/rsg/ Red Storm General -- 2018 Midterms

>convenient general source for everything important about the 2018 midterms


>Find out who your congressman is





The purpose of this thread is to provide Sup Forums a convenient guide to the 2018 midterms, and a platform to take action to achieve specific objectives that will prevent any semblance of a “Blue Wave.”


November 6, 2018 --> THE BIG ONE. This is when you’ll cast your votes to elect your choices to the House of Representatives and the Senate

March 18, 2018 --> Pennsylvania special election for the 18th Congressional District; likely Republican but the Democrats have a strong candidate and you can bet your ass that they’ll be gunning for this seat

Other urls found in this thread:




[2]>Find out who your congressman is

[3]>Find out the date of the primaries for your state


(get these 3 BASIC steps done asap)

other things to do once those are done

[ ]think of all the family members and friends you know who are willing to vote against the Democrats, and get them to register to vote if they haven’t yet, and CONSTANTLY REMIND THEM THAT NOVEMBER 6 IS THE BIG DAY. Do whatever it takes. If you have a younger Gen Z sister who hates the Democrats and recently turned 18, get her to stop taking selfies and take some time to register. Prepare a family / friend party for November 6 or close to it. Anything along those lines. If you’re a hot chick (or a girl who isn’t a landwhale, really) get your beta orbiters to vote.

[ ] if you know people willing to vote Democrat, think of all the ways to redpill or demotivate them; obviously this will vary on a case-by-case basis

[ ] share what you know about how each candidate is perceived in your area (e.g. I live in Indiana and Joe Donnelly isn't even popular among progressives; I live in NYC and many people here won't even bother going out to vote for Gillibrand)

[ ] share your ideas on how to improve this general


Winning the Special Election on March 18 in Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District

>How do we win this

>What are your predictions for the outcome

>What will the outcome mean for November

Reminder that if you don't get out and vote in all federal, state, and local elections then none of this matters. If you don't vote then anti-white communists will win elections and be the ones in power. If Dems win state legislatures they will pass sanctuary laws. Most importantly, if we don't keep Congress in the hands of the GOP, Trump's agenda will be stopped dead in its tracks.

The next big election is in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district on March 13th, vote for Rick Saccone. This should be our number one focus and priority. A loss of this seat would be disastrous. Do you know what district you live in? Are you registered to vote? Let's get to work!


/ourguy/ is Rick Saccone

Special congressional election coming up in Pennsylvania's 18th district on March 13th. Vote for Republican Rick Saccone. Pennsylvania’s 18th district is 93% white and went for Trump by nearly 20 points. Spread the word, we cannot afford to lose this seat. Do you live in the district? Are you registered to vote? Are your friends and family voting? Rick Saccone is a Trump supporter and we need him in Congress. Get out the vote!

Find a flaw in this map

interesting. What makes you think WV and FL will likely go red?


>Find a flaw
Oregon isn’t obviously Democrat.


none of the Senators in Oregon are up for re-election in 2018, same with all those other grey states

Just a feeling. I could be wrong. But West Virginia went pretty hard for Trump.
Oregon doesn't have any senators up for reelection.

>Not fully red


Should be more blue, or red?

It should be more red. There were some elections already and the GOP won most of them.

Would be nice to win the senate in Wisconsin. Point is, I predicted 59 red. Any reds that should be blue, any blues that should be red? And why?

I just want to type MAGA over and over.

Joe Manchin seems popular, but a solid GOP challenger who highlights his flaws can take it

I think we have the opportunity to pick both MN seats, WI, MI, PA and keep NV. At least 62 GOP seats.

fucking mormons. Should've gassed 'em long ago.

ayo faggots

on another note the r/politics raids have extended to other boards like /k/


Where are my Ohio Niggas at?

I hope you little dickies are ready for the blue tsunami.

gorgeous babe. so hot knowing she's be dicked by brown cock in her younger days

Fuck off Shareblue shill. You really are retarded if you think 11 seats in red states can stay blue

When we eliminate the Democrat party it will open the door to completely eliminate the duopolistic two-party system.

I realize you're dumb, but we won in Alabama...the fucking reddest and most inbred state in the union.

The blue wave is coming!

Even if we don't control the Senate, we're still taking the House.

thanks comrade, we will surely succeed in discouraging the nazis by posting on this board


“The first midterm always goes against the party in the Presidency”

Realize that "first midterm going against party in Presidency" phenomenon isn't some magical axiom that just happens, but is explainable through factors that can be altered in our favor


>not getting complacent
>getting voters motivated against the Democrats
>a lot of fundraising
>not listening to blackpilled faggots from cucked out countries
>organization, which is what this general contributes to
>voters who would normally vote Democrat realizing how fruitless it is
>Trump’s base turning out in large numbers and high energy for MAGA candidates that Trump endorses

“B-but Alabama went blue! You have no chance! Blue wave imminent!”

Realize that it only went blue because of *severely* depressed Republican turnout due to pedo allegations and backstabbing from other GOP figures like Dick Shelby, Flake, McConnell, Ivanka, et al. Old ladies who get their news from local talk radio and FOX News thought the allegations were legit.

This year, there will be hundreds of races to focus on, which means pedo allegations and party infighting won’t be factors. We were outspent in Alabama by 7-to-1. The Democrats are running out of money while the GOP has saved up MASSIVE amounts.

Oтпycтитe зaмeткy

By calling your opponent a pedophile based on claims with no basing from the 70s. You don’t give a fuck about anything outside of the coasts.
Go back to leftypol

Are we rooting for Nehlen in Wisconsin?

in the primaries? Yeah, it's just that most of Sup Forums doesn't live in that district and memetic warfare won't help much


We cannot allow establishment Democrats to win the primaries.

I'm hoping Chelsea Manning wins in her state. She is very much like Comrade Bernie Sanders.

Checked. Friendly reminder to ask candidates "Do you support the policies of President Trump? Yes or No."

Drumpf is finished, everyone will go on strike and protest against Trump after the shutdown.

.t Euromutt

You should add Governors up for election as well.

Good point, let me get to work on that right away

Jon Tester will probably win MT. Local politics aren't just partisan there is a lot of constituent services that develop loyalty.

What's the prognostic? Are we headed for the supermajority >60 votes? I'm in MA, so any demotivational ideas I can blackpill people with are very welcome.

We aren't all faggots...the ones who are are butthurt about the new Prophet and will hopefully apostatize over the gays soon.

you want to black pill leftists in MA I'm guessing ?

That's right. Any chance Warren will get booted? Is our-Poo still running against her?

I can't believe the Dems are actually going to shut down the government over the illegals, this is propaganda gold. Imagine the ads in November
>Representative Libshit voted to give amnesty to illegal aliens instead of paying our troops!
>Representative Libshit shut down the government over illegal immigrants
Basically this kills all cover for the "moderate" Dems in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio.

yeah, he definitely is. How many right-wingers do you personally know over there in MA? Get them all to vote for him

also, how many leftists do you know who are kinda iffy on Warren? Try demotivating them

I know a few bernie bots, I'll get working on them.