What is her character trope

What is her character trope

Not every character has to have a defining trope.

Yamato nadeshiko.

Not really

>borderline psycho
She's feminine and wears kimonos but that's it. Nadeko is (was?) more of yamato nadeshiko than Tsukihi.

She's a good egg.

She's just a idiot

Future prostitute

enjo kosai

Same as her's


is this series worth getting back into?


Nice hips.


unless you are thirsty for a harem with the first girl winning three episodes in which renders everything after boring.

When your hair is long, it's pretty annoying in a lot of situations. When you lay down to sleep, for example, if it's past around your shoulders, you'll sometimes pinch part of it under you and turn and pull it. If it's longer than that you can pin it down just sitting down or something. You can even swallow strands of your hair if you're eating without being careful. That's especially bad, since you have to pull it back out and it's really scratchy and unpleasant. So a natural solution that people with long hair will come up with on their own, if no one shows them, is to coil their hair around their neck like that. For something so common though, it's pretty much never shown in fiction. So that's kind of neat to see.


When did this happen?

Self-controlled yandere.

To see if he felt anything while kissing her. Since he felt nothing by kissing her he confirmed shes compleatly his sister and not an aberration

one of my favorite personality types, especially when combined with a secret sadist/dangerous side.

Dude nice, you like running around in winter coats every day too?


Yamato Nadeshiko that got upset she wasn't getting enough screen time so she took on a yandere personality to have a bigger impact on the audience the few times she was on screen.

ragi is a good onii-chan to his imoutos
During the night it seems

>ragi is a good onii-chan to his imoutos
he's a man amongst men, I wouldn't last a week without ravaging little sisters like these

>failed entrance exams
>moved to the US to study "dancing"

slut trope

>failed entrance exams
>couldn't figure out what to do with her life
>left for another country to escape pressure
more like 'strikes too close to home' trope

>Failed entrance exams
She dropped out twice.

does she go back to live with ragi, or is it just karen and him now

How would that confirm anything if he doesn't have a massive aberration fetish?

This is how it should be all the time, leaving peacefully as an incest family

That's the point user. And a running gag.

I do wonder how many times did Aryaryagi boned his sisters.

He's probably done Karen at least once by Musubi.

Didn't she go to vegas and become a dancer/slut?

Was it implied anywhere?


This, kick all the other sluts out of the series and go with this plot line shaft

Kanbaru is acceptable into the house though

>used to think monogatari was a high class deep anime about helping others get rid of their personal demons with some supernatural mixed in
>realize it's just harem shit in the end

Pulled one over me

and snail of course

wrong user, that big happy family does not need a lesbo, a cat, a stapler, a snake or any math to make them interesting

It's SHAFT's fault though. If you read the books you would realize your first impression was correct.

A good harem

It's about teaching otaku how to resist your imouto seduction.

>used to think monogatari was a high class deep anime


i used to think that monogatari just pretend to be a harem porn show to make money, but under that surface it has very deep meaning
still want to believe

>Gets a gf within a couple of episodes even though it's not best girl
>Harem with tomboy, imoutos & lolis
>Actually kisses the girls
Based, need more MC's like Ragi

Best harem anime I've ever watched, I'll tell you that for free.

And it is actually fairly deep, though not in the obvious way. It has a very 2deep4u aesthetic with all the elaborate puns and the text on screen and the telephone poles, but that's all for show, it's like the biblical parts in Eva, just there to look cool. The real strength of the show lies in the oddities and how faithfully they represent various problems people face in their lives.

Poorly defined, but also psycho

Nisio's good at dialogues and the anime doesn't ruin them, so that's that

foot slut

nah that slut from im@s took that trope all for herself

best girl

there isn't a single supernatural thing in monogatari.
Everything is just a metaphor for ordinary issues, it's why Rararagi couldn't save Euler.

Fellatio fanatic

>there isn't a single supernatural thing in monogatari.
nice trips, but what about Koyomi's fights with vampire hunters in Kizu, what are they metaphor for

>2 pages dedicated to explaining Hanekawa's panties

Monogatari is ecchi shit, but with style.


Nigga does this shit to little girls while his parents are cops

Source? That's really interesting I'd like to read more.

sounds like headcanon

Picked up

I wish that were true.

Explain his supernatural stories being corroborated by everyone else who has narrated the series.


I'm pretty sure "vampires" in Monogatari are just junkies.

So the fights were against dealers.

I'd say it's pretty explicit that Kaiki is a drug-dealer.


a good and kind imouto

My cute(and sometimes hysteric) wife.

A patient imouto


This cap always gets me going for some reason


Go say that in your own Bee thread. Oh, wait.

she looks kinda greasy here

ironic nu-weebs really seem to enjoy nisio's work.

tsukihi araragi is a really funny name
