We all know this memo is thermonuclear for the Democrats. It contains specific, highly criminal, charges of illegal and abhorrent behavior by top members of the DOJ and the Obama administration.
The memo will destroy the Democrats. It will destroy Obama’s legacy in the eyes of the American people, and it will destroy the swamp creatures still clinging to power in the FBI/DOJ. In 2013 Snowden revealed the omnipowerful and terrifying powers of surveillance possessed by the Feds.
Now, in 2018, the memo will document specific and criminal abuses of these same powers. People will go to prison. There will be huge and very public trials for very powerful people. It will be incredibly destabilizing.
Trump can release it at any time. It will totally crush the “blue wave” narrative when Dems are a smoldering pile of ash.
Therefore, the Republicans have a strategic interest in delaying the release as long as possible until November 2018.
If they released it now, would the momentum it generates dissipate before the midterms?
Camden Thomas
>Let’s talk about the memo for a second. no, go back to your containment thread
Jack Lewis
Is that the actual memo?
Luis Butler
The way you know it's not thermonuclear for the democrats is that the republicans could easily release if they wanted to...Trump could just declassify it unilaterally. Alternatively, the intelligence committee could vote to make it public. Alternatively, the Republicans could just unilaterally enter it into the congressional record with immunity. So we know for sure that it's a nothing burger. It is more valuable to the Republicans for it to be unreleased than released.
Brayden Collins
Its about making them sweat and chimp out before releasing it. Its like a double fuck you, exposing their lies and subversion.
Gabriel Bailey
If Trump had just released it we would have missed out on all these new Russian bot lies from the left.
Jack Johnson
It's a public health hazard. Millions will suddenly become sleepy.
Isaiah Perez
That is a possible explanation. As time goes on though, it's worth keeping in mind that Trump or the intelligence committee or any Republican congressman at all has the power to more or less release the memo with total impunity
Samuel Howard
>It is more valuable to the Republicans for it to be unreleased than released. Pretty big bargaining chip. I don't think it's any coincidence this is happening right as the Dems are threatening to let the Gov shutdown.
Carson Williams
This is my belief too. They need social traction. They need people to understand there's something going on so that when it is released it doesn't come out of nowhere and gets no coverage. They're creating drama around it.