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A rifle...
Wait... I've seen the aluminum plate taped to the floor before. it is used for something...

> Is sword-shaped
> Is an umbrella
> Mistaken for a rifle

It's to prevent ayys from stealing thoughts.

holy shit it's got two giant triggers literally so it can fire huge bullets

Must have been a retard hospital

it clearly looks like a rifle user, get your eyes checked

ban assault umbrellas fucking when?
glad this one was intercepted before any harm was done
maenwhile some larper with an umbrella sword is wet somewhere

Umbrellas are discriminatory against rainfall. Stop umbrella bigotry.


Why can't burgerland ban Assault umbrellas? Could you imagine how dangerous it is especially when it has the sword modification installed? How many people have to die in order for you to realize these things are not meant for pedestrians to own?

I woke everyone up from laughing so hard, my mom is gonna kill me


Sad that it wasn't the katana umbrella desu

For the record only out of staters use umbrellas here in Washington. No hate. I’d use one too if wasn’t used to rain.

sort yourself out kiddo.
t. basement dweller.

Apparently the hospital lacks an optometry department.

Damn that umbrella can get you shot by cops in current year lol. Stupid rain

Ban assault umbrella swords that look like rifles.

all it takes is one fat shrieking single mother(nurse) to scream gun and it sparks a panic. Considering the area I'm sure at least half the staff are insufferable faggots

Where is that USA Today infograph pic with the AR15 add ons. Add a tactical sword umbrella

I was going to make a joke about Theresa's Torrent Thwarters being rainphobic, until I realized this happened in Arizona and not the UK. So I don't have a good joke for it.

There was a campus wide lockdown when I was in college because a shuttle driver saw someone with a gun. The reality? Katana umbrella. Fucking weebs.

Well leaf, unsurprisingly there is actually a tactical brolly...
