
We're seriously supposed to believe a deepstate career physician saying that this blobby manlet is 6'3" 239lb?
I demand a long-form girth certificate.

Other urls found in this thread:


Justin Truedough is 6'2"
Trump Tower's over him at 6'3"

We need to talk about Trump's carbon footprint.

Let's do the math.
>A cow does on overage release between 70 and 120 kg of Methane per year. Methane is a greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide (CO2). But the negative effect on the climate of Methane is 23 times higher than the effect of CO2. Therefore the release of about 100 kg Methane per year for each cow is equivalent to about 2'300 kg CO2 per year.

So that's around 70 to 120 kg of methane per year. Trump is significantly bigger than a cow, so let's multiply that number by 3
>3 x 120 = 360 kg of methane per year

Now, Trump is 70 years old (kek), so let's multiply that number by 70
>70 x 360 = 25.200 kg of methane

25 tons of methane equal around 579.600 kg of CO2

That's an awefully high carbon footprint. Is that why Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement? To save his own ass?


You fags keep barking up this tree.
Please keep going and waste your time

Trump has a worse posture than Trudeau, also Trudeau is 6"4

I hear it's about the size of a coke can

Why is joan rivers there

And then you remember that Trump is 71 years old.

he claimed to be 6'2" on twitter.
he's probably only 6'0" which would make Trump likely 5'9" and his BMI "morbidly obese"

hello there the alt-height
unfortunately age has no effect on height, you dont get any sort of bonus or offset based on your age.

It really doesn't take up much time laughing at how fat and insecure Trump is.

What is with you Germans and shit? Is that why you invite so many poo in loos to your country?

Also, that cow carbon footprint thing is a lie. They calculate the methane from cows on an undisclosed diet and add it to that released from transportation, deforestation for pasture, etc and blame it all on cows.

There literally existed multitudes more WILD bovine creatures before industrial scale agriculture and them being hunted to extinction, and we did not have the problems we have now. Actually, some experts believe the lack of wild bovines in America can be attributed to poor soil quality amongst other things.

You even shrink as the day progresses, and bad posture compacts both.

Why bother lying about something so easily refutable?

>There literally existed multitudes more WILD Trumps before industrial scale agriculture and them being hunted to extinction, and we did not have the problems we have now. Actually, some experts believe the lack of Trumps in America can be attributed to poor soil quality amongst many many other things.
ah yes, other things

Imagine being so illiterate and inept at critical thought you'd think pretending to be retarded makes your opponent look dumb.

Pic related, it's you.

shrinking normally makes you shorter, not taller.

>Pic related, it's you.



>t. triggered soyboy

Trump is easily pushing 255...does it really fucking matter though?

Why do leftists keep talking about Trump's formidable cock?

it's always the coverup that's the worst part.
we can no longer trust military physicians.

"girther" does not refer to his angry inch.