So why exactly did the government shut down?

So why exactly did the government shut down?

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Middle aged adults reverted back to their adolescence and decide to sink the ship because neither were allowed to paint it the color they wanted.


Boomers are seriously retarded, they are taking too long to die.

Democrats wanted a bunch of Illegal aliens to be able to grow up to be Democrat voters and alter the system through importing votes.
They got so mad that the Republicans didn't go along with it they didn't do the scheduled spending bill. And since there is no spending bill the government shut down.
Democrats: We want all the illegal immigrant Children to be made into citizens
Republicans: We did that before, it didn't solve anything. We are done with this scheme
Democrats: Fine we are shutting the government down. Illegal aliens will become our voters or we will sabatoge the nation.

This 100%

So between this and their whole pussy-footing around DACA, what do the dems really hope to accomplish with these tantrums?

Republicans are so incompetent that they can't pass a bill even while control literally every branch of the government.

You'll always answer to us

Your country can't fix its spending, so instead it routinely fakes a 'crisis' and then increases its own credit limit.

It's been doing it for years, becuase NIGGERS CANT BUDGET.

Trump will prob fix this in his first term, cos hes a legend.

Wasn’t there 12 republicans that voted against? And 6 democrats voted for?

That’s a bit lame.

I don’t really understand this whole business so a concise education would be nice from a non-hysterical burger. Also: what’s filibustering?

Republicans had 51 votes. McConnell voted no as a procedural measure. The bill did not pass because of a DEMOCRAT filibuster.

>what’s filibustering?
Shitposting irl.

4 republicans voted against including majority leader McConnell as a procedural measure and rand paul because he's fucking rand paul

Trump being retarded.

Dems: Make illegal beaner kids legal so they will bring their parents here and we get those votes.

Reo: No. That is grossly incompetent. Doesn't work. And is detrimental to society.

Dems: Then the USA can get fucked. We will block all funding because we can, but you will get blamed for having the majority. *rubs jew hands like a pack of multicolored rats*

>we're going to fuck over the country

they're helping Trump pay for his tax cuts by not paying for a bunch of bullshit that doesn't matter and should be abolished or devolved.

this is win-win for the right and lose-lose for leftists.

Trump should leave DC and go on a three year golf trip (on his own dime, now)

yes trump is the one who wants to shut down the government to get his wish to help[ people who shouldn't even be in the country

>Dems failing to vote for a budget because their illegal votes were threatened

Trump doesn't work in congress sweety

it realized it was worthless

The Democrats can only win through minority votes and turning America non-white.

They are nothing but women, non whites, and Jews.

Remember how Obama had a super majority in both houses? Good thing he got Gitmo closed down and delivered on all those other campaign promises, huh faggot?

Wizards are reality bending.

Cuckservatives want to deport young adult who got brought here as literal children. They have no knowledge of their original country whatsoever and had no choice in coming here, but the right's motto is "all lives matter unless you're a dirty shitskin", so kicking them out and forcing them to live in an unknown country is the obvious solution. Dems want to keep them because the only home they know is [spoiler]shithole[/spoiler] America. They can't agree so government shuts down

this is not how the government works, you stupid fucking pleb. Regardless of a majority, the entire government cannot be rendered into a dictatorship. Also, "we" are not answering to "you", we are answering to the process that's required to make the government function not as a dictatorship, with checks & balances.

leftists really are mentally ill

So in other words, the Right is right as their name would suggest.

>what’s filibustering?
delaying political stuff on purpose
passive aggressive politics

The majority of Americans want daca. The majority of Americans also don't want daca attached to this funding bill. It's two separate issues.

>The majority of Americans want daca.
No, they don't.

Ok, the majority of united states americans

no country in the world allows illegal aliens to squat on their land, then leave their alien children to be taken care of by the government, let alone be allowed to participate in it's sacred institutions.

All leftists confuse their own charity with other people's money, and their own home with other people's property. They use this "charity" as a weapon, and threaten others with it - really makes you think doesn't it, really salts those almonds

No they don't, people don't even want anchor babies here why the fuck would they want people who couldn't even take advantage of the loophole.

