Atheists be like -First there was nothing -Then BY CHANCE big bang happened -Then BY CHANCE galaxies happened -Then BY CHANCE stars , planets happened Then BY CHANCE the sun happened Then BY CHANCE the earth happened Then BY CHANCE water happened on earth Then BY CHANCE , Blue sky, beautiful mountain ranges , forests , seas , sunsets, snow happened Then BY CHANCE life happened Then BY CHANCE all sorst of diverse life forms happened , tigers lions dolphins horses happened Then BY CHANCE the extremely complicated human specie happened
Atheism is mental disorder. Hence the state of western races
Alright give me some proof and I'll see it your way. oh wait there is no proof? darn.
Connor Perry
All of this is supposed to have no meaning behind . Its supposed to be pure random. Atheism is (((communism))) cultural marxism -------> shit
Jace Johnson
I cant believe there is not a Noble Creator behind the beautiful lake and mountain forests. Its a brain cancer to believe it just randomly happened
Ethan Allen
>muslims >first their was God and there was nothing else before him, apparently
Leo Gray
where do thoughts come from? surely we don't generate them but rather act on them as they pop in our heads! the fact that we're "thinking" is proof there is God.
David Nguyen
There has to be a beginning. It cant be pure randomness
Jaxon Edwards
What if the Beginning WAS the Big bang? I mean, you say God is the start, I say Big bang was the start.
Adam Jackson
Big bang barely explains our universe.
Easton Price
Gods = Aliens that altered our DNA to become what we are as Homosapiens
Evolution was real to a certain degree, but the jump from pre homosapien to homosepian was far too quick to be natural
Not to mention the actual translation in the bible is "create them in our image"
Cameron Jenkins
>I think, but not enough to learn what an unfalsifiable hypothesis is
Juan Murphy
>Then by CHANCE the moon entered into a perfectly stable orbit (only drifts inches a year) You missed one of the biggest crazy things that happened.
Wyatt Collins
How did the bang occur?
Carson Lopez
Big bang is an event. It didnt happen randomly just like everything in our universe. There must be a WILL behind it. We can keep going up all the way to God
Xavier Gomez
>There must be a WILL behind it. Define will and then explain how it pertains to creation.
Adam White
>Atheists be like >-First there was nothing >-Then BY CHANCE big bang happened
Actually, there are different theories on what existed before the Big Bang.
>Then BY CHANCE the earth happened
By chance? No, by natural processes. How is a mountain made? Natural processes. How is rain made? Natural processes.
The world around us was created through natural processes.
Atheism is using your own logic and common sense, instead of believing in a holy book.
Nolan Jones
well actually it explains why radio waves are constantly floating around, for one example How did God occur? I don't know the answer to either question, but unlike a religious person, I say "I don't know" instead of "God did it" well, if God wasn't created, then SOMETHING IN OUR UNIVERSE WASN'T MADE BY A WILL.
Angel Williams
Big Bang is the result of the Trinitization. It is the birth of the Universe, it is Christ. We live within him.
Cooper Rodriguez
Mason Walker
proof? most of the arguments here can be called "God of the Gaps" theory
John Evans
Existence is a work of art crafted by God
Gaytheists and fagnostics are complete degenerates
Jason Diaz
>I cant believe there your affirmation is not required, proof is you otherwise, by definition, have been retarded
Jonathan Morgan
>there was nothing >big bang
Not how it's proposed. Simply says the universe was condensed, then expanded rapidly ie. Bang.
Your lack of understanding shows your ignorance.
Nicholas Bell
Wyatt Stewart
except for my 3 white Kids, raised without getting Sexually abused by a priest, unlike yours!
Matthew Sullivan
Friendly reminder that the gaytheists in the thread are the same kids who believe communism works. All 20-Year old college kids who are fat fucks and tip fedoras.
Then why are most Pedophile rights groups Atheist. Why does Richard Dawkins advocate for “Mild” Pedophilia?
Joseph Nguyen
>hurr durr, science is dumb
Justin Thompson
Burgers who don´t say "God made Earth n shieet before 6k years" Am I dreaming?
Dylan Thompson
Why are most pedophiles catholics?
Nathan Carter
Science has proved God doesn't exist? Can you link the experiment that falsified it? I am fascinated to know how they tested for god.
