TDS246: Deportations Will Continue Until Demographics Improve

Which one of you paycucks has the new daily shoah episode? Spare a link for us poorfag NEETS please

>Inb4 the autist brigade shows up claiming everything rightwing is a CIA psyop

Other urls found in this thread:

give jazz and jesse too for the good of the white race

gimme pls pls pls

Gibs pls

Jazz and jessie is actually better than TDS

never listened to it, we only ever get bootleg TDS dropped in these threads

sometimes an user will drop J&J too


The kike mods have been deleting these threads or moving them to that shithole /bant/ that no one posts in

Strike and Mike is the most intelligent podcast out there. Get behind the paywall cucks.

we always get all 3 paywall shows in here

Give away a free sample mike

>big brain nibba detected
Imma go get my rocks


o/ o/ o/

Thanks goy

interesting, i've never seen them

Check the archives. You can find it all by looking at the history of this link.

This is also how people should find the shows instead of making a new thread hours after the show has been posted.

These occasionally leaked shows are actually great advertising. Involuntary, forced advertising.

its hasn't been posted yet faggot it only came out today

Only for people who intend to actually pay.

I'm talking about past shows, retard.

Gibs bump

That's how advertising works lol

Trump wants to deport the partially civilized so that they can fix their uncivilized nations.



Plz be a real human being

There are some antifa next to my home... that's funny

>the anti-trs shills haven't arrived yet

Gibs please

moarpheus will be here soon enough to post the same zog propaganda he does in every trs thread
sick digits gents

I've never seen a TRS thread without that one autist, maybe he died

pls gib

Maybe hes asleep

mike is a jew

even more surprising considering the 18-21 year old contingency of the alt-right is atm trying to start infighting and frame it as TRS or Spencer vs everyone else

pls gib

You are a jew, I'm a jew, everyone on this site is a jew, everyone in the world is a jew.

[citation needed]

Can't really give a citation for this. TheeCurrentYear tweeted something about how because Mike called Nick Fuentes's dishonest tweet out, that means TRS is trying to destroy Nick or something.

Other people are constantly saying shit like "you worship Spencer" or "lol TRSodomite" when you criticize the 18-21 year old contingency's shit tier behavior. I don't even like Spencer so it's especially annoying for me lol.

That's called jewish subversion senpai

Striker kind of irritates me with his NazBol autism at times.

>jew confirmed

Probably has something to do with it, but a lot of them are mixed race, and some of them are just immature.

Wtf are you talking about there are a ton of 18-21 guys who love TRS including myself.


sry senpai #NotAllYounguns

just noticed a lot of these people are 18-21 (actually 14-21 even)

How is the autistic anti-trs mongo not shilling in here yet.

Also don’t forget that absolutely anyone who does anything is a controlled op CIA who did building seven and probably lies about the earth being round, unless you
only sit in your bedroom wanking with no human interaction then you are too.


For what I've seen the TWP took personally the "don't keep lists with real names and adresses" post that Anglin made.
I was shocked that anyone would be so stupid as to keep lists of names and adresses, but it even if there was a reason Anglin didn't even single out TWP for it.


just do it already sir


pls be real

He doesn't really get into it on the podcast because of Mike. His research on shit Jews have done is good, but he's pretty much retarded on everything else.

When is the next paranormies episode?

Could Sven and Jayoh have been more autistic on the show Warski was on? That's what you do when you have a guest who could potentially bring in a bunch of new listeners? You don't start people off with full exto niggers and the holohoax, you start them off with black crime statistics and how Jews are different from whites.

>Also don’t forget that absolutely anyone who does anything is a controlled op CIA who did building seven and probably lies about the earth being round, unless you only sit in your bedroom wanking with no human interaction then you are too.
>Tfw ive been a CIA nigger this whole time and didnt even know it

Not posting it but if Mike keeps X-er posting and thinking Sup Forums doesn't generally like TRS I'll start posting them as retribution. You really should sign up though, becoming a paycuck is the greatest thing that's ever happened in my entire life. That 40 dollars a week is worth it.

Forgot to attach pic.

Ha! India is the color of shit!

The Warski show was good- but I agree about Jayoh on that one... Could have been more subtle...

post it paddy, white nationalist propaganda should be free anyway

I'm still waiting for the next Around the Campfire


pls my we hab?

sven you faggot, I know you monitor these threds

you should stop the cam, you sound much more rad without

I agree 100% but I find it kind of funny. You can tell that they knew not too but they couldn't help them selves. Mike was being a good goy untill the second half about the holocaust and then he just couldn't contain himself and went full bore. It is tough though I have the same problem in my personal life

>Nazi welfare is just propaganda
Sorry my upload speed is shit

Thanks senpai...




Thanks for the upload senpai...

thanks based burger

You're the best, lad

Bump thanks for the map I never knew the exact borders between the christian faiths in north america. Ty bitch

I think he was talking about cuckchan not Sup Forums, the doxing and cheering for antifa was from them not us.

>Dat antartica.

Thanks my fellow white man.

GJ nigger

that's what I got from it.

Thanks for the upload.

40 euros a week how much has the euro fallen for it to be that expensive

It was pretty clear he was talking about cripplechan by the way they dropped its name.

you the real MVP fampai


you got the newest jazz and jessie lad?

8 is where all the hyper-autistic purity spiralling comes from. that's what they were talking about

Confirmed legit after testing. Thanks for being helpful, user.

Jazzhands comes here and he has the better show. I'll take that anyway.

It's 40 Euro a week? It's $10 monthly here.

I personally don't mind uploading TDS, it's what brings people in. But if you burn through podcasts like I do, I enjoy the extra shows J&J and Strike and Mike Talk about Kikes and it's worth paying for. But if it costs that much a week then yeah I wouldn't bother paying for it either.

>Paycuck show
>1 hour and 42 minutes
And people tell me to pay for this.

>becoming a paycuck is the greatest thing that's ever happened in my entire life. That 40 dollars a week is worth it.

I would expect more from an Irishman. Shame on you for memeing, Padraig

YouTube channel Gustaf Johanson releases all the TDS episodes. Just watch it there, until you have the 100 bucks or whatever to actually support them like a non-nigger.

>It's 40 Euro a week? It's $10 monthly here.

Silly user. Don't you know a meme when you see one? Even Mike and Sven do this meme on the show when they say the show is worth 50 dollars an hour.

>YouTube channel Gustaf Johanson releases all the TDS episodes

Not the paywall ones. He just posts the first 30 seconds.

The Sup Forums archives are the best way to find the full shows.

TDS specifically is full shows on there. I got hooked that way and after a few weeks I just signed up.

they charged me 350 dollary doos those thieving trsjews

hehehe just as planned, goy

Mike hates being called a jew can we meme this up again?