t. not living in the Whitest ethnostate on planet Earth
T. not living in the Whitest ethnostate on planet Earth
Hey I thought it was Finland
Asians are not white
>this kills the finn
Mongorians > Slavs any day any year.
Successful societies built by Asians
>South Korea
Successful societies built by Slavs:
Slavs aren't white
Why poles work in the uk if poland is so great?
>human beings
slavic women are GOAT how can anglo women even compete?
I'm so proud of you guys
>that food
>leafs are the origin of the "white people can't cook" meme niggers always say
t.51st, 52nd, 53rd, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th and 60th american states
serious question: are romanian women european/white? asking for a friend
You know finns have like 1-3% mongolian DNA on average. Much of the population has none.
Jews wouldn't leave Poland had it stayed independent, where's my thank you
Imagine being 20% Jewish nation in 2018
Much of European society stems from Yamnaya culture.
Canadian identity has been essentially watered down to a meme. The first picture with the woman really represents this meme well.
we would thank you but when you left but actually stayed after war you took everything that could be taken and some stuff that really should stay here
I wish I never left Poland, but well, I need them shekels and Italy provides me with a good amount of them. I'm making a good living here desu.
>pracuj ostro za 2000zł/mies.
>pracuj normalnie za 1700€/mies
Your identity is having no identity. I watched Cuckdeau at the town hall last night in QC, every single speaker was a fucking shitskin bitching about how the white man is fucking them over. Some Syrian Muslim (of course) "refugee" who got a standing ovation from the libcuck crowd, some Brazillian fat pig bitching about her dad not being able to get jobs despite 2 Masters degree, a Bosnian (Muslim, of course), plus countless other non-whites. It was quite hilarious to watch, what a fucking joke your shithole has become.
You do realize you can't keep bringing in 1M+ a year in unemployable shitskins a year? Eventually, the economy will go to shit. Your living standards are dropping rapidly to 3rd world tier
>pic from the debate, "Evil Fig Leaf Empire" LOL
Much love Poland.
ugly TURAN bitch
poolacken are not whiite, but brachycephalic mongoloid-mixed race
t. Volksdeutsch from Silesia :)
Fuck that makes me rage.
I had a Canadian investor who I took around to some of his Real Estate holdings in Philadelphia. I had a conversation with him about Canadian immigration and multiculturalism, in an effort to see if he would 14/88. He did not. He believes the future is one beige colored human race. I told him that as an American, my idea of the traditional Canadian is changing and I did not support that. I reiterated and characterized the "Canadian" as a sportsman, but a sort of more diligent/humble type than an American woodsman, but still very manly in appearance and western in Ideology. He shook his head and replied "nope, that is out" without any remorse or reasoning.
I similarly had the same opportunity with an Italian and his son. By the end of the ride, the old man was calling them negros, and explained how they were lazy unskilled workers in Italy, and generally shiting up the cities.
Spot on analysis.
If you have no skills that's alright. In Warsaw low IQ uneducated shopkeepers and kebab niggers make like 2500-3000 zł/month now. GDP per capita (nominal) in Warsaw is over $40,000K USD now.
>implying polacks are not civic nationalist cuckolds
hahaha fucking based Italian whop
Why are poolack non-white sluts so ugly? Even worse than finnic balto-niggresses LOL.
Yes, they are.
>t. Used to work with a Romanian girl.
Ty kurwa spierdolino umysłowa XD
2000zł XDDDDD
To co ty, kible Ukraińcom czysciles?
3400 to srednia w Polsce
Nawet ja, skromny low tier programista zarabiam ~1700euroszekli
no dobra pochwal się co takiego robisz w Mussolinolandi
>being this butthurt
Stop posting this shit you stupid nigger because they will start immigrating here
How are we gonna be able to tell who is a Jew and who is not? We can tell by looking but no one will believe me when I name Jews within the Alt-Right such as Enoch, Anglin, Weev, etc.
There is nothing here for us, how there can be anything for foreigners?
we can give them pain and misery, we have abundance of those
I am butthurt because poolacks who occupy my Heimatland are civic nationalist cucks.
Also pathetic cathocucks:
Slavs are not White, and if they are then I reject the term White for myself.
They won't
And even if they do, then they will eventually go back.
They have no friends, no family here.
0 reasons to stay
And the language itself is fairly difficult.