Eli Parker
>How did God occur? God is eternal.
>SOMETHING IN OUR UNIVERSE WASN'T MADE BY A WILL. God was never made. He always is.
Joseph Stewart
Will is the opposite of "random"
Hudson Gonzalez
You can´t proof god in a scientific way as you can´t proof if there is a flying invisible spaghetthie monster arround.
Mason Johnson
>why are most pedophiles catholic And yet they don’t show any proof.
Elijah Mitchell
He? So you are suggesting god is gendered and has a penis?
Joshua Bell
so your saying something in our Universe wasn't made by a will? and the irony of that is how many Catholics don't belelive in the Big bang link, never heard of that before
Chase Bell
>my belief in a magical solution to an unsolvable problem makes me smart
Asher Flores
Lincoln Ramirez
Collosians 1 The Supremacy of the Son of God 15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
He is the first source and center of the unvierse creation (Big Bang) and he is the controller of all Gravity
Luke Martin
Ok it was just fake news. Actually the muzzies are nr1
Josiah Thompson
I understand the nature of reality, and I know that it all happened spontaneously. All the sudden all time and space started spontaneously, six billion years ago. Just because. You ask, "Why am I conscious; how did I become spontaneously sentient? Why am I aware?" "How did sentience occur out of nowhere?" Just because.
Logan Baker
We are talking about probabilities. What were the probabilities of all of this happening
Jace Sanders
Why are all Atheists complete douchebags when it comes to spreading their word?
Elijah Powell
>You can´t proof god in a scientific... Bingo.
Sebastian Robinson
who are these catholics? south americans?
Zachary Ramirez
Oh look its a >brainlet that exists at the between of trillions of casual links is baffled at how those casual links came to me episode
Take these 2010 threads back to Sup Forums pls, don't forget to sage boys
okay then, so were going with things in our universe don't need to be made? because we have atleast one being that was not created.
Juan Butler
>Science has proved God doesn't exist?
It's more of a spectrum. Imagine a scale labeled 1 through 10.
1 means God doesn't exist, 10 means God exists.
I think that science has put us closer to 1 than 10. Science keeps proving Christianity wrong.
Christians thought the Earth was the center of the universe, science proved that wrong.
Eventually science will be able to definitively explain how the universe came into existence. That will probably be the last major blow to Christianity, after all, a big part of any religion is answering, "Where do we come from?"
Science will eventually push us to a 1 on the spectrum.
Thomas Parker
But there is an article from 2013 from salon that says so.
Juan Murphy
Believing in a humanoid magic man that created the chemical reaction we call the universe is the craziest fucking thing imaginable.
Alexander Cox
Ever hear of Communism my good chap?
James Hughes
>believes in God >shitposts on Sup Forums Dude, I'm sorry, but you are going to hell.
Wyatt Bailey
Science also believes global warming exists and that Gender is on a spectrum. They keep pushing retarded shit because it’s been corrupted by the Left.
Gavin Fisher
absence of proof is not proof of absence
Blake Murphy
Science can't prove god doesn't exist because the answer can always be that god is in a place that cannot be measured.
Joseph Butler
>God is perfect >God made niggers Pick one.
Luke Sanders
>don't think about all those people I killed >look, this guy killed so much more
Hudson Scott
CONCLUSION: Given the probabilities of all of this happening BY CHANCE -------> BELIEVING in God ( A creator will behind the universe) is FAR MORE logical than BELIEVING there was NO creator will behind the universe and it ALL happened BY ACCIDENT.
Cooper Russell
bingo what lol
Oliver Sanders
Henry Brooks
without an indefinite article that phrase makes it sound like they are actually theists lol
Ayden Hernandez
Catholics are degenerates and not Christian
The founding fathers didn't even want those kiddy diddling cock suckers coming into our country
Ian Wright
Yes it is
Cooper Gomez
>-Then BY CHANCE big bang happened Atheism has nothing to do with the big bang and the big bang theory doesn't have anything to do with how it happened, that is currently unknown.
