OMG you guys HAVE to read this memo

>OMG you guys HAVE to read this memo
>Seriously, it's wild. The American people MUST know!!!!
>Oh, well no, I will not release it. Nor will any GOP congressman
>But seriously you guys just have to read this stuff. It's explosive. Way worse than watergate
>Lol, no I won't share it
>You guys gotta read it tho

i'm tired of governnments having any secrets at all frankly. i get that is essential that the government have some provacy to do some things... but at the same, they took our privacy so. fuck em. and fuck the system. no more secrets

It will amount to picrelated as the orchestrated demoralization campaign LARPs on.

I got my hopes up last night with all the congressmen tweeting. Not doing that again. Everyone in power is a neoliberal/neocon playing for the same team

>leaking classified info
He's not a Democrat. It's much better to go through the proper channels and have all of the classified stuff redacted before release.

So you're saying it will be fucking nothing. Again.

Nunes makes the worst stunts. Remember when he went to tell the WH something they told him the day before? He's probably sweating bullets thanks to Mueller.

>Not doing that again. Everyone in power is a neoliberal/neocon playing for the same team
Everything you meantioned happens "under the dome" of the (((System))) so it's comepletely irrelevant to the (((Systems))) presence itself.

If Trump doesn't go full super saiyan at some point and reveals and explains this (((shit show))) to the common man, then he never was /ourguy/ in the first place.
When the Zuckerberg takes office in 2024 and doesn't turn out to be the next literal Hitler in disguise, then... well, then it's really over.
Nothing short of a cosmic calamity could turn this ship around by then.

You people are so predictable it's sad.

>secretly Hitler