Fuck the memo.
It's Mueller time.
Kiked again.
>Meme flag
>Le 56% meme
Kill yourself nigger shill
What does this mean? Explain to a retard, please.
Stop posting botnet.
He's referencing the fisa abuse memo
This is just another meaningless thread to slide/muddy-the-waters/etc.
Obama's gang abused a law that allows intel collection on FOREIGN targets for US security interests to target a CITIZEN for political reasons.
The law still has a very practical use and libtards are trying to call the GOP hypocritical for renewing it. Basically just plain old kikery.
That's the POTUS, bro.
Sounds like the parts renewed only involve targeting of foreign agents.
evidence obama abused fisa, please. seems like typical alt-right talking points
How do you know they’re foreign agents without collecting data first
That's all the law was ever intended to entail.
IIRC Obama signed a few EOs on his way out that changed the way intel agencies could share intel without screening the names of citizens, among a few others. I wouldn't be surprised if those changes are brought back into the public consciousness soon.
Wtf why isn't your phone at 7% charge?
What does the "F" in FISA stand for again?
Why was it so important that other intel agencies were able to access data accrued through FISA warrants without the names of citizens screened that Obama signed an EO for it on his way out? Citizens are to be protected at all times unless implicated in a crime, then the data is passed through proper channels. This unredacted intel was even shared with foreign agencies.
Names are not unmasked. The data shouldn't be retained or shared.
heard of the 5 eyes? they still cant spy on us citizens on us soil, even if they are from foreign countries using our databases. in america, there are limits
Catch is it’s automatically encrypted and archived, so it’s still saved but technically inaccessible unless directly accessed. Of course it’s vastly too much data for humans, so series of algorithms are used for flagging for further human review.
Don't you Shareblue JIDF pieces of shit ever take a break?
God, I can't wait until the Civil War starts so we can murder your faggots by millions.
5 eyes share the databases. Us law prevents spying on citizens, but since we share the data with for instance UK, they can use the data on US citizens and send it back to us, bypassing that restriction
They can if they fake a reason for a FISA warrant and cast a wide net, which is exactly hat they did.
And the issue isnt foreign agencies spying on citizens, it's that the data is shared between agencies with names unmasked so they dont even have to.
Stop being so obtuse. Trump can declassify anything he wants. If he wanted you to see the "memo", you'd see it. But no, they will use it as political pawn while they continue the very same illegal spying of American citizens they pretend to be so upset about. Stop being a sycophant shit stain you fuck hole
Does 5 eyes include Israel?
You'd call such an action an authoritarian abuse of power in a witch hunt against proud American liberals fighting the good fight against a tyrant.
Can't wait for Cletus and Billy Bob to get their civil war so they die from meth/high-fructose corn syrup withdrawal
No, there is a separate special agreement between the NSA and Israel
Trump's more calculated than ant-brain leftists. Grasping at the straws of "he didn't immediately declassify it!" only shows what you think about respecting processes and government. I don't blame you, Barry just signed EO's for everything subverting the country and you being only 14 it's all you know.
>What does the "F" in FISA stand for again?
female. and yes, it's fucked up.
Take care, foreignbros. Remember to strip your Intel Management Firmware and install Coreboot, or get a Libreboot laptop from one of the ebay sellers and install Linux on it. The CIA niggers have hardware backdoors now.
link to the huffpo article?
lmao. The authoritarian abuse of power is FISA, and Trump just reauthorized that abuse of power, and now you will NEVER see the "memo". EVER. Also, any Republican can read the memo on the floor and no one can do anything about it. The only people blocking YOU from reading the memo are the Republicans who want you to be mad about something you will never see...cause they won't show it to you. Its not very complicated, sweetie
So we're not getting the memo?
>signs FISA into law instead of showing you a memo that would make that look bad
Very calculated
Nope. Not now. Not ever.
>the abuse of power is collecting data on foreign enemies
>not spying on political opponents and citizens
mhm ok sugar
Yeah...good thing we don't have that memo so you can keep on being a retard.
FISA is fine as intended. It did not entail the unmasking of citizen's info and unchecked distribution among intel agencies by default. Those were Obama actions.
