What's pol's opinion on Jordan Peterson

I've seen most of his youtube stuff and while I agree with some of his views his lectures are absolute shyte and make me distrust him

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Refuses to name the Jew, so...

Fence sitting cuck, shekel loving kike loving traitor to the white race. He isn't gas chamber material but he's pushing it.

probably will kill himself becaeuse hes a fucking leaf and lives in leaf political world

he's just another spineless intellectual
there's an interview he does with camille paglia (who is brilliant, despite being a crazed lefty) and you can see he only feels cofortable approaching certain ideas becaue she does first, thus making it okay because she is a woman
write down the books hes read and move on, he's got too much of a little cult going and thats not good for anyone

That's not how politics work, you absolute fucking idiots.

The left's goal has remained the same for decades, did they just go around at first screaming 'get rid of white people'? Of course not.

The black militants of the 60s did.

thanks guys

>what are hegelian dialectics?
for close to a century the left has hidden its extremism in plain sight and FORCED the rest of the world to bow to it's way without firing a single shot
you personally do not have to "name the jew" but i guarantee you the left does not see it as so repulsive to mingle with the outspoke unsavory ends of their wing of the spectrum

tl;dr grow up

He has a lot of good stuff to say. But his focus is different from pol's.

Peterson is like Sargon of akkad. He is liberal individualist, aka a dumb person. His arguments are more complex, meaning he is trying to confuse the issue with centrism, jungian archtypes, and fallacious analogies. Underneath his facade he is dumb and insecure person who has the intelligence to avoid "cotcha"-questions and swing back some of his own fallacies.

But he knows he has limited his intellectual capacity within an individual ideology, and this limits him intellectually.

He is trying to view history, politics, social interaction and psychology through individualism and sets himself to be factually wrong.

Its true that he dominates low hanging fruits like lbgt-activist, feminist, and other liberals. That has nothing to do with red pill. Every Sup Forumsack could do the same.

The biggest hypocricy Peterson has is his refusal to interact with the jewish question. This makes him intellectually dishonest. When he talks about the motivations of Hitler he gives fallacious psychoanalyzations where he is trying to pinpoint charecter flaws, yet never talks about the things jews did to germans, ukranians, russians, or to the hungarians. In his mind Hitler hated jews because hitlers own incecurity and not the child prostitution that the jews put german children go through.

The hate for him on this board has led me to pull back from all the alt-right nonsense

you tumblr tranny faggots keep trying to may may /ourguy/ JBP out of our hearts
He must really dilate your fuckwounds, doesn't he?
I'll start screenshotting your obvious shitty b8 while you clean your rooms, faggots

anyone invited on MSM is 100% a bought out shill with 90% bullshit opinions and lies. otherwise they wouldn't be granted an audience

are you low iq?

he is the only one with a clinically tested IQ north of 160 talking about these things

Wants white people (because they're the only ones that listen to him) to be individuals, while non-whites and immigrants collectivise and accumulate wealth in their own communities.

I'd love for him to take to the streets of London while he's here and tell the Indians and Pakis that walk an extra mile to go to a Hindu/Muslim shop to stop being such collectivists.

But he wont, and if he did they wouldn't listen anyway.

In this thread we are discussing human beings, not non humans.

He's a classic Liberal so in today's environment he's literally a Hitler.

He's a charlatan. He goes on with his Jungian mysticist bullshit about archetypes and then either doesn't realize or care that he has cast himself as an archetype yet refuses to take on the responsibilities of the role, namely the undaunted investigation and evangelism of the truth as it is, rather than how certain (((segments))) of society want it to be understood. I can't take a man like that seriously. The Jewish Question was good enough for Cicero, it was good enough for Kant, it was good enough for Thomas Edison and Henry Ford and Walt Disney, and countless other seminal thinkers and historical figures. But it's not good enough for Jordan Peterson because what? He's on some secret mission that doesn't involve a dispassionate parsing of reality?

But I did enjoy him shitting on that feminist.

Shills in overdrive. Happening coming soon. Shill waves are sometimes followed by a major happening. The memo will be released soon

Is his Bible series worth spending thirty hours on?


