New episode discussion; how do you like the new duels?
Would you a Ema?
>those hips
>that tight latex suit
I would let her riding duel me.
I like how, instead of having to boost the LP to 8000, they just reduced the field to a Speed Duel so it doesn't feel awful seeing duels resolve so quickly. Right now the animation is still in the red, but the CGI is pretty dang fantastic. Still trying to get used to the voices. Still trying to get used to the weird note that the OP leaves off on. Still WANTING TO LICK AOI'S FLAT CHEST
I want to lick her legs
I want to Link my sperm to Aoi's egg(s).
I just wanna lick her everywhere. Her underarms, the back of the knee, the cunny.
Guys, remember
Even her feet?
Already KOG kid
No, I want to suck and nibble on her toes!
Why does dark magician have the best theme in yugioh?
That's not Fang of Critias.
Nor is that Clear Mind.
The entire Japanese soundtrack is just so beautiful.
Fang of critias is good
Clear mind sounds like a generic light rock song
Hey. How about you go fuck yourself?
I hate they replaced it in the dub
I knew there was something missing in the $kids version
The sound track in the dub sucked shit
take it easy, old-timer
This has to be the worst taste that I've ever heard. The dub for DM was one of the few times where the dub OST surpassed the Jap OST. Have you ever compared their Toon World themes? Their Orichalcos themes? Do you seriously get a boner over Passionate Duelist, and not Millennium Battle?
Ignoring the issues of censorship and the incessant need for alliteration, the dub surpassed the original for DM. DSoD doesn't carry the weight for nostalgiafags in Japanese like it does in English.
The dub is great in the in the dub but the soundtrack flat
woah there user, the dub was good but "surpassed the jap ost"? What the fuck are you smoking?
"Dan" Green Weed.
People with shit taste like you shouldn't comment on "the worst taste they've ever seen"
You know, the more I hear this kind of stuff, the more I'm glad that I'm still a virgin. This made my toes curl, and not in the good way.
I've seen nostalgiafags before but that was just fucking ignorant and disrespectful
The episode is full of asspulls.
And what the fuck was that at the end?
>beat someone with bullshit skills
>You have no right to call yourself a Duelist!
So that fat classmate didn't even recognise PURAYMAKAR is his classmate whom he talked to literally on the same day?
Funny how Lois didn't recognize Clark was Superman.
I mean really, a dude somehow is able to inject his consciousness into the data stream, unlock "wind" inside of circuitry by releasing a "data world" somehow locked out from reality, all of which was created for a card game, and THAT'S where you suspend your disbelief?
Lemme guess, plant deck with a dragon ace ?
The digital effects look better than the actual animation
The Knights of Hanoi are the new Jobelisk Force, right? Will they all play the same deck?
Let's not forget that these are digital avatars, so in-universe maybe they're not supposed to look like the characters that much.
If they play cyber versions of antique gear I'll die laughing
It's really not as bad as having to believe that all the Yuyas look almost identical to the characters in-show
I would just die
rest in playingcards
Ironically, at the very end of the episode, this guy was saying that Cracker Dragon couldn't be destroyed by a monster with a lower level until he remembered that Links don't have levels. But that wouldn' have mattered, because even if Cracker Dragon hadn't been destroyed HE WOULD STILL TAKE DAMAGE.
Style points, user. Style points are very important in the YGO world. Without style points, you are nothing. Without style points, it doesn't matter how many Water Dragons you summon, you will still be invisible.
So the KoH wanted to get Ignis so that company would go down...
Why not just file a lawsuit against them for putting one of their people into coma/death?
I don't like speed duels. And I found the link summon animation to be much blander than I expected.
>SOL has a huge monopoly over Den City and link VRAINS
>implying lawsuits would work
Because the KoH henchmen probably aren't even human. Like the ghosts from 5D's.
Also, they're like cyber terrorists or some shit, so their legal status is probably shaky
At this moment Vrains is not airing nor available for viewing on nico, as far as I'm aware. Might take a while for episodes to be put up there, or just not at all
Does Yusaku have any extra deck monsters of his own? Would he really have had no available plays if he hadn't gotten Decode Talker?
I like how literally every Duel Meme that everyone complained about is now in a single Duel and the first one on top of it.
>Outside interference of Game Mechanics in the Form of Skills (Duel Links was a Mistake)
>But you still take the Damage!
>But if it doesn't have a Level it's Level 0 right?
>REad The cARD
>Creating Cards in the middle of the Duel (reminder of Numeron Force)
I'll probably enjoy VRAINS more than Arc-V though anyways, since the Plot already sounds more interesting.
There's no reason to believe he does if we don't ever see a mention or appearance of other link monsters besides what he takes from data storms
Most likely, yes, he would be fucked. That's what Ignis told him before the fight but yolo, plot armor and bam, he won.
he has Salvegent Driver in his deck so most likely yes
Creating cards is usual, though. It's rewriting a pre existing one that made recontract universe meme worthy
To be fair, if he didn't have Cyverse monsters clogging up his draws he might have performed better with his vanilla deck.
So how did he win his duels without Link monsters? His main deck cards don't seem that strong.
His other encounters didn't involve Cracking I guess, and he might have a tribute monster or two?
He probably still just had Honeybot and Link Spider but just needed Decode Talker.
That's one way to avoid bad ratings.
Action cards or skills? Which one is more cancerous?
I feel like skills are better simply from the fact that you can use it only once during a duel?
Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, the hierarchy of Yugioh cheating goes
>Manipulating fate to draw the card that was already in your deck you need so that you can win.
>Adding or creating an extra deck monster in the middle of the duel and playing it in order to win.
