Lol wtf. I thought this was a communism thing.
Late-Stage Capitalism
>Whole Foods
Only commies shop there
can't have anything to do with the winter
>whole foods having food shortages
>the winco down the street is always stocked and with much lower prices
i see no problem here
Live in Spokane don't you? I fucking hate WinCo, but it is so cheap I shop there
>whole foods
it is a communism thing
Probably just some issues with paperwork while Amazon takes over Whole Foods.
That or Bezos is slashing all the items that are shit profit, and will be selling echo dots on all the empty shelf space.
>whole foods
theres your problem
no, but I am in the northwest corner of the country. as much as i don't like the feel of their store, it's better than wally-world and cheaper than pretty much anything else. poorfags gotta eat too
Wholefoods is a mess. They were recently bought by Amazon and from a management perspective 90% of the people such as team leaders etc. Have no idea what they are doing. This is a shop where the scales run on outdated early 2000s software. Hell, they have positions like store scanning specialist which does nothing but scan tags as fucking time when it is at max a 2 hour job.
>communist grocery store running out of food
like pottery
>implement real time distribution system
>go to the lean end where you never throw anything out but you run out of shit while you wait for the next delivery
surprise surprise.
whole foods is the commie grocery store in the US so no surprise to see empty shelves.
Ah sorry should not mention locations. Crazy fucks and all. Guess I doxxed myself. I am armed you creepy motherfuckers. Just teasing I do love you guys.
I am armed though creeps.
Spend 30 seconds searching. Learn OP is full of shit. OP is a massive cock gobbler faglord.
>Whole Foods stores are suffering from a food shortage that’s creating empty aisles and unhappy customers, and its inventory management system may be to blame.
It's probably a mixture of them being MUCH busier than they've been in the past couple of years.
If they're ordering less product there will be less on the shelves. You can only make assumptions on how busy it MIGHT be but if it's an absolute zoo and it's not anticipated... well... there ya go.
Winco is fucking awesome. You can steal all sorts of shit from the self service bins. Like... Almond flour, wow 9.88 a pound! OH SHIT ITS ACTUALLY CORNMEAL LULZZZ .45 cents.
Just don't do it like an idiot and only with one or two items a week.
The one in Federal way WA is a fucking shit hole. I used to drive to the Sumner location and go " I wish I could always shop here " Then a house went up for sale for $125k, GOT THAT FUCKER.
You work there, huh
It's okay. I do too
Spotted a pede
I thought Bezos bought out Whole Foods. Sounds like they're lowering ineventory.
Once i bought some healthy drink in Whole Foods. It cost 5 dollars. It was made from onion and other green shit.
It's cause no one is buying their overpriced shit (but retarded liberals) so when it goes bad, they're reluctant to buy more in big quantities.
literally a nigger
Why not link the article?
>Many customers are blaming Amazon, which bought Whole Foods in August for $13.7 billion. Analysts have speculated that the shortages could be due to a spike in shopper traffic in the wake of the acquisition.
>But Whole Foods employees say the problems began before the acquisition. They blame the shortages on a buying system called order-to-shelf that Whole Foods implemented across its stores early last year.
I live in vegas and have both wholefoods and winco. Why do you hate winco as a consumer? Theyre great
Go back to r/shoplifting, you stinky nigger.
>winter storm hits the US
>halts delivery logistics
>people buy all produce just in case snow/blackice is worse than expected
>Business Insider needs clickbait
>In all ways but skin color, I am a nigger
>*steals ur food*
>Commies literally talking about shortgages and empty stores
The Kroger by my apartment has fully stocked shelves, if they don't I'll go to Publix, or Walmart, or Food Lion, or Target, or Trader Joe's, or a billion other chains/small mom&pop shops that are closer than Whole Foods.
That's what a free market is, some businesses fail while others thrive. In Communism when there is no food in one place it's because there is no food period.
Whole Foods and WinCo are all over the northwest.
It's literally just poor company management. Have you read the article?
There's no such thing as "late-stage" capitalism. It's simply economic freedom and is therefore eternal.
Ive never seen a Winco here. Wjere is one located?
>not shopping at based Costco
>whole foods
overpriced hipster trash
im a loblaws man
Actually the only subreddit I ever posted on was r/conspiracy until the mod wars. Same with r/whereisjulianassange
kys wigger
By lowering the cost of the goods you also lower the quality of life.
