Is this the worst example of battle school harem power fantasy...

Is this the worst example of battle school harem power fantasy? I seriously can't find a single redeeming aspect to this trash.

Mahouka at least had onii-sama's sheer ridiculousness and the interesting bullshit explanations. Rokudenashi has a fun protagonist. But this? The characters are some of the blandest the media has to offer, and so are their interactions. Why is it even popular?

I don't even know what the hell battle harem means

Cus stella gets ploughed.

Hundred was much worse.

Something something Asterisk Wars

I'm no expert of the subject, but I imagine it's a harem with battles.

Akashic Records isn't a battle harem series in the first place faggot

This. Claire and the nurse and their udders were the only thing worth watching for.

It has a canon main couple at least.

You will never force this meme, faggot. just give up.

There are a lot of really bad Battle Harems... it's up there with others, but it isn't a huge stand out.

I think more people need to see Kampfer. Now that is a trainwreck of a battle-harem.

Seems like you haven't seen a lot of haremshits, the one you posted was kinda decent.

Rakudai probably has one of the better animated fight scenes in the battle academy harem genre with Ikki vs Kuraudo and Shizuku vs Tohka. Everything else is not worth mentioning.

Asterisk ranks lower because for the 2 cours, enormous backing from aniplex, and consistent animation, it still was the most boring and slowest fucking thing I've ever watched. Hundred and Bahamut fall under the same category but Hundred was just plain average while Bahamut is probably the absolute worst.

After the ones I mentioned above, I just couldn't stomach anymore battle harems.

solid show


Thing is, Rokudenashi is a triangle at most, and the MC doesn't five a fuck about romance.

>is this the worst battle harem


You're thinking of Absolute Duo.

Rakudai was actually okay in my opinion. There are worse shows in the genre.

It's not even about the character dynamic I really find a fault with since I actually find the teacher-student thing refreshing but I just find the outfits retarded and the MC's personality off-putting, maybe that and how blatant his students want his dick.

That and Machiavelli seemed so criminally similar with how some lazy-ass looking new guy stumbles into some notorious school and gets immediately targeted by a group of girls while one particular girl from his past knows what's his deal is. I just couldn't take it anymore.

The opening was good.

Thé first and only time in my life I couldn't finish the first episode of an anime.

Could be worse. Could be Asterisk war. This had a nice Op.

You should neck yourself. Rakudai had Stella. If you can't find it in your heart to love Stella then you should consider going back to your mal/leddit.

I stopped at the second episode
but you gotta admit Stella is 10/10 fap material

>if you can't find it in your heart to love big breasted bland tsundere 101 you have shit taste

>Fights are pretty okay, has a good opening
>MC has a lasting relationship with someone for most of the series
>worst example of battle school harem power fantasy
You haven't watched much anime, have you user?

I haven't watched much battle harem, no.

It had good fights and art direction in them

Stop pretending you watch this type of garbage for compelling characters

Kampfer managed to be so godawful it was actually entertaining though. I'm sure the audience that did like it didn't enjoy it in a single way the writer intended outside of wanting to bang a few of the girls but it was still a fun ride, though yet another that Sup Forums made better.

Stella a best. A BEST.

>harem with battles
No, no, no. You've got it mixed up, it's battles with a harem. Completely different.

No no, it's where you battle other people using your harem.

If you count ISUCA it was far worse.