>Creating a main deck card that didn't exist before, put it on top of your deck, then draw and play it in order to win.
>Take a card that had already been played earlier in the duel and completely change its effect so that you can win.
>Create an entirely new game mechanic in the middle of the duel, completely overhauling several cards you had already played and chaging their effects so that you can win.
Can't escape the tv numbers in the hypothetical case where kids don't want to tune in, though. It just won't be public
>>The speed format (Hinders power creep and makes the game easier for newer players)
This is false though. What hinders power creep and what makes the game easier for newer players is that the game only has a fraction of the total card library. It has absolutely nothing to do with the speed duel format itself.
If anything the speed duel format is fundamentally broken. And if they were to only add the rest of the card library it would end up far, far more broken than the regular game ever was.
>implying XYZ and Pendulums didn't kill Yu-gi-oh
Is this a good guide? It seems to skip a lot.
Pends were fine. They were basically fodder for preexisting methods and thereby served to enhance the game.
Just watch the abridged series instead.
Just read the manga. It's a strictly better experience than watching DM.
I'll find less salt in a salt mine than in that video
I share some of his sentiments though
read the manga
I'm not really a fan of Vrains so far. The way it handles exposition is really clunky and amateurish. Just infodumping "I care about this because 3 reasons" and then offhandedly listing the reasons without any buildup to any of them feels really cheap in both this ep and the last.
ARC-V, Zexal, DM, and 5Ds all handled the early narrative stuff far more organically, so it has me a bit worried.
What the guide doesn't tell you is that the animation of the show during Millenium World is barely held together at the seams and it just looks bad for most of the time. It sometimes makes Arc-V's QUALITY look better than passable Just so you have a heads up.
Just read the fucking manga
Thanks, boys. Looks like I'm reading the manga.
L i t e r a l
S t i c c
Why doesn't the fat kid recognize him even though he has the same face despite the new hair?
This can only be the Opinion of someone who didn't think the Details through and just complains about new Mechanics or a is Nostalgiafag.
What annoys me is that every single Person who played before the 5Ds Era stands to it as a Fact and refuses to think otherwise.
I personally already know an uncountable amount of People who think like that and won't bother listening.
Playmaker's eyeliner is the domino mask of Yugioh
to be honest Synchros ruined the game according to Konami and how much love they give Xyz
What is even the point of Duel Links without Links?
Killing synchro toolbox (without ANY real attempt at reviving it) and turning the entire mechanic into quasar/sifr/blazar turbo is konami's greatest sin
Feels like the girls that hang around the protagonists get more prominent roles and screentime with each new yu-gi-oh iteration
Will Aoi continue this trend?
>More prominent role than Aki
Okay user.
It's okay so far
but do you guys think we will get all the 3 party members before episode 11?
Don't promise things that won't happen, user.
Blame Plant Synchros and Fish Synchros etc for making Quasar a dominant Card for a whole Year and making the first ZeXal Packs not worth it.
Konami hates Synchros for the Fact that everyone was only focusing at them since the start of Tele-DAD.
Just look at the Massive Banlists that were the Banning of Glow-Up Bulb and Formula Synchron (Plants, Fishborg Blaster and Trishula etc) just to make People stop playing them and making the only Synchro Tuners T.G Wonder Magician and Life Stream (aka no Quasar).
Only later People looked back at it during Lavals but Konami avoids giving Synchros good Effects.
>relevant at all after dark signers
Even during the first few seasons she didn't appear much. The most she got after that was the motorcycle fetish suit episode
True Kotori wasn't important plot wise but she stuck to Yuma all the time. She had an abnormal amount of screentime for whatever reason Dunno why they pushed her so hard.
At least Yusaku is really great, here's 3 reasons
>"I knew something was coming, just look at his face"
>"Explanation? say the important stuff only then"
>play with real card isntead digital ones
also, if he got decode talker in the matrix, does the card magically materializes into his deck, or he can only use it while there?
[Laughs in PSYFrame]
Okay guys, how Ema is going to be related to Yusaku? Or is she going to be irrelevant? I like the idea of her being his onee-san.
Kotori was only around in every single episode because the VA's agent contractually forced them into it.
Two possibilities: either she's another one of those babies that got kidnapped or whatever, or she's the "third reason" (the one who was talking to kid Yusaku). Or she's entirely unrelated.
I'm pretty happy for Dark Synchro having been a Meta Deck in the OCG for a while.
Even though it banned Level Eater Shenanigans in the OCGLand
Atleast they made Omega and Crystal Wing good (even though both have some Form of Weakness like every Synchro is supposed to have by Konamis Standards)
They made PSY-Frames good for the sake of supporting Psychic Synchros, but the later Support they got is underwhelming and the Deck still relies on the Opponent.
irrelevant tiddy monster
Skills are better by the sole account that we know the opponents will always use them since they only happen once. Action Cards could be used by anybody multiple times and that's not even the real problem, the thing was Yuya would always spam them and the opponent would rarely use them as much as him especially as the series went on
The point is: Aki was actually plot relevant for a full arc. Kotori was NEVER prominent in the narrative as anything more than an Anzu-esque cheerleader. Hell, she actually had less duels than even Anzu as well.
>More than Aki
>Maybe at first but then became even less than Kotori and Anzu because she never dueled or had screentime
The difference is of course that Aki actually dueled and even if she had no real role in the story anymore (as if anybody other than Yusei did past the Dark Signers), she was still actually part of the team.
I still think the way action cards were handled in Sora vs Shun (and Yuya/Sawatari II to some degree) was the best method of handling them and made a good case for what they could be if the writing staff gave a fuck.