Guess the #metoo movement is dead

It only took one leftie poo to stop the thots. Not sure how to feel about this bros

Lying thot gets denied of metoo'ing someone v Poo gets away with rape

I dunno, I reckon I will probably gain more sleep after reading that.

Women genocide when

I always find it easier to sleep after jerking off.

I had dinner with a man that was falsely accused. Awful. Because of the current witch hunt climate he chose not to come forward.

Let this lose you some sleep tonight twatters

All it took was a brown person being accused. Protected classes clashing is the liberal's kryptonite


Like her pussy wasn't Niagara falls all night thinking about red carpet award shows and champagne vacations to foreign getaways. Horse shit.

"coerced into sex", not raped. She was too much of a pussy to say no and she let the guy fuck her.

metoo was used to take down Hollywood jews, you should have supported these sluts and encourage the leftists to eat themselves. but too many woman hating virgins here

The progressive stack >>> third wave feminism

Good news, in a way