Dman, guessing I'm gonna be eating lotsa spaghetti.
Dman, guessing I'm gonna be eating lotsa spaghetti
>based pasta merchant
I have been buying their pasta and sause exclusively, it is all very good and a simple quick meal.
My pasta brand right there.
The official pasta of Sup Forums
and tossing fewer salads
Sometimes being Italian has its benefits how many times but sometimes
Based Italian. Fuck faggots, Eat Barilla pasta.
I knew there was a reason their pasta is so tasty. The owner abbhors faggots and his purity and self respect emanates from his noodles.
Let me guess, the kikes forced him to step down
Nice. Barilla was always my family's choice for pasta anyway. My mom's liberal as all hell though, next time I visit I should see if she still has Barilla in the pantry.
Boycott the best pasta?
Somebody a toucha mah 9 year old son's spaghett. A no poo stabbers in all our commercialsa.
No if, ands or butts
Not long ago, pasta-maker Barilla was just one more major company that had run afoul of the gay rights movement, a distinction it earned last year when its chairman said he would never feature a same-sex couple in an ad. If gays didn’t like it, he added, they could eat something else.
But in a sign of how toxic it has become for a company to be viewed as unfriendly toward gays, Barilla has made a dramatic turnaround in the space of one year, expanding health benefits for transgender workers and their families, contributing money to gay rights causes, and featuring a lesbian couple on a promotional Web site.
Guido Barilla issued multiple video apologies in the wake of the scandal. Barilla Group did not make Guido Barilla available for an interview, but in a statement, he apologized again, adding: “I am proud to say that, as a result of these discussions, we have all learned a great deal about the true definition and meaning of family, and over the past year we have worked hard to reflect that throughout our organization.”
Some of the gay advocates who have worked with Guido Barilla since his comments believe his contrition is sincere. “He was horrified at the consequences and his personal beliefs,” said David Mixner, a veteran gay rights activist and author who served as a consultant for Barilla.
He called the recent diversity initiative “the most all-encompassing effort to bounce back from an unfortunate misstatement that I’ve ever been part of.”
Yeah, they made him toe the line
Ok, so far, /ourfood/
>Dr. Oetker
And I'm forgetting at least one more that was on the news recently.
my pasta right here
/our/ pasta right here lads
God damn I love James Woods. He's the only based actor in a hellhole of leftist Actors.
yep, fag mafia won't just content themselves with apologies they will extort every penny and ideological concession they can out of you
I also have been buying his pasta since he showed his power level
>slide thread
>talk about the memo, vegas, the missile alert, CA's new ICE law, the LAPD Chief retiring early the day after the details of the new ca ice law came out.
All fields.
>in the foot
Sup Forumssta?
If you don't already eat a box of Barilla Protein Pasta every night what are you doing with your life?
mein neger
brb....going to the grocery store right now to buy some Barilla pasta
lurk more faggots