Nature's Cruellest Mistake

>be lesbian Jon Lovitz
>turbo-kike municipal politician in Oakland
>Tucker disgust 200.0%
seriously a fucking shawl with rainbow stars of david? was it focus-grouped to be the most pozzed thing ever?

Other urls found in this thread:

(((Liberals))) are like real life cartoon characters. This is like a mini-boss in a video game.

Jews are truly to the most degenerate. They both push and practice full scale degeneracy. Truly disgusting. No wonder the history of the Jewish people is full of pain and suffering. They deserve every bit they receive.

What in Christ is that

lel and here I was starting to get bored with normie bs on tucker

I'll have to find this one

a wild jewfaggot appears

>I'll have to find this one

First post after OP

I only watch them in full-episode format.

Video here.

>I only watch them in full-episode format.

Best way to watch it!

OP is a faggot that can't even post vid
and yes, this is an obvious ridiculous stage

Too bad JewTube is so Jewish about it these days. It's not like back when if I wanted to watch Max Keiser then RT had a whole channel where I could watch any episode for free.

Maybe even see some of those wild and crazy Russian ads.

This is one sick never ending ride. A rogue state with tens of millions of foreign invaders, punishing it's citizens for upholding the law. This is blatant treason/subversion.

>This is blatant treason/subversion.
Not only that but there is literally zero forces within government or otherwise that can or are willing to do anything about it.

>Too bad JewTube is so Jewish about it these days. It's not like back when if I wanted to watch Max Keiser then RT had a whole channel where I could watch any episode for free.
>Maybe even see some of those wild and crazy Russian ads.

Hooktube is your friend:

What ever happened to nordbot anyway? I offered to send him jewgolds but he said he was really just doing it for hotpockets.


Why, why the fuck do they make it so fucking easy to hate them? Of course that turbo dyke was a kike.

She needs a shave and a haircut.

Is this Tucker's subtle try at easing viewers into the JQ?

Exactly, and sooner rather than later it's all gonna rear its ugly head. I can't believe the complicit nature of this whole situation. 2018 is gonna be one hell of a ride, and it's only just begun.

Time to stock up on guns and ammo.

It's a living breathing A. Wyatt Mann caricature.

Was woman? No. Was attracted


this 100%


I don't know...

>lesbian Jon Lovitz
And people give Canadians shit on here. Fucking hilarious.

cityvania 2: schumer's revenge

>¡¡¡Xavier Becerra!!!

>refused shekels
We didn't deserve such a saint.

>tech literacy of normies slowly increases
>become aware of social media alternatives
>seed a few results and recommendations
Good plan but it should be more subtle.

> that was a girl

>shareblue troll detected

I love how you anti trump shills are so easy to spot now. Keep trying to sew discord amongst us and we laugh as you fail miserably.

Also on a side note to all polacks, if you see any poster use terms like “boomer” or “faggot” they are trying to demoralize you. They will also use anti Semitic slurs like “kike” or “Jew”

This is a divide and conquer tactic they like to use to keep us disoriented and cause in fighting. Don’t fall for th shareblue tactics!!!


gas yourself