Little Witch Academia


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time to pick it up then

Diana is no bully, merely expects excellence from others as she does of herself.

If you tolerate bullying you are a bully yourself.

Akko is for mindbreaking!

Here's the updated chart, in case that anyone missed it.

Friendship end when?

Chariot is the best witch.

How can she be best witch if she's old?

>ywn be Hannah
>ywn keep "accidently" grabbing Barbara's plump rump in the shower
>Barbara will never keep "accidently" shoving her delicious butt into your face
>ywn both laugh it off

Why live?

>Episode 18

Holy shit, did they really make gunposting canon?

They can make a moment when Akko finds out about this heartwarming enough to be best thing in the series, but it will most likely be another horrifying Akko chimpout.

So why does Akko give the slightest of fucks about Diana leaving?

Also had a thought about that. No wonder if Tattun really showed them all these gun pics.

Gunposting has been canon since the Sucy episode, nerd



>Earl Hanbridge, I have have Diana's used panties for sale!
>Don't ask where I got them

And so the Cavendish family was saved

I miss Akko/Sucy

>still no B=witch edit

Never, even if Akko and Andrew not kiss or confess, there are enough reasons to believe Akko will end up with him.

it still gets plenty of art though

Why is her skirt so short?

She isn't as nasty as Hanna and Barbara, but she also doesn't tell them to chill, which tells me she's fine with them snapping their jaws at Akko whenever they get the chance.

I always had the feeling that those two were mainly around to say the things Diana is to polite to utter.

Diana only sticks around the bullies because they do her bidding and keep the other students from getting too close to her.

She can't have any distractions on her task.


>you'll never have a little stinky witch on your lap

>You will never get to hang out with these three dorks

It hurts.

So did you guys try to decode this? or is yuri and shipping all you talk about around here?

Which one is the stinky one?

It means what Diana's mother says at that scene.

It said something about how unicorn horns get harder if you rub their necks.

Literally what Diana's mom says.

Diana is willing to please you for money. How much will you pay?

next ep in 5 minutes?

There is nowhere near this level of hype surrounding the episodes.
Even the early threads with TATTUN were more exciting.
I'm not criticizing LWA but you faggots make too much out of the show.


I wonder what Tattun will think of this

Sucy takes care of her hygiene

Would you let Akko give you a kissu?

>First cour Akko got Sucy, Lotte and Ursula
>Second cour she's gone through Amanda, Constanze, and now Diana

Akko is a yay slut, she yays one girl and leaves for the next.


post good twitters then because most of the ones I have are either private or ded

Reposting since I only finished this a few hours ago.

Just look up LWA_jp tag.

>Go take a bath first Akko
>Can we take it together?

Because Akko views Diana as her rival, and she can sense her Yay draining away. What else would she do but save her?

Was telenovella really not liked?

>Hitchhiking akko
>Sad Diana
>Shario Card in lockbox
>Cute Akko haircut/dress
>Diana going full bitch towards family
>Diana getting mad when family insults Akko

why is Suzys mom so much superior to suzy?

I'm going to be optimistic and say it's going to be how she reacted in the OVAs.

It's this cancerous meme in general that is the problem, everything is turned into pretend-hype for the sake of conforming to its format.

On a related note, everyone started shoving 5 billion different images into Watched/Expected/Got templates instead of the original minimalist idea because Madoka did it once. I fucking hate you all.

>go to pixiv
>type Little Witch Academia in Japanese
>the first related tag is Diakko, even before Akko by herself
Jesus Christ, it's overwhelming.

>"I never once saw you as my rival"


Smash Daryl's face in with the Shiny Rod, sling Diana over her shoulder, then go back to Diana's room for well, you know.

fucking gross, but nice face

It was. I think chartanon said that everyone just has an intense expression to match Akko and Diana.

I think non-dianafags were pretty neutral to it. Like it was kinda boring.

I hate how good this looks.


>Was telenovella really not liked?
That's just a meme, it was better than the cliche-storm some were predicting, it introduced the stuff needed so the next episodes have the impact they deserve.

Episode 18 was so fucking cool.

Aunt did not try to sell Diana for a penny. wasted episode is wasted!

We'll get the exciting episode next week then. I'm looking forwards to it.

>those noses
Please do

You get it.

She doesn't have the authority, it's Diana who's at least projected to be head of household.

Noses isnt even much problem here, and still they manage to make drawing look rather ugly somehow. I think this is more about face shape and proportions.

Fuck you, I just fapped 30 minutes ago

You're assuming primogeniture succession. We don't have any idea how things work in high witch society.

She'll accidentally rip it in half.

And then give Diana her copy.

I really hope there will be some Diana married to rich wife beater doujins.

That trigger discipline

>Sucy episode airs
>Akko x Sucy art gets pumped out
>Andrew episode airs
>Akko x Andrew art gets pumped out
>Amanda episode
>Akko x Amanda art gets pumped out
Meanwhile, the Akko x Diana art never stopped.

>They can make a moment when Akko finds out about this heartwarming enough to be best thing in the series
That's when Akko finds up Ursula's Chariot. user.

I tried. That's one tiny fucking doujin.


They state she's expected to lead the household. maybe it can work out otherwise, but that's the expectation.

>>Akko x Amanda art gets pumped out
Barely, in my opinion. It lacked a good Gay™ moment to really sell the pair. The end bit with them flying in the sunset was great, but not enough.

Diana, like her mother will be doing it for free.

Akko x Diana has even less gay moments, or moments at all, yet they still get art constantly.

I always wonder what subtle influence our shitposting has

I marry her and take care of her so that she's never in a situation like that again.

If I can't convince her to do that, I pay whatever it takes to make sure I'm her only customer every night.

they're inherently gay.

Two girls getting mad at each other is even more gay than two girls holding hands.

Nicely done but I don't know how to feel about it honestly.

Are all yurifags this retard?

I don't even dislike yuri but this is stupid.

Seems forced

They have the Rival Character passive ability, so it was coming regardless.

So there is some Akko x Andrew art out there after all. I guess the faggots here just don't post it.

so there's a big gap between polaris and vajarois, might everything after the croix image be the finale?

It's an statement of fact, why else do you think they get so much art if you think they get less gay moments.

Do you think Diana forces them to tickle her?

Gunposting has been canon since The Enchanted Parade

I do post some, just not always.


how do you know that's not just Diana in a pony tail?

It's really stupid. The only characters that have any gay shit going on is Sucy and Akko. Everything else is super forced and cringeworthy.

This image seems modified.

Is Ursula even interested in finding a man and having kids?