I am just reminding you that these parts belong to Finland

I am just reminding you that these parts belong to Finland.

Other urls found in this thread:


>almost entirely uninhabited frozen wastelands
fine, take them


*annexes those parts*

uh-uh sweetie

You can live even tho it´s cold outside. That´s not worse than your foggy island.

Russia will fall because Putin is a bad leader. Russia has a economy smaller than Italy.

>hungary belongs to finland

Not Finlands, Not Swedens, Not Norway, MINE.

A wild tundra nigger appears

finland already raped by muslims like sweden



Finland hasn´t been hit as badly. Kebab can still be removed.

Which one belongs to Trump. The moon? He should go back there

Silence you bloody Forestmongol!

>these parts belong to Finland

North and south pole sound like a good place to move all amerimutts.

just a reminding you were you belong

It doesn't matter, like the foggy island, we have nukes. No one wouldn't want to mess with a country having nukes.

Sweden use to be strong. Now one finnsh battalion could invade you.

I am so sorry you had to see this

Even Putin isn´t dumb enough to use nukes. Russia would be wiped of the map in hours if the nuked Finland.

And also with your corrupt poor country we could rot you from the inside.


>Tons of trees
>Tons of natural ressources
>Even oil and rare minerals
>Beautiful landscapes
>The only problem is the cold

It could become the white man's dream desu
But a significant temperature increase would transform most of the land into swamps, and mosquitoes would thrive.
Just adapt to the cold.

Keep dreaming

>uninhabited frozen wastelands
Isn't that ideal?

>Tons of trees
>Tons of natural ressources
>Even oil and rare minerals
Nowhere near enough to be worth extracting
>The only problem is the cold
Yes, cold IS a problem.

>I don't know what I'm talking about : the post :DDDD

>Tons of natural ressources

pic related

>Trees are worthless

Think again rat

250 people is enough to get to millions but it takes time.

>Even oil and rare minerals
>Nowhere near enough to be worth extracting

Is that why they have among the largest oil/gas reserves in the world

again pic related

>Tons of trees


I know you balts hate Russia, but please stop spreading bullshit, you're contributing to your reputation of being rapebabies

r u sure about that, nigga? Yamal Nenets Autonomous District of Russia is literally fucking gold mine in terms of oil, forest and gas

Those parts belong to the Komi Republic.

There also is natural gas pockets under my country but nobody is even bothering to extract. Why? Because it is not worth it, that's why. YOU don't know what you're talking about, same as OP: "minor relations = Finland!"

see : I guess you're right and no oil/gas is extracted there unlike what is shown on the map, amirite ?

That´s because latvia doesn´t have strong men these days. Finland still has plenty and hard times will harden us.

>There also is natural gas pockets under my country but nobody is even bothering to extract
thats because your country is nigger tier , and your people is historically usless without russian, polish and german master in a charge

Most of their gas comes from conglomerate owned parts of Russia, while the tundras are still unonhabited. They are not extracting from minor locations, probably never will.

friendly reminder Grand Duchy of Finland belongs to Russia
Russia is after all a mix of Finnic and Slavic tribes

>250 people identify as līvi because of language
Livonians are extinct aleady, and they have never identified with you either.

Remove sauna.

They aren´t extinct.


>"let me tell you about your country"

And you have looked at every square meter in Latvia?

You are worst finn. you are the finn idiot you are the finn smell. return to Mongolia.

I have looked at the ethnic and demographic makeup of my country. The last Livonian died years ago an old woman. The self proclaimed līvi of today are hipsters wo decided to pretend to study a language that has already died.

"Russia’s natural gas production by region in 2013 (region: billion cubic feet per day): A) West Siberia: 57.7; B) Yamalo-Nenets: 53.7; C) Khanti-Mansiisk: 3.5; D) Tomsk: 0.5; E) East Siberia and the Far East: 3.4; ) Sakhalin: 2.7; ) Irkutsk: 0.3; ) Krasnoyarsk: 0.3; ) Yakutsk: 0.2; F) Urals-Volga: 3.1; G) Orenburg: 1.5; H) Astrakhan: 1.0; I) Others: 0.7; J) Komi Republic: 0.3; K) North Caucasus: 0.1. Total: 64.6. [Source: Eastern Bloc Research, CIS and East European Energy Databook 2014, Table 34, p. 14]"

>B) Yamalo-Nenets: 53.7

So about half of the russian natural gas production comes from regions highlighted in the map ?

