Sup Forums - the ultimate manipulation

Tell me user, how much time have you spent in front of your computer recently? How many threads have you read and took absolutely nothing out of them outside of reinforcing your views on things you already know about? Is indulging in slide threads your occasional habit? How many opportunities do you think you've missed because of the time you spent here? What could you be doing right now that would actually improve you and your community? How many white women have turned to fucking the 60 IQ homo erectus Tyrone because you and a 1000 other Anons always sit in front of the screen? Yeah, sure, post this very nice swastika, a smiling anime girl in a SS uniform or troll some mentally deranged leftists, but ask yourself this - (((who))) in the end gains the most from the time you spend here instead of actually DOING things in the real world? Stop being a prisoner in your own home.

What a (((useful))) site, isn't it...?

Other urls found in this thread:


and I actually only come in here in the afternoons, been working on cutting down trees and making firewood for a family member. And then I worked on a knife I am forging. But true back in the day I also used to waste time on the internet a lot, you have a good point.

That's a nice knife! Hope that more people will see this thread.

It came to my mind, too. I come here less and less. And I stoped watching the Alt-Right crap altogether. Voting won't change anything indeed. AfD is controlled opposition, too, NPD subverted by agents and will never get into power.

And anyone who has no stable income, a family and children, shouldn't was his time on political stuff anyway.

why did germany invade poland again?

Don't derail, Yuriel.

Thanks man, and yeah it is an important thing to consider how we spend our time, because at the end of the day the things we do outside of the internet is what really matter.

We can invade Canada next time. Seems a more worthy target anyhow.

Sup Forums was all keks and games until the goyim chimped out and turned someone into roadkill.



>because at the end of the day the things we do outside of the internet is what really matter.

Couldn't agree more. Varg's a video on the topic of time, youtube debates and such, but it applies perfectly to Sup Forums as well.

Yea I like this guy, havent watched him in a while but he has some good views, very educational on good traditional views. Gonna watch the video.

Antifa roastie who died from heart-attack for being a fat cunt when in proximity of that James Fields dude. Nothing of value was lost honestly.

He is also a literaly murderer, convicted NS terrorist who tried to bomb and shoot up anarchocommunist HQ. How Varg is free is beyond me. In any sane society he would be locked up forever. I also read his stuff, before it got 404ed by the blog site it was on. He gloated over the "weak children who didn't fight back" that Breivik killed. He also hates civilization. He is a criminal, a terrorist, a mentally deranged larper, but a charismatic cult leader.

he killed an idiot that tried to attack him, I don't see the wrong in that.
All that other shit I haven't heard about, and barely care honestly.

>Killing traitors, and not wanting to live in our degenerate civilization is a bad thing

Fuck off Shlomo

He also hijacked a car at gunpoint when he was broken out of prison by his NS pals, but got caught and arrested again. So his sob story of da police keepin a brotha down and breaking into his home without reason is about as believable as his story of his "self defense" murder. Varg is intelligent, charismatic and highly manipulative. Classic narcisstic personality disorder. If it wasn't for his autistic groupie wife who sent him love letters into prison, he probably would be childless now and rembling alone about the coming apocalypse.

About the level of intelligence I expect from Sup Forumstards. Remember: when Varg speaks of dumb right-wingers who could only take the role of Untermensch in Nazi movies. There is a very high chance, he is speaking of people on here.


I don't care what you think, keep going.

I lurk and get memes constantly and it's worth

>Bad Goyim!

I seriously doubt you wouldn't love to see every ebul natzieee" executed on the spot, fair is fair faggot. Commie faggots get whats coming to them.

oh oh i know this one

to get to the other side!

>literaly murderer, convicted NS terrorist who tried to bomb and shoot up anarchocommunist HQ

I used to dislike him for burning a historical church but i didnt know he tried to bomb commies.

Thanks hans ill be sure to watch more varg.


Not that much. I have seen the dangers of the electronic jew a long time ago. I spend time designing my new house remodeling, working, cooking drawing/painting/watercolouring, studying, writing my thesis (this one needs somewhat more attention), working out (also needs more time allocated) and of course sleeping

Whats your thesis about?

>it is impossible doing more things than once

screens, the ultimate manipulator, the internet, the greatest call to inaction ever invented?!? kys kike

Lobbying methods used in the protests against chlorine transport by rail in the Netherlands 1976-2006. It's a really shitty subject but whatever

It is a manipulator. There's no denying definite most of the things on the internet are entertainment, time wasters with some underhanded political message, meant to take away your time, ability to think for yourself and opportunity to act. Sup Forums is no exception, How many completely pointless threads with hundreds of replies have you seen today? I know I see a lot of them everytime I look at this board. Hell, even when there's a thread about a seemingly important topic it quickly devolves into an unproductive meme-spam with little value and almost never a conclusion or a point to make. With how popular this site is nowadays, I am absolutely sure it's been a controlled tool for a long time now.