Most Americans don't want anyone who isn't a child of a citizen to become one

KIKES of course
Tying to force illegals to stay
Happy to fuck over ordanary Americans to protect illegals
Open your borders goy

Because we're broke. too many years supporting Israel, Mexicans and niggers I guess.
We posted the USA on craigslist if anyone wants to buy it cheap.
All we can do is fire sale this bitch now.

You need 60 votes to pass a bill you dumb niggee

they cant pay for the 30% of illegals on welfare or in hud housing. they cant afford a wall. daca will not solve a budgetary problem. the tax cuts literally decreased federal revenue

all they can do is try to wait it out. if america gets to much national debt in any 1 quarter they will see negative gdp growth. its where national debt matters even if you think the total isnt important. national debt incurred quarterly decreases gdp growth. we have a fiat currency and they tend to mass produce bills despite not even being used by many nations to conduct business internationally anymore.

another country got added to the list recently. pakistan. while it may not be the strongest its another not holding american dollars to buy shit. when they offloaded their reserves of the currency it caused a mini version of what happened with china and russia and others doing the same. at the worst time for america

>So why exactly did the government shut down?

Democrats are dragging their feet on the budget, to try to make republicans look bad.

It's a victory for Trump. He wants publicity, we'll give him publicity

All of this for fucking spics. Goddamned cockroach subspecies that can only breed and bloat like balloons.

is it just me or does this thread need to turned into a narnner thread now?

This, how much more limp dicked can the right even get

He did blame Obama for the 2013 shutdown though

He didn't only blame Obama but said it was "the president" fault and responsability

because fucking low-life DemonicRats care more about illegal aliens then they do about the citizens they are 'suppose' to represent.

Never Vote Democrat Again!

>no knowledge
>Facebook pics stating ‘oh yeah, I’m undocumented’
>no knowledge
Just admit you have no problem with breaking the law

Chuck Schumer needs to have his diaper changed. It takes at least a week.

You need 51 votes to pass. You only need 60 votes to make it filibuster proof. Dumb fuck.

War on terror and housing-banking crisis actually.

you're wrong you stupid Cunt. You need 51 votes to pass under Reconciliation. The Government can use Reconciliation ONCE a year, and it was already used to pass the 2018 Tax Cuts...Maybe you should read up on how our government works before spouting off.....

Because amerifats can’t do anything right.

So this is what we are down to.
Entire parties just opting to go for the worst possible solution over actually doing their job
"We have a budget to pass. An actual budget. It should have been passed in October. But here it is February and we are using continuing resolutions instead. Let's make this about illegal immigration!"

God damn I hope this country falls into chaos for a while. We need to fix our shit.

The lights would turn off for a week, and when they come back on President Trump would announce to every single one of the 260 million proud American citizens standing when that happens that our country is officially great again.

are you saying we should have kept nuking you?


That bill was passed in 2017

Fiscal Year


Because, we are 21 Trillion in debt, due to the fact that any interest paid for loans, etc goes to a private cartel of banks, rather than the treasury.
We practice crony capitalism, which is not governed by the free market but a few powerful international corporations. Right now, a private banking cartel creates the US currency digitally out of thin air as debt and then charges the citizens of the US compounding interest on said created currency. Greatest. Scam. Ever. It is no coincidence that the FED and the IRS were both created in 1913. If they can’t get you with lending/interest, they will get you with taxes.

"appropriations are normally handled via reconciliation, which allows the majority party to pass them with only 51 votes. This year, however, Republicans decided to use the 2017 reconciliation bill for repealing Obamacare and the 2018 reconciliation bill for passing their tax bill. So there’s nothing left, and that means they need 60 votes in the Senate"

So even with a majority in both houses, Trump can't even lead his own party to get them to vote for their own bills?

>The majority of Americans also don't want daca attached to this funding bill. It's two separate issues.

They should live in a country with a functional democracy where issues like this can't be attached to a simple budget approvals process, then.

>MFW everything begins falling the fuck apart.

because democrats are niggers and they are losing so they want everyone else to literally die.