So why exactly did the government shut down?

So why exactly did the government shut down?

Other urls found in this thread:

Middle aged adults reverted back to their adolescence and decide to sink the ship because neither were allowed to paint it the color they wanted.


Boomers are seriously retarded, they are taking too long to die.

Democrats wanted a bunch of Illegal aliens to be able to grow up to be Democrat voters and alter the system through importing votes.
They got so mad that the Republicans didn't go along with it they didn't do the scheduled spending bill. And since there is no spending bill the government shut down.
Democrats: We want all the illegal immigrant Children to be made into citizens
Republicans: We did that before, it didn't solve anything. We are done with this scheme
Democrats: Fine we are shutting the government down. Illegal aliens will become our voters or we will sabatoge the nation.

This 100%

So between this and their whole pussy-footing around DACA, what do the dems really hope to accomplish with these tantrums?

Republicans are so incompetent that they can't pass a bill even while control literally every branch of the government.

You'll always answer to us

Your country can't fix its spending, so instead it routinely fakes a 'crisis' and then increases its own credit limit.

It's been doing it for years, becuase NIGGERS CANT BUDGET.

Trump will prob fix this in his first term, cos hes a legend.

Wasn’t there 12 republicans that voted against? And 6 democrats voted for?

That’s a bit lame.

I don’t really understand this whole business so a concise education would be nice from a non-hysterical burger. Also: what’s filibustering?