Now that I am red pilled on Soy I can see soy in so many of the foods that I like

Why is there so much soy in all our good foods?
Are (((they))) soying the goy?
I like to each smoked Salmon. Guess what (((they))) put in it.....Soy.
Do I need to give it up or is it okay to eat some soy here and there?

Here is the ingredients.


Yeah man. It's in everything from chips to Salmon.

Oh, second ingredient too. Not good m8

It all makes sense now boys.

It's one of the main ingredients in like every condiment too. Tartar sauce, mayo, mustard, horse radish

Just buy real smoked salmon - not the shit in the can - The jew doesn't eat that kind of smoked salmon, faggot.

>tfw Sup Forums believes tranny science

I have eaten so fucking much tuna alabacore salmon oysters from cans it would make you all puke if you knew. Also mayonaise is my waifu

Just eat it, estrogen is good for you.

To catch and can your own salmon. It's not that hard. I got a huge thing of canned smoked salmon in my pantry from my yearly copper river fishing trip. Yeah I can the most expensive salmon in the world. It's fucking delicious.

there is fluoride in the water. (milk if you're a euro-faggot)
there is soy in the food
there is corn syrup in both water and food.

everyone is on the conspiracy, except you.

you made read my sardine cans faggot. no soy good.

In the US soy is literally in nearly every processed food thanks to Monsanto.

I got huge man tits from eating excessive amounts of cliff bars, it's too late boys. You will never be comfortable with your bodies again soon. No more beaches, swimming, sex, wearing t-shirts.

You're just as doomed as I.

yet another soy thread
yet again I can't really tell if you are ironic about it or some people actually think that food can turn them into female

Soy has been incorrectly passed off as a healthy food for a long time. Soybean oil, soy milk, and even tofu are a staple in the lives of many people, especially vegetarians. However, most soy products are not real food — most are highly processed and genetically modified. In my opinion, the marketing of soy as a health food is probably one of the greatest bamboozles of all time.

One of the issues concerning soy is its high level of phytoestrogens — compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. Soy contains two primary phytoestrogens, sometimes called xenoestrogens, genistein, and daidzein. Both compounds are known to disrupt the endocrine system in males and females. These, and all, estrogen compounds are classified as isoflavones.

Isoflavones are estrogen mimickers that increase estrogenic activity. This may be helpful at times for relieving symptoms in menopausal women. However, more often than not, isoflavones block and replace naturally-produced estrogen, an action that many experts believe is cause for concern.

Soy doesn't even affect test levels, unless you eat a ridiculous amount.

wait. kosher? morroco? goddamnit

there is soy and corn syrup in slim-jims.


The us food is the most soyed in the world, you need to fight big soy. I have yet not seen that much soy here, but I'm sure there is a lot of hidden soy.

I'm convinced you can plot the average consumption of soy with the plummet in masculinity.

Or you could try losing weight.
Stray thought.

God, I love that salmon in the can. Makes the best sandwich when you prepare it just like tuna salad. I put that and mayo and wickles relish, shit is so tasty... Guess I am going to give it up.

Soy must be super cheap in the USA right? I did a quick check through my food items and I didn't detect any soy.

What about bumble bee tuna?

Most likely more soy than meat.

How to eat a healthy diet

1-Buy a powerfull blender like blendtec. toothbrush and toothpaste, mouthwasher, computer, a cup of glass and internet
2-Find a good diet using internet
3-Do the recipes that the site told you.
4-Put them at the blender and wait it to really blend the fucking thing. Patience is needed, if you dont have it, you wont be able to do this diet.
5-Put this thing at a clup of glass
6-Go to bathroom with this cup
7-Put the mouthwhaser at his own cup
8-Drink the cup of glass really fast
9-Now use the mouthwasher to at the same time clean your mouth and remove the taste of the food
10-Brush your teeth.

DON'T eat anything without this method, if you want to have fun, visit Sup Forums, play a sport, listen to music, play games, read books or whateaver the hell you do for fun that is not related to food

that shit is actually bad for your organism but brainded poltard will be afraid of mythical soy instead

change the food change the people, oldest trick in the book

>smoked salmon



drink cup of glass. gotta say you are health genius sir.

food color and smoke flavor aren't healthy either. Soybean oil won't mess with your hormones so much but it's still bad for you, your body will probably turn it into fat instead of utilizing it. The can is probably lined with BPA or BPS which will fuck with your hormones.

Nhilism and actually caring about shit?

I guess I'll have to switch to the kosher shit that (((they))) eat.

>Endocrine disruptors

Shit, i'm working on a project for Agricultural Chemicals at the moment, and have been looking through a lot of their manuals and shit as a result.

And guess what i see
>Endocrine disruptive properties of [the product]

EVERY FUCKING PLANT WE EAT is sprayed with endocrine disrupting pesticides.