Besides there is a huge leap between "some mechanism created the universe" and "a sentient being created the universe and will condemn you to hell unless you acknowledge its existence and worship it in which case you will get eternal paradise"
Ryder Clark
>Science keeps proving Christianity wrong. Ha no
>Christians thought the Earth was the center of the universe, catholics*
Ryder Phillips
>Science can't prove god doesn't exist because the answer can always be that god is in a place that cannot be measured.
If science is able to prove everything about God in the Bible wrong, that God DIDN'T create the universe in seven days, that God DIDN'T make man in his current form... I'd say that's proving God doesn't exist.
After all, if the Bible is proven to be all false, then what's left to prove about God?
Parker Watson
>chemical evolution is a religious belief
Eli Phillips
>If science is able to prove everything about God in the Bible wrong, that God DIDN'T create the universe in seven days, that God DIDN'T make man in his current form... I'd say that's proving God doesn't exist. Yes >After all, if the Bible is proven to be all false, then what's left to prove about God? No
Caleb Rogers
>Implying the commies didnt killed Atheists too Pope Francis and Dalai Lama are Marxists Marx was Jew like Trotzky and Luxemburg. Literally every Cuban Commie is a christian. Stalin used the orthodox church for propaganda. What was your point again?
Christian Bailey
>Atheists be like Oh, please stop with the nigger talk. I already want to strangle the living piss out of you.
Juan Williams
South american catholics are darwinists.
Camden Russell
>>After all, if the Bible is proven to be all false, then what's left to prove about God? >No
You're confusing the word "God" with "higher power".
"God" means the Abrahamic bullshit that Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe. God can be proven not to exist because their holy texts are a bunch of lies.
A higher power would be harder to disprove, if not impossible.
Joseph Ross
>Christians thought the Earth was the center of the universe, science proved that wrong. Atheists think their degeneracy is the meaning of life, AIDS and disease proved that wrong
>Eventually science will be able to definitively explain how the universe came into existence. Good, then we'll finally be majority Christian again. Hurry up science.
>That will probably be the last major blow to Christianity, after all, Seeing as God is how the Universe came into existence... the complete opposite will happen.
You tried though
Noah Rodriguez
According to human understanding, there are only two possibilities. Either something came from nothing. Or there is something that always existed, without beginning. Both are seemingly impossibilities, yet we cant make sense of reality without either having happened.
Then of course comes the question, why would the something that fullfills either criteria have to be god. Or would it, by nature of being an impossibility, deserve the title of god?
Evan Baker
Faggots we all need to unite together. The Jew wants us to fight so that way the Muslims will take over. Nobody wants that.
Samuel Moore
Quality post
Hunter Young
Your answer is a fucking lake? First of all, chemistry is the answer, second of all that doesn't prove anything other than lakes exist.
Grayson Adams
>so your saying something in our Universe wasn't made by a will? God is beyond the Universe. He is eternal. He wasn't "made". Not sure how I can explain that any clearer
Jordan Bell
It is not a mental disorder, it is merely a difference in the definition of God. For people who take God's existence as self-evident and axiomatic, the idea of faith is impossible, for people who don't they will have no idea what someone is talking about when they mention God.
Aaron Kelly
>unironically paraphrase someone who themselves said they received messages from angels The absolute state of atheists
Oliver Diaz
Christians and Muslims are Jews
Asher Hall
then whose are the catholics that dont believe in the bigbang? i never met one
Bentley Morales
I meant *the idea of not having faith is impossible
Elijah Wright
Can other things beyond the universe also be uncreated and eternal?
Isaac Murphy
What if I just feel empty and can't find what's right? I know it sounds strange.
This is me.
Nolan Watson
There is a God. That thing you and the other Abrahamic religions worship is a pig minded fairytale.
Parker Howard
And atheists are the jew’s bitch. The Jew wants to destroy Christianity so that way they can take over. We need to stop this
Christian Thompson
Your fallacy is in believing your own thoughts. You're a tiny little maggot crawling on an insignificant speck of dust in a vast universe. What the fuck do you know? What are your thoughts worth?
Asher Jackson
That's just the hormones. The teenage years will pass, it'll get better. For now, leave, this is an 18+ board.
Bentley King
>God is beyond the Universe. He is eternal. He wasn't "made". Not sure how I can explain that any clearer
You realize this is such a bad answer that it makes more people atheists.
David Price
Have to ask yourself Do you believe.... in MAGIC!!!!