His avoidance or self denial of the JQ isn't the biggest problem that I have with him. His antiquated individualism that he sticks to in every damn area is stupid. In one of his videos he says that (paraphrasing) "People are not really individuals unto themselves. They're a collection of ghosts and echoes of the people around them and the people they've met and been influenced by." Then he goes on twitter and basically tells people that being proud of the things other people like you have done (i.e: your family, community, nation, race) is for losers. Because of this his idea of "rebuilding western civilization" is like assembling a car with an adjustable wrench and a screwdriver. Sure you could probably do it, but it's fucking retarded. People need emotion to drive them and what better emotions than respect for what your people have given you and the desire to add to that? He just doesn't get it. I guess he comes from a family of pencil pushers.

i want to like him but he cant see the forest for the trees. He doesn't want to get to the root of the problem of who and why communism is being pushed in the west. He's more interested in treating symptoms which is a classic way to monetize things. Does he have blinders on or is he insincere? I think its the latter. Classic boomerist that can't resist his programming. Maintaining the status quo is just a slower form of failure. Cultural Marxism has to be destroyed and white nationalism is what the doctor ordered

>he's giving hope to young men
that bitch literally asked how his right to free speech trumps a transgender's right not to be offended

I kind of find it hard to believe that a guy who has read Solzhenitsyn, Dostoyevsky and spent 20+ years researching WWII and communism would not be clued in on (((them.))) So we're left with two options.

1.) He realizes naming the jew is career suicide and doesn't do it because he doesn't realize how late it the game it is. Or...
2.) He's a traitor/charlatan/controlled opposition.

Though I like him, I lean toward charlatan.


>white nationalism rising
>"oy vey!"
>"i know. lets push this individualist goy to break up their collectivist momentum"
>"good idea shlomo"

That's why he gets on MSM.

those sum fake stats nigger

take your meds faggot

He is not Sup Forums, obviously. Nevertheless he attacks cultural marxism and has become very popular doing so. He is shifting the overton window to the right, just not as much to the right as I would like to.

Good that he exists, we have some common interests.

You go to jail for that here

I watched first 5 minutes but left with a good laugh.

He said thank you to everyone for the Patreon donations for making it all possible.
Then he goes on to say all the tickets he sold for people to watch the bible lecture actually turned a profit!!! Lol hes such a crypto-kike

This. The man is obsessed with the psyche, not with insane political and socio-economic ideology.

No you dont you stupid reddit nigger

>NazBol flag
>can't check listed sources
>doesn't know jews used communism to create the perfect hosts for their parasitic ways.

You are the dumbest person I've replied to on Sup Forums. Sit down and think about that a minute.

My opinion is fuck off with the E-Celeb posts.

Ernst Zundel case you fucking new faggot look it up

Hardly an e-celeb, you kind of lose that status when you teach at Harvard.

thats why they never accomplished anything politically
the democrats won several presidential elections based on low-key racism

Sounds like OP needs to clean his room more


Alt right is cancer as is Nazism, same as leftism and Communism. People on this board are irritants for the disease and rationale, reason and logic are the cure.

All sides hate JBP for the same reason that high IQ people don't rule the world. There's too much power in the mob of brainlets.

Thanks for 2 (You)s
> hurr nufags dont know about a literally who case Sup Forums has never mentioned prior
why so aggressive user? You better be careful calling people naughty words on the internet since we only have "freedom of speech within reason"

>they wouldn't listen anyways

Carry that thought a little further.

>All sides hate JBP for the same reason that high IQ people don't rule the world
Juden Peterstein fans everyone...

To all the shills on this board: sincerely, kill yourself. You are a brain-dead idiot being used.

To the people who genuinely take issue with Jordan Peterson because he refuses to outright name the Jew: are you really this fucking retarded? Or are you so autistic that you genuinely don’t understand how to talk to normies?
You just can’t do that yet without totally being destroyed in the public sphere and losing total credibility with the mainstream along with your potential to influence a larger audience. What he does instead is show you what the Jews are doing and explains their subversion of culture. He is waking up the young and lost men in our society and reminding them that they are capable, that they can accomplish things and that things matter. That they should live a good and moral life. He breaks the relativist bullshit that plagues our culture. How can you take issue with that?

This. Stop tip toeing around the JQ.

>about a literally who
you shut your whore mouth. Ernst Xundel is one of the most based men to fight for our cause. RIP to the big guy

If you want a halfway decent psycho-analysis of the bible, yea.

I didn't want that, but it was interesting to hear a thoughtful opinion on the matter. Love him or not, he has been an academic for 30+ years, the guy has gathered insight.

WHAT THE FUCK IS "pol"???????

Huh? huh? HUH? HUH????

>only coherent response in this thread

You work for the BBC? Please compare and contrast your criticisms. Is that what he said or an interpretation?

