So as predicted, the memo is a big nothing burger. And no one cares about it anymore.
What's the next step in Sup Forumss master plan...
So as predicted, the memo is a big nothing burger. And no one cares about it anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
we havent seen the fucking memo cunt.
> So as predicted, the memo is a big nothing burger. And no one cares about it anymore.
Yes. I feel so incredibly sleepy...
>Hasn't seen the memo
>It's a nothing burger
Why are women so fucking stupid?
Is that Tucker as a grill?
Muh memo... muh red pill...
Muh reality...
Can confirm. Read it this morning and it's nothing.
Its more of a war strategy
I've been on the fence about the memo... but seeing this shill thread has put me over the top: now I know it is real, and that I ought to be paying attention to it and keeping the pressure up. Thank you OP.
Only drumpfkins care
Obama dindu nufgin wrong
The story is just getting rolling. The WSJ has called for its release. Every Republican congressman who's read it says it's a big deal, and there are millions of people calling every government number in Washington to demand the release.
It's happening. Try not having the attention span of a cat.
Sup Forums fell for another larp?
No way!
S-surely Hannity is tick tocking away and Hilldawg will be in prison tomorrow, r-right magapedes?
>So as predicted, the memo is a big nothing burger. And no one cares about it anymore.
> What's the next step in Sup Forumss master plan...
Dems are fucked, you cucky bastard.
clinton will b-be indicted any day now, just you wait!
why are womanized men so sexy, especially Trump?
>pic related
it's mai waifu
Aren’t you shills getting sleepy? Y’all have been shilling this a long time, you guys must be getting tired. Doesn’t CTR let you take a nap?
That clearly looks like a man, look at that massive jawbone and ocular protrusions. Got some bad news for you, user, you're a faggot.
Office of the Speaker
Phone: (202) 225-0600
>CALL NOW and DEMAND Speaker Ryan declassify the "FISA ABUSE" memo to the public
>This is a matter of VITAL PUBLIC INTEREST
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