>spying on foreign enemies will look as bad as spying on political opponents and citizens
ok sweetie, anything else?
afraid it's been 702ed
Yes, it was Obama's fault. Trump won't abuse those powers or anyone else in the future, because the lack of consequence is such a powerful learning tool.
I was unsure at the start if Trump was controlled opposition or an oligarch with an internal feud with the Bushes (who control Clinton and Obama). It is pretty clear he is controlled opposition.
>Mueller time
Kek! An image of him doing time behind bars just went through my mind.
>we promise its different this time
Bend over, faggot
>Yes, it was Obama's fault.
Literally yes.
>Trump won't abuse those powers or anyone else in the future, because the lack of consequence is such a powerful learning tool.
Werent you just ragging on him for not abusing his authority to unseal the memo? Which is it, you fucking faggot?
>spying on foreign enemies is the same as an extreme, treasonous abuse of power
still goin hun?
god damn russians
>releasing the memo is an abuse of power
I would really like to kill you, with a blunt object. Slowly
We all hate to lose arguments, kid. Better luck next time.
Why not just sign the law and not bring any of this up, including the memo itself? Snowdens a fucking retard.
Trump got cucked by FISA abuse. His entire populist voter base is against it. Even though that's the case, he just agreed to keep it law. According to him, it's different this time, because of "reasons" no one will tell us.
Oh, sweetie. Pic related. Let me know if still don't understand. What is Reverse Targeting, Alex?
Just bend over and let the oligarchs rule you. Who cares if they start wars, manufactor weapons to sell to US troops, then not allow US troops to bomb the enemy poppy fields or oil fields so they can sell oil and import heroin to the US, that way the enemy can also afford to buy new weapons from the US. Just like in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and the continuous money grab that the "war on terror" has been.
It is also the same GOD DAMN families and companies since WW2. Bush, Rothschild, Remington, Misc US oil companies, ect.
>rump got cucked by FISA abuse. His entire populist voter base is against it.
Against the abuse, dumbass.
> According to him, it's different this time, because of "reasons" no one will tell us
The world isnt defined by your own personal ignorance and limitations.
Not after all the fucking liberal faggots die from withdrawals from all their lack of social media, soy products, vegan foods, mainstream media brainwashing, and general degeneracy.
Goddamn liberals are fucking cancer to mankind.
It's a mental disease, and anyone with it is too weak-minded to even realize.
We need to kill all of them. Just like the niggers and kikes.
nailed it
>Against the abuse, dumbass.
>Sure goy, you can spy on us, just do it legally!
Is this your first time off of t_d? Newsflash moron, no one wants the government spying on anybody, because of course they are going to abuse it.
>The world isnt defined by your own personal ignorance and limitations.
Please, in a few simple sentences, describe how this blanket re authorization is different.
>Sure goy, you can spy on us, just do it legally!
If there's no abuse there's no spying on citizens, you troglodytic twat.
>Newsflash moron, no one wants the government spying on anybody, because of course they are going to abuse it.
That's called an "opinion"
I love my fellow sperges here, but at some point y'all are going to need to get black pilled on the whole Trump draining the swamp, Clintons and Obamas in jail, deep state btfo, Soros btfo, full maga, full border wall narrative. Do you not understand that as the president... Head of the executive branch, Trump has, and has had, all along, the ability to declassify any document he wants? That includes the FISA application in question, and the includes the #memo y'all are demanding be released. He has the absolute authority to release that. The fact that he is not doing so, which would immediately prove that the Russian/Mueller probe is a farce, and the reason we will never get a deep state/swamp/Clinton/Obama draining is because the documents will also reveal shady dealings Trump was involved in. In other words, Trump ain't draining the swamp cuz he is tangentially part of the swamp himself. So we're just going to keep doing this dance of vague threats and leaks for the next 4-8 years, but make no mistake, the deep state still does not allow presidential candidates to make it on the ballot if the are not able to be controlled with dirt. So we will all play the silly political theater game her. Innuedo, veiled accusations, relatively unimportant leaks... No one is getting hung or going to jail because the deep state has Obama/trump/and Clinton all entangles in a mutually assured destruction game. Absolutely no radical change from trumps agenda will be allowed. The best we can hope for is a continued improvement to the economy and maybe some silly little improvements to our immigration policy.
That is all.
Hey why don't you let us know when someone is dicted for abusing 702 data.
