This shit has gone on long enough. How do we settle the Nigger Question once and for all?
This shit has gone on long enough. How do we settle the Nigger Question once and for all?
Remove them.
Just look at the nose
Yeah but how do we actually force them to leave unwillingly? I want these nogs out of my country for good.
kek. This woman has a Bachelors in Communications, two Masters in Communications and Psychology, and a Phd. in Social Work, but somehow she has the academic experience necessary to write a book about epigenetics
you burgers should've kicked them all out after slavery was abolished
just as we should have completely genocided all native americans
if we did that america today would be completely white
All you need these days is feels over reals. Shit is so fucking retarded. Doesn't help that she's part of a (((diversity))) and (((inclusion))) segment.
Lincoln almost shipped them all out before he died too. We were left with the worst possible ending for the Civil War. What a god damned shame too.
wonder why (((they))) killed him..
Ship them back to Africa
come and get me bitch-ass white boy
we'll put you in the fucking ground
And I have nigger fatigue.
Why do only black people have this? What if my ancestors were slaves and I never knew of it?
on my way nig
they'll say some dumb shit about the majority of blacks being slaves and ignore every other point in time when people were enslaved and not black
there is only ONE solution for "them"
>And I have nigger fatigue.
Is there anything 'progressive' or leftist that isn't just a scam to exploit or harm Europeans/"whites."
Not a single fucking one. American universities are the forefront of fault for this.
Then why do nignogs who weren't descended from slaves act like shit