>b-b-but it's too hard to extract

Russia's oil production by region in 2013 (region, thousand barrels per day): A) Western Siberia: 6,422; B) Urals-Volga: 2,310; C) Krasnoyarsk: 426; D) Sakhalin: 277; E) Arkhangelsk: 269; F) Komi Republic: 257; G) Irkutsk: 227; H) Yakutiya: 149; I) North Caucasus: 62; J) Kaliningrad: 26. Total: 10,425. [Source: Source: Eastern Bloc Research, CIS and East European Energy Databook 2014, Table 6 (2014), p. 2. ~]

>A) Western Siberia: 6,422

So some oil producing regions are in the highlighted areas, meaning that it's way more than enough for a small white population

Pull that stick out of your ass.

better play with some dna and revive the livonians in secret lol

>t. rapebaby

>no I disagree and here are my sources
Powerful post my friend

Keep LARPing all you want,but they are dead already, and within some time we will follow. First the Prussians, then the irrelevant minorities here, and then us. Your time will come too: the question is how - by insufficent birth rates or mass displacement? We'll see.
And Līvi have never had aly allegiance to outisde groups as far as hisory goes. During the Soviet occupation they were not against us, unlike you. Does that tell you aything?

Finland is a non-country.

Try it, north asian

It only takes 2 people remember...

Russia will collapse under Putin.

>a coffin for three
It is just a PR thing.
Read less ancient fairytales. The only thing that would do is create inbreds - just look at the middle east.

Maybe it will, but before we take Malorossiya, Belorossia, Poland, and Finland until Aland back to Holy Russian Empire, and no one could stop us, bitch.

>implying today Brits can handle those temperatures

Also this

>Read less ancient fairytales
Not everything the bible is complete shit.

You can´t take Ukraine with your economy size smaller than Italy.

Why we need in big economy finn? We're buying everything we need in China, even EU still trading with us, coz this fags can't live without our gas even with all of their super high technology sun/water/windenergy

>Implying the "fags" (most likely you, keep hiding in that basement) don't want to be annexed/join Russia and dump the Americans

You need a good economy to keep up your army and country. If your economy collapses the goverment goes with it. Then it will be like 1991.

>Wants to leave western degeneracy to join the russian degeneracy

both are equally bad, leaving the ship won't change much when the whole world is collapsing

So that's why you've been insanely blacked and muslimed, what a redpill

>Why we need in big economy

>inb4 they're all from the colonies!!!

We are not going to annex EU, and sorry, a lot of europians are really good people.
But it's terrible when proliberated forces kill russian people in other country (which even don't exist historically). That's why we should to protect our nation

Blacks and muslims are part of the problem, pastanigger, are you being retarded on purpose ?

Ok then join Russia and their 10% muslim population that outbreeds christian Russians, thank god they are a lot so it will take time for mudslims to take over the country but still.
That's exactly what I said, you're just moving to a lesser evil and not fixing the problem.
It's just like taking a bluepill

Tell it to Baltics countries lol. Nukes.

>Saudi Arabia
>spends more than France and the UK
>even though they have no nukes
>even though their army isn't that big
>even though they got rekt by the Houtis and homemade ballistic missiles

What are they spending their money on ?

Remember mutually assured destruction.

You're pretty wrong

Tell us what the redpill is then, since anyways it isn't worth living or keeping our countries and borders as they are now in your opinion

Finland will join NATO and invade you again like last time with nazis.

>You're pretty wrong
get the fuck out of my country abdul

Making nukes costs a lot of money. Maintance isn´t that expensive in comparison. Russia would have no changes to make nukes these days.

It was a very successful operation, right?...

Fuck off you useless shitskin



Really advanced toys for their hilariously incompetent military to mistakenly wipe a cafe off the map thinking it was a Houthi base. What else would they spend it on, actualy military hardware?

Getting rid of the US influence (that's what made Russia so degenerate)
Getting rid of the EU which is the main institution advocating for the white genocide and forcing us to import rapefugees
Enforcing immigration and customs control of the borders

For France :
-Getting rid of the Franc CFA, a colonial money still used in our former african colonies, it's controlled by France and prevents these countries to develop their economy, which, in return, makes them immigrate to France.
-Getting rid of the "regroupement familial" which allows a single sandnigger/nigger in France to bring his whole family for social reasons.
-Getting rid of the "droit du sol" which allows anyone born on the french territory to access french citizenship

that would be a good start

That's why Russia has more than 10k nukes but only 1/10th are active ?

Little penis syndrome, Finland.

Sounds great

Show your flag

It still costs a lot to maintain them but they really don´t need enough nukes to destroy a couple of earths.

Unironically or is it just to meme ?

Unironically, obviously

I'm working in Hong Kong.
Am not from Hong Kong.
Am not Chinese inb4 literal little Penis.

lmao dicklet

How much do you earn ?

Well i'm an entrepreneur so it varies.
But I am here for tax purposes.
If i tell you what i earn it would literally just be oh your larping anyway so what is the point?

Of course you're larping and you're using a VPN

tell anyway

I am just reminding you that these parts belong to Sweden and Russia.

>straight line as a border

Do you think it's the fucking US ?

Haha I'm not using vpn but believe what you want to believe.
I earned about half a million usd but my intention is to sell my business so that is where i see my big pay day coming in.
But what I spend on rent and living expenses I could proabably buy a house in most of provincial france, from just one year.


>But what I spend on rent and living expenses I could proabably buy a house in most of provincial france, from just one year.

How much ?

Only try to take 'em, you mongol.