>Buy produce to weather a snowstorm
>a thing people do
Nah, my woman works there cause she wants the discount not that we need it. I work at an engineering firm.
bob loblaw
you do
Checked and kek'd
costco is amazing value for money
so worth it
>buying milk, bread, and eggs to weather a storm, instead
Costco master race reporting in
As if there's a big difference between two systems that both preach the glory of materialism, and differ primarily in which oligarchy controls the society's means of production.
Love Costco, but sometimes I don't need a wheel of cheese or 20 pounds of fruit.
>a boutique hipster grocery store is experiencing some minor inefficiency as ownership transfers to another company
>you can still buy food from the store next to it
Wtf I hate capitalism and am #Hotsky4Trotsky now
Turns out Amazon really is a shitty company.
I really dodged a bullet not going to work for them.
The scale thing is not a Whole Foods only issue. I've worked at a couple different large chain grocery stores and it's the same. Windows ME is the OS most use if I remember correctly.
>shops at Winco, one of the cheapest stores around
>steals anyway
The fuck man. Don't ruin it for everyone else.
It's mostly a western US store.
they're an overstock and wholesale distribution concept run by one of the leanest-overhead corporations in the world. they aren't cutting production costs to anyone Juan.
>closest costco is almost a 2hr drive
i would if i could user
>oh shit need a gallon of milk
>head on over to my favorite grocery store to get 10 gallons of milk which goes bad in 4 days
fuck costco, dollar per value is just waste unless you have a mormon family
Nothing burger. Whole foods is commie nigger HQ.
Having to leave tips to subsidise other peoples shitty wages is also a little commie. No?
I work hard for me, not to help others live.
same but phoenix. love me dem winco. they offer a lot of the same organic veggies but for less. only thing i'll give wholefoods props for is they have more exotic food.
Gas yourself and everyone who shares your genes.
It’s common to see champagne socialists shop there, but plenty of slightlybased/edgy normies do too
>t. Whole Foods team member in SoCal
Jeff Bezos is a moron who likes to abuse quantitative easing/low interest papi state welfare.
whole foods was bought for the sake of a recipe. the physical locations were not turning a profit before the buyout. they are to be closed down and anything that can be sold will be liquidated within a year probably
they are getting rid of everything they can that means not restocking perishables. lot of people getting fired
>1 post by this ID
>no link
SAGE SAGE SAGE. Stop being a faggot OP.
it's more that he is a moron who can only run a book store and got lucky that running a warehouse website is similar, he also got lucky that wally world and other big boxes shut down all the mom and pops and any alternative to big box shopping is a god send
every product that amazon has put out other than the kindle (online bookstore) and alexa has been a failure in comparison to their competitors
>only affect whole food
>because they changed to a system where having extra inventory can get you fired
Bought by Amazon. They just want you to buy groceries online thought Amazon. They want to be there harbingers of our needs
I work for Amazon Prime Now and we get tons of Whole Foods brand stuff.
How bad is it having to work around these people?
They are trying to phase out face to face, cash, uncontrolled shopping. Digital money can be controlled easier, meaning you could starve your enemies.
also people spend more when they're not physically seeing or handing over their money.
And unless you know the exact brand, you'll but either they decide to show you
Whole Foods is Communist. There aren't any shortages at Safeway.
In what state do you have milk spoil in 4 days? It doesn't take a genius to look at the expiration date before buying.
also sage.
Is Aldi /ourstore/
You tell me
holy shit? you're telling me vegetables have interacted with nature?
Bezos marketing out the weaklings, consolidating capital for oprah 2020.
Filthy stealing piece of shit
Fucking faggot, go steal hubcaps from moving cars.
I'm guessing a strike or something wrong with the trucking company.
at least you know its healthy
Make yogurt, buttermilk or cheese out of it you twat
>mfw I do
>mfw I live down the street from a winco
Food’s so cheap there, it’s nice.
that bag is transparent, why did he buy one with bugs in it?
>based people in SoCal
Kim needs to fucking nuke you faggots already. You are a perpetual embarrassment to the rest of the nation, and we do some DUMB SHIT.
Only morons shop at that overpriced shithole.
You have to back...
You know where.
Welcome to CostCo I love you.
Anytime I find myself in a Whole Foods, I buy something small an insist on a shopping bag just to watch the cashier get snippy.
And people who care about their health. Judging by your flag, you clearly don't.
meanwhile at Herbert Edward Butts
The people who run Whole Foods are idiots. This is the result of a very shitty rushed implementation of order to shelf inventory management. Plus, a lot of these pics are of Sunday night before shipments from regional distribution centers arrive.
t. Whole Foods beer/wine buyer
So americans will feel safe before they get PTSD and commit suicide. At least they may come to know Jesus