How is this still going

How is this still going

author pads the living hell out of the manga
storylines never get resolved
mc has a bunch of title defenses

Is Morikawa bad mangaka?

Would a bad mangaka manage to keep a series alive for 100+ volumes? He could probably be living on the fact that he mentored Miura, his reputation is pretty good, and that he sells comparatively well for a manga of that length.

It's niche.

Some people just want beat over the head with the same crap repeatedly over and over again and again for the rest of their lives until the day they die.
Oh god it's us

Sounds like average Japanese lifestyle
>Wake up
>Go to work
>Read the new chapter of [long running manga] on the train
>work 16+ hours
>come home
>Watch tonight's episode of [long running anime] while eating dinner
>go to bed
>repeat forever

It's WSM's Kochikame.

how is rocky still going?
there's your answer.

I want to see Ippo die on the ring

He will die fighting Ricardo

it's not bad

it just hasn't aged well at all

the problem is that I'm still invested in the characters, but most everything between fights now are completely boring

they didn't use to be, but they are now

Lurk more.

But I don't want to lurk more, most of the threads are about anime girls.

Morikawa is a hack

OP here, rereading through currently. Things go so fast at first. Not even chapter 200 and Ippo is challenging for the belt, It's really hard to imagine how there is almost 1000 more chapters as I'm at about 187 or so and the Date fight is in another chapter or two.
It builds this giant world though and characters we care about but it's worrying how slow the story is progressing now and if it will ever finish.
It's also expanded so much that everybody can't possibly get enough screentime/fights with a satisfying finish

Just like real boxing

I don't think boxers actually want to be beat up, it's more like they can't avoid all the punches.

Boxing is all about defense.

The best defense is a good offense

the other characters generally do get plenty of time. that's why there's another 1000 chapters.

Not enough Kimura or Aoki focus desu