Until then you're a larping faggot and we clearly live in a totalitarian police state.
I'm not a shill, in a fucking oldfag ancap, the real pol, not you shit eating Trump Reddit nupol cock sucking Israel loving state bootlicking shitheads.
Not really. He's referencing the law about FISA used to collect info on Americans. It WAS abused and we DO need to see the memo, but he already signed it so the best we can do now is get the memo and start building a case for Americans to rage against FISA so hard that when it comes up again in 6 years, Pres Trump will have a mandate to not sign.
I mean he had one now from it's abuse against him, but fucking Pompeo must have something really bad on him to make him resign it.
i sincerely wonder how many faggots it took to half bake this copy pasta together
>That's called an "opinion"
Governments abuse powers that are given to them. That is demonstrable in literally every civilization that's had organized politics. It's the entire reason the "Don't Tread on Me" exists as an idea. You know, the majority of Trump's populist base.
>"5 eyes" is basically an anglo-only Sup Forums
Imagine the shitposting that goes on there.
Keep thinking Trump is anything more than controlled opposition.
Seriously anons. Just a 1-mute call with your congressperson secretary.
enter your zip here to get number
>>say, Hi I live in (Congresspersons name) district and I want them to release the memo to the public. It's very important to me. Thank you.
>>hang up
There ya go. simple, easy, quick.pic related
Truth resonates, which is why no one believes you
It's the "About Queries" in Section 702 that are harmful- they allow Intel to collect info ON Americans using keywords even if the info is not sent to/from those citizens.
Pretty sure the Obama FISA abuse was using fake things like Dossier to obtain permission & letting FBI/Fusion have way more power/autonomy about the queries than they were supposed to even under Sect 702 law.
Either way, we need that memo public.
Trump confirmed false idol
Copy pasta implies this has been posted somewhere else. Since I just wrote it myself a few minutes ago in this thread... The burden is on you to prove your theory that it is copy/pasta. Also, considering you didn't even attempt to refute a single point of made, I have to just operate under the assumption that you are an illiterate teenager.
Unending chain of bait is getting old.
[F]oxtrot [T]ango [W]aterloo
7r88r ye 7jcici7_€£
Blumpf confirmed for BTFO
What part don't they believe? That Donald Trump has the ability to declassify and release the FISA application and house intel memo? He does. Prove me wrong.
I'll wait. Once you realize he does, and hasn't... We can tackle you're alternative theories as to WHY he hasn't.
How's that resonate with you?
I'm not saying he's completely innocent. Could still be opposition, but it looks like Pompeo made him change his mind:
On 1/11/2018 he tweeted
"House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.” This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?"
Met with Pompeo, then:
"With that being said, I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today's vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!"
Then he passed it without Nunes' changes.
maybe Trump didn't sanction those who spoke out about the memo to speak out about it. I say fuck it and call your local rep. We need to see the fucking memo. I already called mine (Darrell Issa).
>Canadian and Australian posters make up two fifths of the posts
Sounds like hell.
Seems like a typical dumb republican move. Still acting like they are fighting a gentlemen's war, y'know, with actual rules and shit. So to recap, your enemy used this policy to essentially weaponize our own intelligence agencies and media against a private citizen candidate for president, is using that policy to conduct a shame investigation that is detailing a legally elected president's agenda. And the response to that is... Well let's fix this immoral policy, meaning that now the president can't use the same tools his enemies used to return fire... And the second his enemies sieze control, they'll go write back to the same dirty tricks and worse. Republicans never learn. When you are fighting a demon you have to get your hands dirty.
I can't tell what the fuck is going on anymore. It's true, Trump could declassify the memo. Call your reps, goyim.
I think Trump got kiked. I think we need to take this into our own hands and step up to the plate.
>Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself
Trump likes to let the left roll in accusations and damage control before he brings out the goods
and he brings out the goods
example: "he stole the money from the veteran charity he set up"
it's going to be epic
Since 1812 mate
>foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land
Yes, and if you spoof someone's connection as a foreign source and then claim they're foreign, then what?
Or if an American tangentially connects to a "foreign bad guy on a foreign land"?
Oh yes. Edward Snowden. The master of political science that we have all come to know and trust to be keen and objective.