Shingeki no Kyojin

Annie soon.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't wait for this ugly cunt to die while screaming in agony.

Attack on titan is the best.

I want to squeeze annie's butt!

Marlo was such a waste.

Armin a cute.

Remember Isayama take the time to explain Nana and Armin genders, but he can't care about tranny.

BRAYH a best.

I don't want her to die but make someone more interesting the new Commander.


Hange will survive.

Does Isayama know how much people dislike Armin?

>make someone more interesting the new Commander.
You mean Armong?

Dick status: MUH

*blocks your path*

Endgame right here, brothers.

He checks nip discussion boards, I'm sure he's aware of all the EMA hate.

I have my doubts. Who knows. Sometimes I think he is planning to BTFO Armin really hard, sometimes I think he is too in love with the idea of the character.

Annie is made for anal

So who's going to marry her?

Do nips hate EMA?

That titan ass reminds me about Milley Cyrus.

Hongo OUT

Yes he is more interesting.

He still have fans.

Eren is total husbando material for Hange


Guys, I can understand that you hate EM, Eren isn't into romance (and should not be), but isn't it obvious that mikasa is into shitren?

Nips are up manlet and erwins ass so yeah, especially after homecoming arc. EM gets the most I believe.

Not Ymir lmao

Hongoloids B T F O

That gif made me kek hard

>but isn't it obvious that mikasa is into shitren?
Is there anyone who doesn't think that? It's pretty obvious.

Yeah but she can move on.

She is only interested in the titan between his legs


Reiner! Yarundana... Iba... KOKODE!?

She's probably the most disposable after JSC. As a character she's not particularly relevant to the story and doesn't have much going for her, honestly.

somehow this seems sadder than american anime fans at conventions
maybe it's the rain


My wife Sasha is so cute!

That will depend of the timeskip user.

If she hasn't get closer to someone else, then it's over.

Your love for someone cannot go away easily, specially when the guy responsible of this changed your life, for the best or the worst, literally


Ymir's letter


No, I actually thought those events were awesome, but then I watched a few and is like saying a bunch on people to go to some park and chat with them. Is really random.

Who would you want to cheer for you?

Can someone make a better version of this? His clothes seem weird, doesn't he have to represent Grisha?

Hisu will have to fight Gabi for it

I want AM to happen.

Probably Hisu. AM are too autistic to be good cheerleaders

She's in love with him but I don't think that she's aware about it.

We still don't know what happened in the timeskip.

But, Eren seems to consider more Mikasa now, he think about her reaction if she was aware about grisha ex wife, he accept more easily mikasa being motherly...

He wouldnt have done that at the beginning

Hisu doesn't want Pigner, so she has no reason to fight.

Was the basement reveal just as bad as the Obito reveal for you guys?

I honestly like the lore we're getting since then. Still sad about Erwin dying tho.


EA when?

Armin is a EMfag though. Not to mention Mikasa sees him as a sort of son that she raised.

Those thighs make me rock hard


yeah it seems so underwhelming, like really unofficial

It would be difficult but it's not impossible. Especially if she finds someone who loves her just the way she is.

*30 seconds later*

Why does it have an mobile twitter filename?

Who is Annie? I don't remember her at all.

Reiner is so handsome.

Could she crush a head with them?


>Armin is a EMfags

Shit I've forgot about that, fuck

This will be hard if everyone dies at the end, that's why her only chance is between the timeskip

Side character who got killed of early in the series.
She's sort of a meme around these parts.


She's only best girl who Isayama is keeping safe in a giant crystal because he doesn't know what to do with her. I don't think he expected her to be so popular.

More like he was happy for Mikasa and she made that comment but doesn't treat him like a child at all. She encourages him.

Most likely.

I will let her crush my dick with it.

Threadly reminder that Marley did nothing wrong.


Is she even popular outside these threads?

Ymir, please

WHY the FUCK did she stop manlet, she CLEARLY hates him,
sigh, just imagine
>mikasa im so sad he's gone
>yeah me too eren it sucks without amir
>h..huh? his name was armin ar-
>whatever baby lets fuck

That was more like 50 chapters ago. What else he would have done if he is aware Mikasa only cares about Eren?

One of you is stealth pedokun. I can sense it.

He's my fictional Chad free pass.

She was playing along so Eren wouldn't be pissed at her and she could come off as the good guy to him and later fuck him while he is vulnerable

Jokes aside, she actually likes Armin and considers him one of the two most important people in her life. It's just that Isayama has done a terrible job in general with EMA's relationships.

Saw many plebs on youtube talking about her
Same with facebook, but that's mostly worse than dumblr when comes to fujoshit

There was a pedofag yesterday. It was disturbing.

Be honest, would you?

Armin is the only other friend/family she has besides Eren. They've been together since they were kids. Of course she's going to want to save him. thoughts on the full opening


I think he accepted Mikasa being motherly because he understand that Mikasa do not see him as useless or pathetic (actually he is).

Before, her being overprotective made him feel like he was considered as a weakling by Mikasa, pic related prove it wrong.

That is one of the main reason why he consider more Mikasa now.

Chapter 50 actually allowed some development, even though they're subtle since Isayama isn't into romance shit, since he's busy with the plot.

Roaming groups of pedo killers when? Trump is letting us down.

Me. I want a queen to take care of me.

9th in the latest anime character poll.

Wait a second that titan.

>since he's busy with the plot
Yet he had time to name drop Ocean-kun in every chapter of the Return to Shinganshina arc


I'll tell you once I've heard the full thing.

Pretty much. I know AM is a meme ship made for the sole purpose shitposting and baiting, but come on.

Wasn't this at the time of episode 3 of season 2