>Alt right is cancer
Agreed. It's a straight up clusterfuck.
>reason and logic are the cure.
You're not going to be able to reason with hysterical leftists. Get that shit out of your head. The people who rely on reason and logic have no real power to resist the decline of the west because they don't stir emotion enough.

Exactly. Brown people can't into reason and logic of white society thus Alt Right. A simple problem with a simple solution. All it took was admitting that Evolution is real. Race is real.

Honestly a pretty weird guy.

If you look at his old videos, he looked and acted like a totally different person. He used to be a bit heavier. had a beard, a receding hairline, and actually acted like a normal guy.

Somehow, he did a big makeover and got hairplugs, became bone skinny, and started acting...like the caricature of a manic 1960's "intellectual" or whatever. Not really sure what his deal it, like he is putting on a big theater performance or whatever.

Like, yeah okay he says some okay and slightly interesting things sometimes, but I just find his demeanor and wishy-washy attitude to be very strange. I feel like he is hiding something. There is something weird going on here, and I can feel it.

Ok lets break down his view on the JQ
-Jews are susccessful because of high IQ and not nepotism and usury... also lets forget nigger IQ
-white collectivism is evil... even tho everyone else is doing it

Fuck off with your stupid conspiracy faggot.

I want shills to leave.

My only issue with Peterson is he doesn't believe in the resurrection. God bless him but he needs to sort that out. Sup Forums is full of ideologues who will cutt off anyone who doesn't agree with them 100%. So someone who says patriarchy is important, west is best, and truth is the purest ideaology itself, is worth nothing to Sup Forums if he's not a full-on 1488 natsoc

Is Heiko Maas the Eichmann incarnate?

What board do you think we're at retard

We're on Sup Forums, newfriend

hes very intelligent and has great advice for men, especially young western men

unfortunately, since he does not go around saying gas the kikes race war now, Sup Forums hates him which is tragic because the type of men on Sup Forums are exactly the type he is trying to help

>career suicide

It's games within games nigger thats the trick of the jew. We all know, JBP included, how the game works but they've rigged this shit for so goddamn long that your walking on hair pins to divulge the truth to the people.

I applaud JBP for this. He knows what the fuck is up but he also knows all the hoops to jump through to get people to see the compressed files he has in his head. Retards waving nazi flags don't work, and obviously they didn't work in the past before. You have to be remarkably smart in this game.

Frankly, he will probably die before we see any progress in furthering the cause, but I'll take progress where I can get it at this point.

That’s because the left figured out how to control acceptable speech, you dolt. The other guy was right, it’s a gradual progression over time as they move the window of acceptable words and ideas further and further to the left while claiming anyone who disagrees with their message as a pariah (you racist, anti-Semite, misyognyst, islamiphobe, homophobe, etc.) and then enforcing their new acceptable speech by rabidly attacking the offender until they are fired and ruined. They made sure there would be no dissent because anyone who disagrees with the message will be publicly shamed and destroyed. So then the next generation just accepts it because they don’t know any better and anyone who says otherwise is an old-fashioned racist who should be ignored because we know better.

Great pepe
Great clip
Keep your room clean

I used to respect him, but his approach to criticizing SJWs and Trannies is rather unscholarly and low effort.

If he and Judith Butler had a debate, she'd destroy him. She may be full of shit herself, but she knows her bullshit very well.

Just another status quo cuckservative with liberal and Jew loving tendencies



He's the definition of controlled opposition ,only whites should be individualists

1. No.
2. I'm tired but the gist of what I was trying to say is he is stuck in a mindset that has been reduced to the level of being preyed upon. (Individualism) He wants to rebuild the west with that mindset instead of national or racial pride/love which is the cornerstone of the west and influences it most heavily. He's relying on a broken tool and ignoring the one that's a little rusted and beat up, but is completely function and fits the need.
3. As close as I could get to verbatim, I can't remember what video it was in, but probably one of his videos on Jung. Too tired to look it up.

Holy shit this thread is filled with shills of different types its absolutely no wonder this board has went to shit.

Lefty cucks and alt-right faggots just need to fucking leave already. You've served your purpose in creating memes, but now you're done. Go be gay elsewhere and take all your shit threads, all your e-celeb threads, and all your shilling back to plebbit or where ever the fuck you all came from. That and maybe clean your room, sort yourselves out, and stop being massive cheeto eating faggots. Sage.

Who said anything about reasoning with leftist?

Reason with the impotent, reason with the impassionate, reason with the people that have nothing to lose.

>JBP's main fucking audience: losers and good europeans/white americans that want those losers to stand up.

