Captured a Jewish woman on Tinder. What shall I do with her? Most replies win.
Captured a Jewish woman on Tinder. What shall I do with her? Most replies win
Ask her a picture of her nose
enjoy never working again, idiot
This is only the beginning, kike.
ask for a pic of the nose
if she actually sends it, reply "i'd fuck it" or something along those lines
don't be so abrasive reel her in slowly for the bait. She'll end convo too quick.
send him hitler pictures
"I swapped right and am now uncomfortable please apologize for my decision"
Don't humor this cunt. Give her the business.
trips winrar
Oh fuck. Redpill her. Tell her Hitler didnt hate the jews specifically but they were all commies and the way jews stick together made it impossible to distinguish the commies from non . just redpill her about the holocaust
>become her friend
>decide to meet up
>kill her
Show us you're not all talk user
This is one of the pics in her profile.
Are you really this stupid? It's pretty easy to make a bullshit tinder account for trolling
Roll with it. Be aggressive but funny. She’ll probably like it.
Send her this image, post results ITT.
This 100%
ask for a close up from the side
Solzhenitsyn's greatest redpill
Send an oven picture.
I would need her snapchat or something because you can't send direcr pics on tinder.
Send her this:
Whats worse than a cold shower in winter?
a gas shower
That's actually a pretty aesthetic nose for a Jew, you should tell her that.
על תעשי את זה מיד, תדרשי ממנו כמה אלפים קודם. תסמכי אליי, אני כמוך ומכיר את התוכנית.
Copy paste that and send it. She'll be sucking your balls in two seconds flat.
t. Your Jewish helper
Be nice you fucking asshole. Redpill this jew
Uncomfortable is code for horny. Bag this kike.
wew i didn't know that
i'm not really into this degenerate garbage besides reading funny threads on le mongolian tent discussion mailing list
Little does she know I meant join the pizza.
Why in god's name did you swipe this ugly kike whale?
Hold her down as you fart into her mouth.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
ask her why they hate all other races?
Charge your phone
>Do not do it right away. Trust me, I'm like you and know the plan.
Too bad the only American jews who can read Hebrew are the Ben Shapiro types.
pretty funny, good call
but, what's the fucking point in making a thread asking what to do when you disregard what's posted?
you have to turn it sexual, say you're really into Jewish girls and race play
Do not forget to tell her pizza is kosher and _for free._
Why are you here if you can't give me something good to post?
this or ask if she had a Rhinoplasty
>Why are you here if you can't give me something good to post?
Wanna join my clan?
because OP already had his tinder convo and just wants to post the results.
It'd be better if he had some back and forth, for instance replying to the guy who suggested a picture of an oven and saying he'll work ovens into his next reply, but it's pretty obvious he just wants to post his latest trolling.
OP not replying.
She probably ran off.
Would you be scared as a jew if a nazi asked you to come over? Kek.
Im counting on you, kike.
Fat folks need lovin too
Even rotten assholes like you need stuffed with BBC from time to time
>babbys first troll
Holy shit, way to fuck up a good opportunity. What're you, 17? Gtfo faggot.
Go big or go home
you said you'd do what the post with most replies says to do, but without a timeframe, essentially making your promise meaningless.
however, to not be a total faggot, you should get a nose pic, because the argentinian said so and got one reply backing him, and i said so and got one reply backing me. no other idea has four people agreeing on it.
but oh wait, you behaved like a total faggot. how come good yank posters are one in a thousand these days?
no, look at the times on his phone and on the posts, it's real
No, a hot oven in the summer.
Nice digits
Ask her for pussy pics, then post them here and send her the link
The legends of the eternal summer seem to be true medpack man, it's fucking infuriating to see what the board is like now. I honestly wish I could go back to the days of stormfags being trolled by m00tykins
Jews always sue for shit like that
She has yet to reply. Dammit, you all ran her off. A jew got away! You all would be horrible German officers.
You've lost her man, better luck next time
Don't worry, she'll return shortly. Keep it open.
>didn't do what we told you to do
>she ran off
>it's our fault
how do you even function in everyday life
This isn't politics, this is just you being a twat to some random girl who literally did nothing wrong and then posting pics of it so that Sup Forums can jack you off.
You people act like niggers sometimes.
In on a potentially legendary thread
>you said you'd do what the post with most replies says to do, but without a timeframe, essentially making your promise meaningless.
God you sound like such a little bitch
Replace Swede eyes with sandnigger eyes for accuracy.
its better than talking about denegerate roasties or niggers for the millionth time
cheeki breeki
Cry more. Everyone has got to learn
>This isn't politics, this is just you being a twat to some random girl who literally did nothing wrong and then posting pics of it so that Sup Forums can jack you off.
You sure she has done nothing wrong? This is her bio.
Just because she's a Jew doesn't mean she speaks Hebrew, you fucking illiterate ape.
Too aggressive, she gone.
Kek wills it.
You know by posting that you are a hypocrite.
Posting that implies you are whiter than the American.
"Whiter than you, Mutt"
>Looking for something easy
Into the chamber
That is Sarah Jones. She is a libtard. Do what you'd like.
You swiped right on that?
Ask her to watch Caberet.
>not just hate fucking her while verbally degrading her
autistic beta
this isn't funny, this is terrorism. the jews have been through enough. i agree with some of the sutff you guys say, and i voted for trump (im a republican). but jews and israel are great allys i can't stand for this, they have been through enough as a people.
>What shall I do with her?
Hot, nasty, unprotected sex.
Grab her by her monies
this is why you dont have a gf
>Trump supporter
>pro jew
Jew detected.
because of the jews?
Weird how him fucking her doesn't bother you. Aren't you guys obsessed with preserving the Jewish lineage or some shit just like us with Europeans?
the adjective feminist modifies the noun killjoy, thereby not requiring a comma to separate.
Let me rephrase, she's done nothing wrong to you. I don't think I'd get along with her either but all she's guilty of is being easily-influenced and frankly pretty naive - like virtually all young women. She'll grow out of it if she stops getting exposed to academia and trendy political subcultures in the near future (which is not a sure thing, I'll admit).
Come on, you know posting her pics on here is shitty behavior. Sorry to be a fucking killjoy, but I can't be the only one who thinks this place is best when we can prove that we are not in fact fucking jackals and that you can be against immigration and be against "punk, pansexual, feminist" 32-genders bullshit and still be a relatively well-adjusted person with a moral compass.
kek Exactly right. If she just became OPs gf then it would have been fine.
>this whole thread
Show us your nazi costume pic
haha ---- you just triggered me to bang a jewess then dutch oven her while yelling "gas the jews"
I mean... what the fuck did she expect was going to happen?