Niggers and Muslims can make everything worse even Poland
t. La creatura
Ancient Slavs used to be White, but you are right now. Modern poolacks are mongoloid offspring with roundish features.
that works both ways, Poland can make niggers and muslims worse
The beigening in Canada is already happening. Many Chinks/Niggers/Muslims/Whites race mix and you start seeing these weird ass hybrids everywhere, I'm talking half Bangladeshi half Chinese mongrels, half White half Somalian, half Lebanese half Japanese and way worse shit. These mutts then breed even further, and it's just fucking insanity. One of the weirdest fuckers I ever saw in Canada was a half Italian, half Chinese. He was a manlet, looked like a mednigger but Italians never accepted him, neither did the chinks, so he would just consider himself "Canadian". That's what he actually put down on the census too, "White Canadian".
Whats going on in that last pic?
>Slavs are not White, and if they are then I reject the term White for myself.
this is probably the biggest paradox of 21st century
Slavs are white, but at the same time they are not white
Amerians are not white, but at the same time they are white
>when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object meaning
Come back when you speak a real language.
I don't understand the image.
I can't read the words at the bottom. what is it she is laughing at?
>inb4 burger education
Don't worry
German is quite popular in our schools
Może w miastach to średni zarobek, jednak tyle menelstwa co się widzi nocą to nie wytrzymam. Tutaj przynajmniej mam cicho i ludzie trzymają się autystycznie swojego à la Finlandia. Pracuję w Alpach, południowców też nie znoszę
>a wild mutt appears
You stopped being White 200+ years ago. You are a Mutt.
A z językiem jak ci idzie?
Podobno włoski jest całkiem intuicyjny.
Dużo widujesz ciapatych?
>implying you are not in bed with niggers
Pic related: the face of poolack "nationalism" LOL
Pathetic how P*les have nothing else to be proud of
Belarus? Because that's the actual answer. Sorry, kurwa.
>UK Brit just insulted the Queen's tongue
Asian here.
How do Polish women see Chinese guys? Could I date one?
Its sad, but I think this is ok. The more absurd mix race people there are the sooner people will be turned off to the idea of having some strange hybrid person. I dont think the entire planet will ever openly race mix in the name of humanity.
>Hello fellow white people, i am your president!
You wish nigger
say some shit in chinese
Jean Pierre-dole
Ah, the annual burning of the homo rainbow. Too bad they eventually removed it, looking at the bottom picture still makes me a little warm and fuzzy inside.
Poles are sound. Don't let cucked Euros or mongrel colonials get you down Poland.
Był tylko jeden murzyn którego wzięli rok temu do roboty na ścieżkach narciarskich. Tylko mdlał i zamarzał, po trzech dniach go wykopali z roboty i taki morał historyjki. Z tego co widzę to tylko biali potrafią wytrzymać na dużych wysokościach
You sure have a lot to be proud of, for example, setting the world record time for quickest population transition to majority non-white.
Iceland is better because it's of superior Germanic culture and race.
>White "ethnostate"
>Still has an average IQ of 99
Fucking pollacks...
The Canadian tax-payer funded public broadcaster actually made a video featuring a half Indian half White manlet rapping about white genocide and a beige horizon.
Canada is a completely 1984 Dystopian nightmare
Dobrze wiedzieć że jest jednakm gdzieś bezpiecznie.
That's a nice way to insult yourself lmao
Even Canada has higher IQ than USA
we have to counterbalance this superficial pride
>powinniśmy się nienawidzić, bo przecierz na zachodzie tak dobrze to wyszło
t. Szlomo Szekelberg
Pies ci mordę lizał, świniopasie izraelski
>more poles mentioned than portugese
>portugal had an empire
>contradicting yourself this hard
>Country brimming with niggers and spics
>Thinking this doesn't deeply affect average scores
>Peak pollack brain power
The story of that rainbow reminds me of the "He will not divide us" stream.
Like they kept trying to force it onto Poland and Poles kept burning it down, so they kept making it harder and harder to burn down so Poles kept rising to the challenge and eventually the Poles won.
psem jest twój stary, nieudacznik co wychował syna nieudacznika i debila
reminder that Poland has one of the lowest fertility rates in Europe
Maybe it's time for you, insecure neckbeards, to accept the fact that black people are equal to whites?
Islandczycy to naród rasy Nordyckiej, co oznacza że są kilkukrotnie bardziej zaawansowani kulturowo od poolaczków
Poland is so awesome. Greetings from USA!
I am already in Canada
Reminder that Poorland is white because it's economically backwards, so it's not an intentional achievement of any policy
>hur dur debil mi kompletnie rozbil mi argument