That may be hyperbole, but again, I'll take progress where I can get it. This will be a slow, painful fight.

Consider this: why bring the "good" "honest" "hardworking" refugees to our already prosperous countries? Why don't the progressives go to where they are and help them build their culture and people?

Just a thought I've been rattlinng around.

You sound like a liberal bitching about wrong think

>Consider this: why bring the "good" "honest" "hardworking" refugees to our already prosperous countries? Why don't the progressives go to where they are and help them build their culture and people?
>Just a thought I've been rattlinng around.

That's an easy one. They can vote and feel like they made a difference instead of actually doing hard work or risking their life. Also virtue signalling.

I liked his 10$ personality test.

He is navigating the realm of acceptable speech so that he can still have a large audience while pushing the boundaries of that acceptability.
Here is a race of people that is smart and work together so that the group is successful. No, you aren’t allowed to do that also. Does that sound fair?

Do you really think that his audience can’t put that together to take it to the next step? Isn’t that exactly why white people are starting to wake up? That exact bullshit? And here is pointing it out.
Also, this is a man who has put his career at risk fighting for free speech because he understands how important it is to be able to call things what they are and be honest. Do you not think he knows what you can and cannot say without destroying yourself publicly? He picks his words very carefully.
Also, this is a man who has thoroughly studied the Soviet Union and the factors that led to it and warns that we are on a similar path. How can you think that he doesn’t see the hypocrisy here and the dangers of it?

Fair enough, I won't push.

The reality is that too many people are wary of racial pride/love. I mean that in all aspects, as a matter of fact. White or otherwise.

You know what I love? A nigger that loves other niggers above all else. A nip that prefers nips, a kike that loves kikes. a mudlsime with pride for their country. It's the vermin that creep away when the fire gets too hot, they are the problem. As always, the weak and stupid ruin the good.

Either way, I choose to believe JBP is not a charlatan but that he is just carefully treading the waters. You cannot stomp through a swamp and expect to get to the other side in one piece. Give it time, be smart, and don't lose faith. We'll get there. I don't legitimately believe he's a full on white supremacist, but I do think he is on the side of seperation and furthermore, segregation from degen insanity.

Like I've said, it's a rigged game, and to win you have to be smart, patient, most of all, controlled by yourself. He teaches individual power, and very quietly individual power for specific groups. It's all so subtle.

Yea, but what will they say on MSM?

I like him

too tired for such a long winded question, im goin to bed

>High IQ ashkenazi jews rule the world
>HA jokes on you!
Good to see der Juden prancing about a leaf. How's that gay pride working out for you, berg?

Peterson is woke af desu

>shareblue troll detected

I love how you anti trump shills are so easy to spot now. Keep trying to sew discord amongst us and we laugh as you fail miserably.

Also on a side note to all polacks, if you see any poster use terms like “boomer” or “faggot” they are trying to demoralize you. They will also use anti Semitic slurs like “kike” or “Jew”

This is a divide and conquer tactic they like to use to keep us disoriented and cause in fighting. Don’t fall for shareblue tactics!!!


aging population and GDP so we needs dem doctors and engineers


He just changed his diet 2-3 years ago, it's something close to paleo now. Says that it gives him much more energy, also lost weight as a result.

Alt-right Nazis don't know when to leave, they're just shills with only the goal to make us look bad

all your questions are retarded kys mutt

>my surprise

The right needs to learn how to speak and think emotionally to get any real traction. Damn shame that we're all autists on this board.
>slow, painful fight
Probably, but maybe not.
>why bring refugees
They're here to drag us down to their level and destroy us. Progressives are just a suicide cult excited for their own doom. This is all to ensure jewish dominance and create the perfect cattle for them. Communism/Islam will be their system of total control.

Jim hates him so i will too

just tells you things you could learn yourself if you read some self help books and sells personality tests you can do for free on the internet for $10. I don't blame him i blame the people that buy his shit.


Their countries also need doctors and eng. On top of the aging population (don't let msm fool you). Why are we taking away precious human resource from these places that need it the most? Why can't we go there to help them?
>An overflowing cup MUST fill another (goy will love that)

I think people on here also forget that changing opinions is a process and it’s important to have stepping stones

Says the liberal bitching about wrong think.

Honestly, check post id but I'd call someone a kike or a jew and really don't care for the bunch.

>but this is bait anyways.

He's a faggot with stupid opinions. Some may be right and some may be wrong. But this board needs to stop obsessing over him and other faggots and their stupid opinions.