C'mon infidel, Jizya ain't gonna pay itself

>C'mon infidel, Jizya ain't gonna pay itself
Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, you can always, like, convert, you know

Also, jizya is only enforced on christian or jew (and maybe zoroastrian and other minor abrahamic religion). Straight up pagan worship will meet an instant death

>Well, you can always, like, convert, you know
Into the Janissary fuccboi corps you go
>Straight up pagan worship will meet an instant death
then why ottoman empire allowed tengriist?


Offer myself to him since I am already a muslim.

Why MAPPA stole his design again?

[x] rape

Call up my boy Charles.

I'm hyped for the anime
I'm not gonna like the influx of fujos in the threads though.

Don't worry, there won't be any with the influx of (((Sup Forums))) in it.

charles who?

yeah me too
btw sid is doing OP called "Dream Spiral"
hope they did catched the right ottoman aoura for it

>sid is doing OP
Didn't they do Magi's OP too?
So SID does the OP for all arabian inspired series?

they did full metal alchemist and bleach too
so i guess they also do for other shounens too

But the Turks in Altair aren't even Muslims.
Why would Sup Forumstards care so much?

good choice
but which one?

>Wat do
Follow in the footsteps of my Polish ancestors and remove kebab

>But the Turks in Altair aren't even Muslims. Why would Sup Forumstards care so much?

>Mosque like buildings everywhere


>Indications of Turks having decent culture

>notHRE being baddies

>pic related

but your ottomans sheltered your polish ancestors after Europeans "paid you back" kindly?


Good since Turks aren't muslims, they just use them as as their main force.
Turkey and Japan are buddies.



they seem p good

Wrong. Jizya is enforced on any non-muslim under a Muslim government. If they refuse to pay it, they can leave or be persecuted.


In ye olden days the pagans were killed without a second thought while the christians and jews needed to pay up.


Chapter 100 in a few days, if it's not still on break. Perfect numerical timing since shit is about to hit the fan. Looks like the Turkish capitol is going to be sacked by the savage lady.

Urban II finally did something? Rare.

Motherfucking Johan planned this shit all along
Can't wait to see more ruse cruise from kato
Sense scans should catch it up quick btw