Donald Trumps mom look worse than a xenomorph

Donald Trumps mom look worse than a xenomorph

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She looks fucking awesome. I'm not even saging.

t. nigger that fear the eternal scottish

jfc looks like trump

Shes dead. Shame on you


This. I'd bet that every bit of Trump's personality came directly from this woman. She could probably rant about the Irish and Italians for hours while chain smoking Chesterfields.

I know it's shitty DM, but worthwhile read

She kinda looks like Trump
Like, completely

Scotland's not sending their best.

She looks really good for a granny.
Whites are aesthetic.


That hair simply covers her brain. Where do you think Trump gets his 7d interdimensional psychic chess skills from?

by azura by azura

All the socialites in Stornoway wear their hairlike that...

lost hard

Trump looks like his mom

Your mum is a bottom of the chain middle class blob fed corn syrup intravenously whos idea of a life is having a red wine on a friday night, calling herself a fitness fanatic by doing 10 reps of a 3 kg dumbell every Sunday wearing yoga pants far too small for her and posting on social media about the African drum circle group she just joined with her boomer drone friends, desperately trying to convince each other they are 'killing it' knowing full well she's wasted her life on a son who never lived up to her expectations and her own life full of meaningless distraction from her severe suburban depression.

>the hair is familial
Absolutely based.

She looks exactly like Trump just 100 pounds lighter, basically a tanny

hey man is everything alright

She has the "hair" too?

Why don't you purge these mutants, space marine?

MODS!! DELET this thread!!!!


Fuck what a take down ooosh!
