Open curtain, see this, what do?

Open curtain, see this, what do?

Fuck off

where's Ueno?


Based Pedro.

Pedro is a good boy

Get gun out and shoot him in the head, because all niggers deserve death.

Keep going.



Apologize for intruding and close the curtain

Bring in Sup Forums to ruin this thread

Oh shit, I'm sorry

Go find that bitch nigga Genki
time to fuck this bitch up


>You lived long enough to see anime Pedro

I can die in peace.

life's good

You think he fucks the mom while the kids are out?

What Kyoani show is this?
The discontinuous line weight and the shading kinda give it away, nevermind the blur at the borders of the screen

its called My little deaf girl can't be this cute!

Oh. Didn't know it was out.

fugg him in the butt