josuke.

does getting into blazblue because of a Platinum x Rachel doujin count?

I vaguely remember a doujin of a that one tohou character that stops time being raped by THE WORLD, while star platinum watches

And I know but it seems just a bit odd.

>Getting into BB for anything other than Husbandoing and Waifuing.
You are fine.
I only picked up CS at a con because I thought Hazama was a qt on the promo boards.

I like White Caesar from JoJoveller. It's not that obscure though.

I want to look at more art of this movie Dio but I don't know if a tag for it even exists on Pixiv. Anyway, those fucking assholes tend to not take their shit properly.

The JoJo wiki has a bunch of pictures from the film.'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Phantom_Blood_(film)#Gallery

>while Star Platinum watches
For what reason?

Has anyone ever drawn a Platinum x Star Platinum doujin?

I think he was recording it

>Actively trying to look for spoilers when the full chapter comes in a few days

why would you do this after waiting a month

>in b4 why are you here
replying from outside the thread and moving on

Heart belt is cute, part 3 foreshadowing

I remember theres an entire series of Sailor Moon doujins that are all titled after stands
And theres waaaaay too many of them to be just a mere coincidence

Good fucking taste-
Do you have a thing for greens or something? Not that I'm judging, she's great too.

>why would you do this after waiting a month

Because Araki's monthly schedule.

Speculating based on spoilers is fun because pretty much all the time we're wrong and Araki's got a more interesting idea to put forward.

Does Araki have some problem with dads

So you want to draw Parsee with the character I'm thinking of just because they're green? I say go for it.

>tfw your favorite 2hu is Kaguya
>tfw your husbando is Terence T. D'arby
The parodies were inevitable.

I thought his parents were never home during his childhood?

Cool, thanks.

What the fuck is supposed to be happening in that pic

/fit/ is happening

>Tfw no Rika/Stroheim crossover art.
Being a PC98fag is suffering.

I guess it doesn't help that they're both characters from their respective series' early days.

At least characters like Stroheim got a lot more attention thanks to the recent adaptations, no hopes for the original toehoes though.

>Do you have a thing for greens or something?
I thought the same thing typing that, My first waifu was the green haired doctor from Night Shift Nurses too.
I main Relius nowadays though.

>Terencefag has great taste
As too be expected.

That's a bummer. But you know we need more MIMA CONFIRMED XDDDD shitposters instead. Tch.

>Go to look up touhou/jojo on pixiv
>Forget touhou runes is also in Higashitkata
>Get hit with Kaato with anal beads
Not what I expected.

I have a weird request:
can someone help me find the bpm for the first part of the buccelatti theme from ASB?

Don't remind me, not gone back to /jp/ ever since DDC came out.
It's nice that there's a healthy amount of crossover fanart though, been finding more for the later parts lately instead of the usual TOEHOES DOING WACKY POSES kind of generic art.

That's so stupid it needs to happen

I love this guy's design

What were your thoughts on Jojo before you got into it?

I thought it was an action fantasy yaoi show with fancy art style

almost the same

Buff oily men that stop time

why does everyone look black now?

Because Araki wants to trigger Sup Forums or something.

that's close enough.

I thought it was like Person except more wacky and everyone's buff.

a meme
origin of classics such as ZA WARUDO, ROADO ROLLA DA, and, as I'd come to learn YOUR NEXT LINE IS, "I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED"


I thought it was gonna be a zany comedy. Didn't realize how many jojo references there are in jokes I had been seeing for years until I watched/read it. First exposure was that roadroller gif from ~2006, went through the whole series in February of this year.

There was a pixiv artist who was drawing touhou with stands but gave all the girls the colours of the actual user. Some of the combos were odd like Aya Tonio-coloured with Maniac Depression.

And /jp/ feels so no fun allowed nowadays.
>Post that FS page about humans being protected by Tengu
>Make a portal joke.
>People throwing shit about how its not a nice place
>I just wanted to make a shitty joke like when we used to have the pasta about playing SWE Sakuya in the bath.

Maybe I'll put Volume 59/60 of GW in a toaster and just jump in.

I do too user.
Between his chill, putting on a seatbelt and the bean puns he's already up there.

You too, my friend. Parsee is great.

I thought it was some sort of fight anime with homosexual undertones
So I guess I wasn't very wrong

Shit, I'd love to see that guy's stuff.
Also, /jp/'s that bad now? Do they still have the usual "2hu has really gone downhill, the new games suck!!!" threads since 16's releasing this year or what?

Will there be any change to the fandom when the Part 3 dub gets shown on Toonami? reminder this is the best ending theme

gay with a passion,all characters are male,buff and made overdramatic poses the anime
and because it was so "lol so randum XD" it became a meme

Thats what I thought

There's a guarantee that people will be like
>"The fuck happened to the ripple? what is this new shit?"
">Dio is back *insert shitty dead meme* how tho?" and
>"Thats not a 17 year old kid"

>pic related

So how long was the gap between Part 3 ending and the Part 4 tease?

>Thats not a 17 year old kid
This, especially with the voices they're using in the dub.