Racist Protest


Who do you think is in the wrong here?

idk and idc
fuck americans


This is why women and minorities shouldn't have been given the right to vote.

>Who do you think is in the wrong here?
The LARPer. He is a morbidly obese young man open carrying a rifle while wearing a costume and saying meaningless platitutes before being run off in tears by an angry mob of shrieking women. This faggot is basically all of the bad elements of the right wing wrapped into one:

> morbidly obese
Undisciplined. Can't take care of himself and is naturally repulsive to observers
> LARPing
wearing the symbols of a fallen regime that has little practical social sway, all while carrying a rifle - implying a threat (fuck off OC autists). Literally the worst imaging possible.
> retarded messaging
ROBERT E LEE WAS RACIST AND SO WAS THE CONFEDERACY. So were the founding fathers, for that matter. Instead of pretending that the Civil War wasn't about race so that people won't call you racist - deprive that term of its power by saying "who cares?" when people scream racist.
>Retarded Plan
He went to a controversial site alone, with a gun, where he was basicly guarenteed to get outnumbered and publicly shamed. He couldn't even handle the public shaming and burst into tears.
>he immidiately cucked
He was doxxed after his retarded plan, gave a public statement decrying racism, got fired from his shit job, and was expelled from his Christcuck community college - all while generating effective propaganda for the enemy.

Fuck faggots like this. We can have no tolerance for these weak men. They drag us all down. The goal is not to destroy our lives while playing dressup. The goal is to change society. The woman was only having an emotional outburst in response to the propaganda she's been fed - i.e. she was just being a woman. Not truly blameworthy behavior.

Was he literally LARPing? As in was this a civil war reenactment?

He was wearing a confederate soldier costume (which, entertainingly enough, he couldn't even fit in due to his obesity) in front of the Robert E. Lee memorial in Charlottesville

Fpbp. I don't give a fuck about this shit GIVE ME A HAPPENING

I didn't see him crying you nigger.
