>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 89% white, biggest economy in Europe
>USA: 52% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
I'm starting to see a pattern here, Sup Forums
>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 89% white, biggest economy in Europe
>USA: 52% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
I'm starting to see a pattern here, Sup Forums
decadent whites lose sight of what matters as their economy gets big enough, let in the barbarians
next; China takes over as we turn into brazil
The Chinese insects are immune to attempts at subversion via empathy. They really will rule the 21st century.
Whites see the Chinese as nerdy, weak, uncreative, rich and boring. That's how black people look at white people.
>biggest economy in Europe
moment entire east stops buying your overpriced kaufland toxic bullshit you die from starvation
The USA was all those things the 50's before the brown invasion. Try again Mohammed.
>USA was the biggest economy in Europe
Can you into reading comprehension?
well, ive been all over europe, visited usa and canada, soon i plan on visiting australia.
and on thing i can tell you, honest to god, that all of your countries look like the opposite of all the memes on the internet.
germany, usa, france, uk.... its all the same old shit cars (vs passat, ford focus, toyotas), houses that have the same shit everybody besides Somalians have, the same phones.
There is absolutely no difference, besides one, i think, crucial thing.
I havent seen a single nigger in the last 2 years.
I'm sure you would love to have an excuse for being this pathetic to hodl all these refugees. The truth is far sadder than that.
fix toilet wojtek
explain this
Poland is actually advancing at an astounding rate, due to the value that people have in producing something. This is in comparison to the welfare states that the rest of Europe has become.
Let's be honest. The US had a white nationalistic policy until the 60's. They limited immigration to mostly white countries.
They became powerful because they were overwhelmingly white. Now China will take over.
If USA has the same population but filled with white people we would be having pool parties on Titan and holiday on Mars you retard
What about African shitholes where the only whites are albino black people, so not really white anyway.
> Butthurt German angry that Ahmed is taking over his country because he valued materialism over actual culture.
USA 2050: 0% white, KARA BOGA has descended from the heavens (New Afrika) to usher in His eternal reign and cast down fire upon the world's few remaining wh*Tes
>3rd world shithole
Yeah sure, in a few years you will be able to translate arabic and turkish. 1 post by this ID
Yeah, it is a pattern. Shitskins go to countries with large economies until they cause them to crash. That's the pattern. They don't want to go to Poland because 1. they would get btfo and 2. they wouldn't get many gibs.
wish we could go back
fuck LBJ
Shill thread. Trying to slide the Memo stuff off the front page.
And yet you are retarded enough to believe multiculturalism brings economic growth, not the other way around
>South Africa
>8% white
>We have transcended above economies and functioning militaries